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Amber Rush Jan 2013
What started off as a simple thought.
Turned into an unsolvable question
I wanted you so bad.
It’s like knowing the poison is going to ****…
But it feels way to good to let it fade
I’m stuck
You got me in deep
How does time always do this to me?
Amber Rush Jan 2013
I've never had that kiss that meant something.
That magical spark.
That bond between two lips becoming one.
Lost in a daydream.
Rolling waves.
A dried up dessert.
A heart that lost its beat.
A smile that's incomplete.
My first kiss meant nothing.
No meaning.
No spark.
It was something I couldn't cherish.
An hour glass that's running out of time.
Hear my crys .
Heal my heart.
Sweep me off my feet.
Searching for my other bond.
Where art thou?
I want to feel alive.
I'm in need of your lips.
Amber Rush Jan 2013
Im trapped in a city not known as home.
The lights aren't nearly as bright.
I can see stars above me shinning in the night sky.
I close my eyes and wish I was home.
The struggles real.
My soul is on fire yearning to be with the ones I love dear.
A single tear slides down my cheek.
I am in a ball of confusion
Lusting for acceptance in this place I call hell.
I think im good enough, but I second guess myself.
The question is: Am I good enough?
No one can ever be enough or have enough.
A glass half empty, is a glass half full.
Life is nothing but a delusion
We set our sights high and shoot for the stars.
We are lost in wanderlust
We all want that sweet escape.

-Amber Rush
Amber Rush Jan 2013
A picture is worth a thousand words.
It is like a girl who is lost in her own beauty.
A memory that feels to far fetched to grab.
It is like a smile on a dark day.
Hate is like a closed fist, as love is like reaching for the stars.
It is like a teddy bear you squeeze tight.
There to look back at.
Capture the moment and make it last.
A picture is like night and day, always there.
A thousand words is nothing compared to a second with you.
Be my picture that lasts forever.

-Amber Rush
Amber Rush Jan 2013
A lot of things are racing through my mind
It's like im lost in a dream and don't know which rabbit hole to choose
Im stuck in this thing called time
The clocks are ticking
I don't know what to do
A nightmare I keep trying to wake up from
Help me!
Help me!
No one hears the pain
A shattered soul
To young
Im dying inside
Let the rose petals drop

-Amber Rush
Amber Rush Jan 2013
A part of me feels out of place
Somewhere lays a missing puzzle piece
I think it got ripped out long ago
The seams are starting to fall apart
I'm not sure where it all went wrong.
Was it the shattered family?
A father who abused his wife
Up and left his family for a new life
Was it the boys who stole my heart?
Hopelessly devoted to you
Was it the three bestfriends that blew me off?
I thought it was us against the world
I'm floating on top, but it feels like im drowning
I am my own missing piece to the puzzle.

-Amber Rush
Amber Rush Jan 2013
She stood across the room
Hair in her face
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
A wallflower blending in amongst the crowd
Time stand still
Different is a term too overused
Lost in a dream
Paralyed bones and torture of the heart
Awaiting for a prince and a new start
A forced smile to hide the truth
Taking that first step is the hardest
Leaving the wall
Stepping into the unimaginable
Her scars light up
That shattered smile heals
She is set free with the wind
Spread your wings and fly.

-Amber Rush

— The End —