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 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
chaz said something like;

why don't you make yourself
your own standard?
and how
brilliant an idea that was, to
look to myself for inspiration?
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
The wooden cross, the cruel nails
The 'King of Kings' hangs tired and pale
They lift you up for all to see
I scoffed as you looked down at me

God turned away. He could not look
His own dear son hung, as a crook
Alone you bore my penalty
I sneered as you looked down at me

But he was raised, from death set free
He broke the chains reserved for me
And then you called through history
My spirit wept as you called me

I saw my sin that held you there
My selfish life that didn't care
You whispered quietly to me
So I will sing because I'm free
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
 Jan 2014 Amanda Casey
Lord I hang my head in shame
How silently you took the blame
How you cried with anguished voice
Rejected and in pain

And Lord I ask that my life's theme
May not be sinful and obscene
But rather as your Spirit leads
Be that of sinner washing clean

I look around at friends and peers
With trivia they dull their feers
And ask that they would know that love
That calls them still with passion dear

I am afraid, and weak, and poor
But I will look to you the more
For you O Lord are all I need
And where I go, you go before

Keep me Lord 'till we shall meet
'Till I can worship at your feet
You're all I am and have and need
Your salvation, sin's defeat
everything up to now
has made me
who I am
~ perfect

not focusing on the pain
of the past
but celebrating me now
~ perfect

not caught up
in the worry of the future
but celebrating me now
~ perfect

the shadows show up
when I need to release them
then I feel the pain in the now
~ perfect

who I am
celebrating me
in the now
~ perfect
© Delores Wiltse June 2010
I sing about what makes me happy
And what makes me stronger.
The fear inside has disappeared
It lies within me no longer.

I sing about how blessed I am
Each and every day.
I sing about the life I’ve been granted,
My Lord, by my side, to stay.

I sing about all the thanks
My God deserves to hear.
I sing about what He’s given to me
All of my eighteen years.

I sing about the strength and love
That has been so graciously provided.
I sing throughout my darkest times
Because I’ve been so graciously guided.

I sing about accomplishment
And what I’ve overcame
I sing about my passion
And pray in Jesus’ name.

I sing about things that will get me through
The day and push me further along.
I sing about my motivation
And how I’m still standing strong.

I sing to glorify Him
With every ounce of strength.
I could sing for hours on end,
There’s no limit to the length.

I sing for a mighty breakthrough
And a revelation.
I sing to see the walls fall down
Where I can ground a new foundation.

I sing for my miracle
I’ll sing it anywhere.
I sing for what I so long have yearned for
I’ll sing it through my prayer.
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