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 Jun 2013 AM
Martha Jordan
She isn't beautiful.

She already knew this, but the truth still hurts. 
She faces the wall and her body speaks. 

"It's alright," says her heart, as her shoulders shake with the rhythm of sobs. Her small hands grasp her arms in comfort. An icy, throbbing pain seeps through her limbs and down to her toes; she draws her knees to her chest like a shield, no, like a wall. A wall to keep the fury and the grief and the humiliation inside, from soaking her bed and waking her ignorant lover. 

"I still love you," says her body. Her uneven ******* rise with her shallow gasps, her marred skin warms her frozen soul, her graceless legs protect her and her body loves her, loves her even if he doesnt. Even if he doesn't see her for anything but her faults, her body loves her. It is hers and hers alone and no one else will love her like she loves herself. 

"You're very pretty," says her brain, but it is of no comfort to her, only a reassurance that she will never be desired like a fairy tale princess, never mistaken for an angel. No wars would be fought over her, no dances ever asked of her. No matter the pain or the paint or the tears or the tries. 

She isn't beautiful. 

She already knew this.
 Jun 2013 AM
Olga Valerevna
Was freshly laid upon the b e d
a pillow rested 'neath her h e a d
And it was colored black and b l u e
recounting days involving y o u
Your story she had never h e a r d
yet seemed to swallow every w o r d
And in her sleep she made it k n o w n
that she was gone but not a l o n e
And when your hand would turn the p a g e
she'd once again endure the r a g e
The sheets you used to cover u p
was metaphor for all the l u s t
But one day soon she will be b l e d
be freshly laid upon the b e d
 Jun 2013 AM
Charles Bukowski
I can't have it
and you can't have it
and we won't
get it

so don't bet on it
or even think about

just get out of bed
each morning

and go out into

outside of that
all that's left is
suicide and

so you just
expect too much

you can't even

so what you do
work from a modest

like when you
walk outside
be glad your car
might possibly
be there

and if it is-
that the tires

then you get
and if it

it's the damndest
you've ever
in it--

low budget
4 billion

and the longest
you ever hope

 Jun 2013 AM
burn me
 Jun 2013 AM
echos bounce off of the
brown wooden walls
in this room;
i am stuck.
a constant ringing -
reminder of a time
that once was.
i survive through
dates carved on
bridges in front of
you avoid eye contact -
and i notice.
we are swastikas
and *** leaves
drawn in permanent marker
on the
insides of
we are phone numbers
scrawled on
bathroom walls -
do not call me for a good time.
we are cigarette burns -
               on purpose.
 Jun 2013 AM
Skyler UV
My Theme
 Jun 2013 AM
Skyler UV
My Theme
I am allowed to fall in love
over and over
What if I like that feeling?
That feeling of fire in my belly

I know what I feel is unacheivable
I know half the time you'll say no

But just like learning, the way to find love
is to sift out all those
making mistakes, then learning from them

how do I know you're not eternal
if I don't sing you my song?
if I don't do my dance.
If we never make love.

I've learned from you that
no, maybe you aren't my mate.
And maybe we aren't destined
for eachother.

but yes you are as close to me
and as important.
and Yes, love is worth fighting for.
even a love
not built for me.
 Jun 2013 AM
Mike Hauser
There is no sadder sight to me
Than a blind man who can see
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