It is far easier to love someone all alone than to try to get them to receive it.
It is also much less fulfilling.
I try never to rest, never to retreat into myself
And let the love become more important than the giving of it to the person it's for,
But... I understand people who worship at churches.
They are not always worshiping God.
They are simply loving in the safest way possible.
They are writing love letters
On their pressed palms
To someone who can never, ever read them,
And what a relief it must be to know that.
What a comfort it must be to give love to an idea,
And so never have it handed back to you,
Unused, unwanted,
Like an unopened love letter with the postage still stuck on the envelope.
Yes, this is a serious poem... I just... I couldn't leave the Harry Potter reference out... Once it came to me, it had to be the title. Call it black humor. Or just outright geekiness.