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It gets harder every time I see you.
It's not  unbearable like a burn,just uncomfortable like a sting.
I can hold it together on the outside, my ****** expressions set in stone.
But on the inside, oh god.
It's like a maze of thoughts and hopes.

Ones like; maybe I could join you in the shower your taking
Or, even steal a kiss goodnight just to feel your lips again.
I can deal with uncomfortable, but not unbearable.
So, when it gets harder for me to be around you,
Show a little kindness.

My spaghetti thoughts and hopes full of holes,
Are mine alone to dream about.
Not yours to shoot down and swallow whole.
We think death is romantic
Because the same lilies our ex bought us
On our first date are neatly draped
Over the caskets as decoration
(But there are no flowers in our arms
As we lie alone inside)

We think death is liberating
Because we imagine the shackles
Of society falling off our wrists and ankles
As we fly to a better place
(But in reality
We are locked in a prison
Beneath six feet of dirt)

We think death is infinite
Because we can never return
To the people who harmed us
And the house that was never a home
(But our bodies are not eternal
As they slowly decompose
Back to nature in the ground)

What we fail to realize is that
Life is romantic, liberating, and infinite

Romantic in the form of a sunrise
Climbing over a calm sea,
Liberating in the form of birds
Traveling to anywhere they please,
Infinite in the form of flowers,
Dying and regrowing in the spring

So on the day that you make your decision,
To end your (romantic, liberating,
And infinite) life I beg you to reconsider,
Because you may already have exactly
What you are looking for.
The weight of a huge chipped and worn rock lies upon our shoulders
it threatens our air supply, our energy is low and we are weak.
What little air breaks through is merely dust and dirt simply
meant to hinder our escape, to force us to scream in pain.
We will not....we will hold our breath until the clean sweet air of life
feeds us and stirs our souls and hearts to carry on. We will not weaken
again, we will not allow rocks and dust and wind and rain and scars from our past to prevent us from breaking free....we are different....we have more ....we are stronger and better.
We have purpose, meaning and time. We will fight and be wise and use love and wisdom and courage to protect and guide us.
If either of us is left alone the other will carry one with a soul resting on their shoulder for guidance and love .......we are a team.
Copyright W.H.Colegate
The sky falls at such a fast rate.
The ground crumbles beneath the weight.
We can't go
We can't go
Our feet cringe
With anxiety.
Where to go,
We'll surely never know.
 Jun 2013 Amanda Michaels
Five years ago, a boy held my hand in a dark cabin
I couldn't make out his face but I felt connected
260 weeks, 1826 days, 43829 hours later...
I realized he couldn't make out my face either
It happened to be a coincidence that my hand was there too
Wish I realized this five years, 260 weeks, 1826 days, 43829 hours ago...
And she takes the book waiting on the shelf,
smelling of milk, toothpaste and goodnight kisses,
it's pages cracked, worn thin with birthday wishes,
wearing wrinkles wizened by the layers of fingerprints
that traced the silk of mama's voice on every word.

She turns to find him all tucked up in bed,
head cushioned by a mop of curly hair,
arms clutching tight a tattered teddy bear.
His sleepy eyes draw her to his side
and she leans in another once upon a time.

Her voice kisses the curve of every word,
calling to life a world she has to see,
moulding reality to what it ought to be;
a place with swings, slides and just five minutes more ,
sighs breathed to birth a need held deep inside.

A land where all the games are fair,
with candy houses but no cavities in sight,
where all evil is banished by the light.
The winds of time are soothed and still
listening to the clicks of a clock that never stops ticking.

Her child's eyes flutter to dance in dreams of his own
and the bedtime lies shatter behind her eyes.
It's not her son longing for a land where no one dies.
Children are borne of pixie dust and shooting stars
to a world of wonder built for each alone .

Once upon a time is a prayer whispered by mama's at night
to restrain the hurts and horrors of the earth
with the soul wrenching fear she's felt since she gave birth.
See she has to believe in forever and a day
for her love for her son is growing all the while.

She has to believe in love and life and laughter.
She has to hold close the hope of
 Jun 2013 Amanda Michaels
Maxi H
Suddenly awake in bed,
surrounded by the night.
Ragged breath and heartbeats drum,
fighting back the fright.

Peering through the inky black,
seeing, hearing nothing.
Then a scurry, flurry sound,
surely that was something.

A brilliant flash of lightning,
and peels of thunder sound.
Grotesque shapes and images,
suddenly abound.

With a thump and tearing sound,
something's on the bed.
Two burning eyes and pointed ears,
upon the creature's head.

Relief, at last, when realized
the sound of motor's purr,
and feeling that soft caress
could only be cat's fur.

Laughing at the silliness,
of getting carried away.
You hardly even notice
the murderous lunatic standing next to your bed with a big, ****** axe raised up above his head.
 Jun 2013 Amanda Michaels
go outside and sing                              
as loud as you can          
go try new things
cry until you've run out of things to cry about
buy dozens of roses for yourself                        
travel to the countryside
stay up until 8 am                                 
change your religion                              
eat all the chocolate                  
drive anywhere and everywhere    
stare at the sky                                         
sleep by the stars                                
book a plane ticket to his city                            
and tell him you love him    
ask him out for coffee                      
or just tell him your name                          
put your feelings into writing
live in the city
love in his city
do what you want    
travel the world
do everything you can 
until you find yourself.   
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