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Amanda Shelton May 2022
You use to whisper to me the possibilities of opportunities.

But you shoved me into a box stole the key locked me away in the depths of my mind.

Now I am but a ghost a misty creature hunting a post, with my ghastly host I am smudging my inky expression all over the screen, smears of dead possibilities.

My digital fingerprints is evidence of
my poetic crimes, here is my sentence.

Poetic justice is swift and generous
my cage is the frame of this page.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2022
Vanilla sky's rush through my mind,
heartbeat quickens butterflies flutter, my cage has been opened my mind set free.

I'm here to set fire to your closeted ideas, burn the bridges that separates our differences.

I will build you a pair of wings to bring you closer to me.

Blow your sails to tow your creativity into my chaos.

My candle of poetic desire burns like the hottest fire, deep within my muddled mind I'm happiest and brightly lit, here I am breathing my poetic flames for all to witness.

My chaos is a gift, an idea ran away with endless possibilities. I bring you my needle and thread a design like no other.

A seamless tapestry of emotional expression stitched together with my poetic web.

I am like a spider, I built my web onto this page in captivating readers with my poetic purpose.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2022
The wind whisper's to me "never
forget me."

While I am dreaming dreading
to wake.

The possibilities are endless
in the Ocean of my dreams.

I fell in love with the rush and
heartbeat of my lucid state,
in my dreams I can sail the
deepest oceans in my ship
of possibilities.

The moon is my guide, the star's
my crew and the tip of the black
waters is my tow.

Onward I go, like a star zooming
through the galaxy, my dreams are
beyond the horizon, beyond the
moonbeams and starry night sky
I fly in my lucid mirror Sea of falling stars.

I open my eyes and the stars scatter
and fade, my ship is docked until the
next voyage.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2022
I see you with your cliped wings,
fallen to my feet.

You the wingless painful little thing,
struggling to breathe.

Some monster came along, stole
your beauty and flight. Such tragedy
a life short already shorted even more.

I hydrate your soul with my tears,
I am sorry for not being able to save you.

Poor butterfly. Now I have the butterfly blues.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton May 2022
I use to mourn for my future,
I feared the possibility of being

I saw a monster in the mirror,
a dysfunctional ghost waiting
to live.

Life was like a river of emotions,
sometimes the **** would break
and I was open to the flood. I road
the rushing waters that came out
of the possibilities of my future.

Fear was my constant companion,
I felt like I was choking on it.
I buried myself in a prison of doubt.

I was fearful in the beginning,
but I learned how to breathe
to live.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Apr 2022
Brilliantly the stars once shined,
once the sky opened my eyes to
possibilities of love.

The sun shimmered on my heart,
once love settled beside me caressed
my dreams with its magical kisses.

Like glass my world broke, shattered
at my feet my heart is in pieces.

Love, left me bruised and beat,
it laughed while I cried rubbed salt
into my wounds before sabing me
in the back.

Love, was jealous judgemental and
cruel, it has no mercy, it gave me no
moral ground for me to plant my roots.

Love, forgot about me it didn’t accept me.

I fought to find me, to build my own life, I found myself resting in a forest of possibilities where I am cultivating who I want to be.

Here is where I am ment to be, this moment this breath, this thought
is a poem a plot I am growing.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Apr 2022
Break through the dust that makes you blind, what you really need is hidden inside.

A star is born from awareness,
entanglement of nerves electrical curves,
the ocean of life waves transverse into the universe.

A breath occurs as life forms like blades of grass, each blade begins sharpe strong
and tall.

As time occurs its roots grow, deeper and deeper blood flows, as a heart beats
a mind shows.

Dust truns into rust, the meaning begins to shine, as the truth comes out from behind your sleeping eyes, no longer are you blind.

For you are the dust from a supernova.

Earth is designed to carry us, within its crust
water and rust we are birthed.

Respect her beauty and living gowns,
for we have only one Earth and only
one of us.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
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