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Lately I've bumped
a tune with words
that go
"Now thinking hurts
and feeling is worse
I liked reality better
when it was a
but I think
it's up to me
to work toward
making a dream
out of my
Daniel Magner 2013
It’s okay to be alone
To stand on your own

Even when standing means
kneeling with arms throwing
prayers to God
Even when standing means sitting
and looking through memories
in photographs
Even when standing means crying
making yourself lighter in the tears
floating away
Even when standing means stepping
and putting one foot in front
to brace your desire of
moving on

It’s okay to be together
With hands held tight

Except when hands are swords
thrown more carelessly
than insulting words
Except when hands are lies
beckoning false hope to set up
camp in broken homes
Except when hands are eyes
pulled away by naked screens
crushing bones and hearts
Except when hands are pocketed
because being together
isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

It's okay to be brave.
a *** on the wheel
spun by some
unkown power.
Let this
galactic energy
shape me into
Daniel Magner 2013
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey

God is the shapes
on my ceiling.
He is the sliver of light
filtered through my window.

God is the thirty-inch space
between roof & fallen branch.
He is the kiss of dew drops
& the breeze on my neck.

God is the flame
of discipline.
He is the declaration
of saddened exile.

God is goosebumps
that proclaim "I hear you!"
He is the rise &
the fall of empires.

God is the sky
which engulfs all
in loving despair.
Written in early 2013.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
I'm equating my self
worth with beauty, with
how often my phone
lights up or how often
it doesn't, how smooth
my shoulders are, and
wouldn't someone care
to kiss me?

I'd rather base
myself on much
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
I'm not sure if my
dreams change to
suit other people
or if suiting other
people has pleased
me. Or if the things
I form affinities for
actually appeal to
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
a push or pull
on your heart strings
knocks you over,
curling up and
is tempting,
but you are made
from water
one drop
at a

Daniel Magner 2014

For a friend...
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
& then it begins;
the first moment,
the second moment,
the first & second
series of moments
where there is beauty
outside of you
& it is so very unreal
that even the sun
seems to shine brighter
in places where you
are not.
Building bridges.
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
How do I love the
way my skin lays
how my skin folds
the way that it bends
the way that it holds
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
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