Watching the waves rolling in
the depths of darkness,
the water glow’s with a neon
green and purpose.
rolling, deep.
The darkness fades as the dream
shakes, you wipe your eyes
from the crusty sleep.
The dream break’s as the crust
falls from your vision.
rolling, deep.
Crawling on your belly
digging for possibilities.
The mud piles high,
thick like black slime
oozing from your mind.
Don’t do this, you’ve got
so little time.
Move they say, be smart but
don’t be proud of it, be
ashamed of yourself don’t
be mad about it.
Self abuse is like an itchy sore,
it’s annoying, damaging and
Rub some salt into it,
feel the burn.
The seasoning of life is spicy
rich and crispy.
Reality knocks at your dreams
door, asking for directions.
You slowly wake to shadows
hovering over your head,
they stair deeply
into your eyes.
Than you become aware it’s all
in your mind.
Watching the waves crashing.
rolling, in the deep.
It’s your mind staring
glaring from your dreams.
©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton