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Amanda Shelton Feb 2023
Ratty tatty tap tap tap,
haters be dancing like
fly’s on crap.

You’re better than the haters
and I think they are jealous
they are not spoiled brats.

Instead the best they can do
is be ugly trolls expecting you
to pay their toll.

Well the bridge is burnt and
the trolls are stone.

Trolls turn to stone in
the morning light and
ashes can’t hold up to
the mornings breeze.

Like the big bad wolf
I huff and I puff until
the bridge falls down and
blow’s away in the mornings

No wolf is bad so please
excuse the bad breath,
and would you scratch behind
my ears please.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
I was attacked by a troll on my blog and wrote this poem in response and I blocked the account and WordPress helped me get the account suspended from the platform. I am blessed to have a strong support system.
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
Wisdom doesn’t live on the tip of an owls wings, it comes on a gush of wind that knocks you down.

An owl just stairs and watches you fall. That’s a hoot!👀🦉

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
The rose's grew thorns
deep in my heart,
leaving wounds.

Fear choked my roots,
as my rose's wither
and rot.

Within the shadows of
my dreams lives the ghosts
of perfumed memories of you.

It grew teeth and black,
it grabs me as I fall asleep.

You're memories are monstrous
and causes anxiety to pool
inside of me, as I feel like
I am drowning within its
emotional tides.

There you left me to die,
teasing me with outreached
arms but you gave me nothing
but smoke.

I am withered from the
storm of you beating
and weathering my heart
like shivering leaf's
in winter, I am left
in the cold.

You're a gaping wound
in my side, a thorn that
keeps stabbing me.

You are PTSD.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Ashen Rose Darkly Written is my alias for my blog Gothic Realms. I also used it online on Goth communities.
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
For the money,
for the time,
for the damages you left behind.

All that glitters is not gold,
watch out for the glamour of
false gold.

For the man who needs a dollar,
for the students who are drowning
in the loan, for the starved living
in the weather.

All that glitters is not gold,
watch out for the glamour of
false gold.

Greed is a glitter of false gold
shinning in the eyes of many.

Gaping pockets weighted down by
rocks pretending to be gold.

Shady mountains stand in our way,
a streak of selver leads the way.

Dig, dig until the mountains hollow.

Mine them rocks blast the hills,
gold is hiding deep within them
rocky hills.

Gold fever burning hot,
burning holes in your pockets
for all that glitters is not gold,
watch out for the glamour of
false gold.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
I was watching YouTube videos about gold digging and I came up with this poem. I also thought about how people are greedy and some give false hope to make money.
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
Throttled through time on the
tip of a whip I am hurdled
into existence.

In a flash of lightning and
sound that vibrated the strings
of reality I became an echo.

In darkness I am the breath of
light that brings you to life.

In light I am the void that
devours all thing’s.

I am also a seed ready to be
hydrated and fed so I can become
a blooming beauty.

The idea of me is purpose.

To be!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
My heart like porcelain,
break's fragile and bruised
in between your fingers
as you tightened your grip.

It got tighter each passing year,

The pieces lay before you,
all you did was watch.

As my heart spilt its blood
and suffering soaking
the floor.

The stain is still
and unchangeable,
seems monstrously eternal.

The depression is deep,
deeper still is the blood
I sacrificed and it is left
pulsating with pain and
unfading memories
of you.

The anxiety you caused
is the worst part.

Waking to your shadow,
hovering over me laughing
and playing games with my

The damages you caused are
long lasting.

I have a choice, to be a victim
or to survive without you.

You are abuse, you are ruin,
you are a broken memory always
running away with my heart.

You taught me how to be afraid,
how to guard my heart and life.

I shouldn't have to protect myself from love,
oh no love is supposed to be
free acceptance and long lasting.

You definitely are long lasting,
you are bruises on my life,
gray eyes that once were blue
oceans of longing on deep nights
of kisses and soft caress.

Now, you're kisses turned to
ashes upon my tongue,
you are only a distant memory
of healing wounds.

A scar!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Jan 2023
I am good at catching
possibilities in my dreams.

As reality slip's from the edge
I feel the dip before falling
over the waterfall of reality.

This is where I leave my body
and I become a winged shadow
of myself.

I wade for a moment before
I take the dive, tipping
just enough to feel my soul
take flight.

Up and lifted, I spread
my dream wings and

I swim in an ocean of possibilities,
swimming in-between the
stars and supernovas.

My tail flares out behind me,
bursting with energy I zoom.

I am a dream weaver, like a spider
I weave my web of possibilities
where I catch wishes alongside
my imagination.

Dream weaver, weaving possibilities.

I am weaving reality
to catch wishes for the future.

Dream on weaver, for you are
the possibilities.

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
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