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yellow bikinis
under luminous lights in
you tasted of saline
pink strawberries,
i painted conspiracy theories
on your wet back
using my tongue,
you told me
i reminded you
purple flowers in a garden in France,
when i said your name
i sat my lips on fire and
black salt killed
my skin
i know you remember
how the air felt around your
ankles when
i whispered
i don’t know you and
i don't want to
Don't tell me
That the words you speak
Are not sharp
And jagged
Your lips brush against my skin
And your whispers sink into flesh
Whispers that draw blood
I can't say no
Clenching words
Won't let me go
 Jun 2014 Amanda Roux
Ryan Jakes
My lazy eyes lap at your thighs,
their jiggles my kryptonite.
Why lust for skin and bone?
bodacious beauty passes by, unnoticed by the blind.
I see it all,
curves and dimples
marshmallow soft and twice as sweet
call my name and boost my blood!

My stare is caught in your embarrassed eye
As you presume negativity not positive effect
pulling at your dress, hiding all you own.
You are beauty supersized,
as my lazy eyes lap at your thighs.
There was a gorgeous creature on the beach this morning, I watched her look uncomfortable among her skinny friends, trying to cover up. It was sad to see, as she was the most beautiful of them all.
 Jun 2014 Amanda Roux
Anne Sexton
Tommy is three and when he's bad
his mother dances with him.
She puts on the record,
"Red Roses for a Blue Lady"
and throws him across the room.
Mind you,
she never laid a hand on him.
He gets red roses in different places,
the head, that time he was as sleepy as a river,
the back, that time he was a broken scarecrow,
the arm like a diamond had bitten it,
the leg, twisted like a licorice stick,
all the dance they did together,
Blue Lady and Tommy.
You fell, she said, just remember you fell.
I fell, is all he told the doctors
in the big hospital.  A nice lady came
and asked him questions but because
he didn't want to be sent away he said, I fell.
He never said anything else although he could talk fine.
He never told about the music
or how she'd sing and shout
holding him up and throwing him.

He pretends he is her ball.
He tries to fold up and bounce
but he squashes like fruit.
For he loves Blue Lady and the spots
of red roses he gives her
 Feb 2014 Amanda Roux
They say home is where the heart is
But what if you don't have a heart?
What if you don't have roots or walls or a spine?
What if you have nothing holding you together
And nothing tearing you apart?
What if you're a mere echo of a stray soul stuck in limbo?
A lump of atoms,
A burnt match,
A drifting vagabond,
Naked, lost, and numb in this cosmic paradox
Where satisfaction is but a distant memory
I like to think I'm content but I'm completely out of my comfort zone with nowhere to go but here.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
It's . . .                                      
the scrape-your-knees,
yet simple misconstrued concept
of why is the sky blue sort of fancying.

It's silly, it's sweet as cherry pie and honey, this liking to him.

The type that lights up this warm hue in your eyes.

Which is by the way, the sort of effervescent feeling that curve your lips upwards so softly,
it slips past your lulling conscience and dazed & starry-eyed gaze.

Yes, its kissing stupidity; tickling with giggles.
Yes, your cheeks are hued crimson, to the tops of your ears.

But then, he simply says 'Huh, do I look like that too?'
it's a little unspoken
your lips.
Hiya lovely!
So, today I present to you a poem that frankly is one of my favourites that I have e-v-e-r written. Tomorrow I shall be starting school again, hopefully I will still be able to write nonsensical writings at least once a week. Eeek!
P.S Alright before I say 'Good morning sleepy-head, Good Afternoon sunshine or Good night, sweet dreams' to you, you and you! I just wanted a show of hands who has experienced that lovely feeling above? ^
Now, don't be shy. *wink*

P.P.S. I've got both hands in the air.
x x x
 Jan 2014 Amanda Roux
Kriti Gupta
For someone to say I don't know you could be pretty accurate
I don't know what you do in your spare time
I don't know a lot about your friends
Hell I don't even remember the name of your college
But what I do remember is how you like the colour peach
It's an absurd word
And an even more absurd colour choice if you ask me
I also know that you can't stand it when I have mehndi on my hands but you still give into kissing me
You say it smells horrible
And that it's stupid
But you still keep me in your arms even after complaining about it
So why am I not in your arms now when everything is relatively okay
Isn't this what we've been waiting for
Because we favour the sad songs over the happy ones
Our chemistry is fuelled by the complexity of our scenario
The day we lose it
Is the day we lose each other
Simplicity was never our forte
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