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Amanda Shelton Aug 2023
Like pebbles thrown into the water, we cause ripples in the universe that birthed us.

Upon the beach we are amongst other pebbles that have collided with the shore.

We are weathered and blown, scars are visible and wrinkles are experiences eched into our skin.

On a breath and a heartbeat we came naked into this world, and we leave the same but we leave behind our memories and footprints from our human experience.

Bones and hair are laying below the stones.

We live, grow, and die.

Fair will, until the end.

We will meet again at the gates of the heavenly saints. Amen...

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Aug 2023
Lay my bones down
on the river bank so
I can grow green and brown,
as the seasons change
the ground crumbles and
reveals my name.

Upon the mornings wake
my eyes open wide
as the stars fade
into the current of black.

The night left me
in the beams of morning
so I can shine until
the moon returns.

I am star dust preparing
for my burst,
a rebirth
a recycled soul floating
in space.
Waiting for my returning.

Will I ever leave?
You imagined me,
you are reminded of me
by visiting my passed expressions.

Do we ever delete?
Do we ever leave?
Once you breathe
you become a breath of air
traveling through space.

Like a candle in the window,
I linger for awhile,
my scent is free,
my fire is bright.
I burn within your mind.

I live on through what I write
for I am like a tattoo,
I leave behind
ink smears of experiences.

I am made up of years of
writing and drawing.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Aug 2023
Oh Goosy,
a feathered love letter.

Goosy Goosy, oh where shell
I place my heart?

It's light as a feather floating
around looking for your heart.

Upon the heavenly beams of mornings light it shimmers
soft and white wispy swirling around in gay delight. Honking to each other.

Oh Goosy, where is your fault?

Your lofty warm embrace,
softly touches my blushing face.

Oh Goosy, what shell I do?

No dove or crow will do,
nor a beautiful Swan gazing from the pond. Only you my
Goosy love will ever do.

Two geese lovers embrace
across the pond, feathers
aflutter as they dance
under cover of their
goosy down.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
I have been watching YouTube videos about geese and I came up with this poem.
Amanda Shelton Aug 2023
Change is coming
I can feel it in my bones,
its rattling, creaking and
knocking at my door.

Change collected skeleton's
inside my closet,
I didn't invite it,
it came and sat beside me, whispered to me its secrets
and stored what it could.

Like a spider,
change wrapped me up
in its web, prepared me
for the difference in which
I am a prisoner
life and death
I hang in the balance.

A bag of stars
I carry on my back,
wishes yet to be cast
upon the night sky,
full of threads and needles
ready for my stitches and
new designs.

A bucket for my dreams
in one hand, flooded reality,
over streaming to the edge
with lucid daydreams washing
my mind with endless

The possibilities are so vast
it seems a void is all around
me, my dreaming eyes
are open wide
for I am never blind but
I am ignorant.

Without ignorance
I wouldn't learn how to see
with my lucid mind,
the possibilities would be
a true void and
my dreams would be
a lie.

I once was a daydreamer
but I flew over the mountains
and over the Seas of possibilities
coming to the edge of my life
realizing, I need to rest.

My stars are fixed
and my life is full.

For now I am a thread
in the eye of a needle
ready for change to
guide me.

©️2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Aug 2023
I was born in a painful
suit of arms.

I built my own weapons,
by using my ability to
write and draw to share
my struggles.

With a pencil in one hand
and strife in the other,
I fight, I write, I draw.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
This is inspired by an odd
lucid dream I had.

I woke standing in a boat
floating on a dark ocean
of reflecting stars.

Both top and bottom
of my mind was sprinkled
with stars.

I could see my beating heart
in the black waters as I gazed
upon the surface.

It was bleeding and stitches
were coming loose from
the side of my heart.

I reached out to grab it
so I could fix the stitches.

As I was fixing it
I realized I was dreaming
and I started to wake.

As I woke I could hear
the beating of my heart
slowly fade.

Boom, boom, boom!
Good morning.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
All possibilities are slowly waning, time begins fading, dreams collide with fallen memories.

My dreams are fighting reality,
like a ghost it passes by as I
keep walking watching myself
standing on the side.

Like smoke I see myself standing on the side,
I watch but I keep walking.

Life doesn’t stop, it keeps going
like smoke we all become memories to the possibilities.

I keep watching as my ghost keeps waning, am I dreaming?

Fading memories sink to
the bottom of the lake
where dreams come to die,
and life burns on the surface.

Mirrored dreams are like stars reflecting on the oceans dark nights when nothing but
sparkling memories shine upon my dreaming mind.

I am floating deeper into
the tapestry of my open heart
as its threads begin to unravel.

Waning memories come here to
dream, for I am a dreamer
and a weaver of possibilities.

Dream on weaver, your threads
are unraveling releasing
the possibilities.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
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