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Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
Upon a passing phrase,
my life is like a poem it lies
line by line at my feet someday
it will bury me deep in the grave.

The moment I took my first
breath of air lifes been following me in the shadows
of possibilities.

My dreams mean nothing
unless I believe in **** mockery.
My choices are dusty paths
laid down before me as I walk
through the trees of experience,
ghosts of my past selves are
seen with shovels on the sides
of my journey digging for
the future.

My mind is a whisper of images,
flashing across my minds screen
is a paused memory.

Pain and suffering are
my companions, grief and
wisdom keep reminding me
keep moving.

So slow, so dim, so low,
but oh so lovely here I go...

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
Like a bird I once took flight,
the sky was my line and the
lyrics of my life blew me to
the breeze.

I sang free and loud,
I breathe for poetry.

I sank into the lyrics of my flight, my feathers fell soft and light as I am lifted high words like a latter rising to
the heavens I climb.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
I am a pile of cruchy memories,
a constant season of autumn
with fallen leafs golden and
crisp, shimmering like stars
falling in between the streams
of heavenly light, becoming
mulch for the trees.

I am in the middle of change,
transformation and growing
my wings.

I am like a butterfly.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
Sometimes creativity is
a drowning victim
gasping for breath.

In the end a work of art is created from a life lived
on the edge of life and death.

Paint and ink is my blood
and the canvas is my flesh.

I am aware and capable
of expressing it through
my heart and scars.

I burn for my art and poetry.
It never flickers or dims
as long as I keep bleeding.

For I am a victim
of my creativity.

I lay myself down for my words
to devour my flesh and bones
to feed and hydrate my art and
poetry through my expression.

It's like a forest of dreams
that grows like weeds,
my mind is rooted
piece of artwork,
written and drowning
in paint and ink.

I am of all colors and shades,
I am a book with millions of
pages and saga's waiting to be
red and viewed.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
I rose from the deep,
from the loud boom I

I am no longer hungry,
for my dirt has left me
it pushed from my core,
as it burned from the depths
of me.

Boom, boom, goes my heart
as my oceans rise and fall,
my tides are strong and trouble
for your toe.

Row, row the boat down the
rivers lane in between mother
natures legs into the valley

No longer am I hungry
for all I crave is life
and breath.

Give me that sweet
precious air, fell my
lungs deep, as I grow
my roots deep into
the girth of the earth.

Now I meet my brother the moon, he's tangled in
the orbital dance between
two massive black holes
and a star blazing hot.

I am here, expanding beyond
your tiny view.

I am aware! For I see all
in my dreams.

I am... Continuum!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jul 2023
Vampire lady turned cowgirl
don't mess with me
I'm coming out of the coffin
in the 20 first century
riding a horse black as night with a deep red cape and
bats flying behind me.

**** I've got blood red neils fangs and boots.

I would send you a box of
flowers before biting you
with a family of bats
to welcome you. 🌹🦇

Don't mess with the ladies.

We've got nails and fangattitude.

©️ 2023 By Amanda D Shelton
I've been watching too many vampire movies. This is the results. I bow in honor for your visit. Thank you. 🫣🌹🦇
Amanda Shelton Jun 2023
Sometimes I feel alone
in a crowded room,
sometimes I feel cowded
when I am alone.

I am always alone in my thoughts,
pictures of the past hanging on
the walls of my mind
movies of my life rolling on
the screen.

Memories, never going back,
the past is behind me.

My shadow is what I leave
in photographs in my mind.
A ghost not yet dead.

Someday I too will be but smoke
in the wind, a photograph within
your mind.

Depression once told me
I am nothing,
I am but a piece of dirt
underneath your feet.

I fought its downing choke,
its pressure to be better than

I pushed myself into the light
scared and exhausted.

Depression is the heavest
ugliest monster waiting in
the darkest depths to pounce.

It knows your woes,
it becomes your fear,
it bruises your soul and
scars your self esteem.

Rolling in the deep,
towing your failures,
tugging on your heart strings
as it breaks one string at a time,
leaving you in silence
no more music for you
to enjoy.

Depression is the deep void
between nigh and day is nothing,
where I get lost amongst
the forest of my rolling thoughts.

Floods happen often here,
choking my breathable air,
clawing at my soul,
leaving me naked and afraid
deep inside the bowels of depression.

I beg myself, don't leave me here
reaching for my life with outstretched arms. Weak and
crawling on my belly from
the drenches of depression.

Depression taught me
I have only myself.

Depression also taught me,
the dirt is where life grows,
it is planted inside its girth
watered and fed by its growing roots. I chose where I plot my roots.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
I have fought depression my whole life. I am stronger than I ever was because I fought and won every time. I built a foundation that is going to stand until I take my last breath on my deathbed. Hopefully I will be old and happy. I don't care if I fall in love again or if I am with myself until the end. I know I am loved by my family and friends. I have many more memories to build before I say fair will my fellow poets and friends. I am going to be the best me I can be. Woe never beat me because I know my worth is priceless. I am one of a kind. I deserve to be loved and supported. We all do.
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