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Alysia Michelle Aug 2020
You were always
a mystery to me
that is what kept me hooked
you never let me get close enough
to figure out just what makes you tick
every time we got too close
you shut me out again
built up your walls so high
and i can't say i didn't try
to climb them or break them down
each time i tried i fell and got hurt
its different now that you just aren't around
you're not like others where i got closure
you just disappeared
fell flat off the **** earth
now you haunt me
and i've tried
to find you over
and over again
its as if you don't exist
or as if you only exist as a ghost
reminding me
that when you held me
it was always at arms length
and all i want
is just a little closure
but all i've got
is a ghost of
the person i thought
you might have been.
I had a dream about an old friend who just kind of disappeared off of social media and stopped keeping in touch. It drives me crazy because something will remind me of them and I can't find any trace of their current existence.
Alysia Michelle Jan 2020
It seems so easy to lose yourself
In so many different ways
You can lose yourself
In a book
In writing
In a hobby
Or you can lose yourself
To your guilt
To meaningless time *****
To the media
No longer do I want to lose myself
In things that don't fill me
With love
With light
With joy
I want to ignite
To write
To be passionate
Not passive
I do not want to be a passive participant in life
Distracted by the lighting of my phone
So easy to miss out when
You're worrying about everything you might miss out on through a screen
Alysia Michelle Jan 2020
I am an ocean
Restless, vast, constantly moving
Rarely ever
Wave after wave
Crashing constantly
Even in my stillness I'm unsettled

So much living within
Beneath the surface
I am bursting with life
Waiting to be explored
Theres much I have yet
To even discover

Danger lies within
Ready to be stirred
Be cautious
My heart, the eye of the storm
Known to leave destruction in its wake

You manage to calm the storms within
Storms turn less destructive and give life
To beauty
You awaken in me light and laughter
You are my blue sky, my ray of sunshine
Together we make a beautiful summer day.
Alysia Michelle Oct 2019
It's hard to get used to sleeping in new places
At home all of the little noises are familiar
A sweet lullaby to ease me into dreamland
Here, the noises are foreign
They are obtrusive and unwelcoming
And I find myself laying here
Exhausted but unable to rest
Brain scrambled and heart a mess
I know that soon
These noises too will become familiar
But tonight I'm missing home.
Alysia Michelle Apr 2019
I am the sun
And you are my moon
Our love always shines  
Brightening up even the darkest of nights
Alysia Michelle Apr 2019
Life seems to consume very part of me
All of the creativity that used to pour out of me like lava
is now dormant
Always there just beneath the surface
Just waiting to burst out
In a volcanic eruption
Or maybe it’s just that I don’t make time
I let time slip away
I’m hungry for the urge to create again
Where is my muse
How do I wake the burst waiting to come out of me
When I am dragged down
By the monotony of
Every day life.
Alysia Michelle Jan 2019
Is how I would describe
Your love for me
And not because I don’t deserve to be loved
And not because I don’t deserve to be loved by you
But because
You love me even in the moments
Where I don’t show appreciation
When I’m rude
Or tired
Or snappy
Or selfish
I’m not always apologetic
I’m blunt
And I don’t always know how to show you
That I truly
Am so
In love with you
You brighten up my life
Bring a smile to my face so easily
I share so much with you
So much of the good
And probably too much of the bad
You are goofy
And fiercely loving
You warm my heart
Like no one else has ever
Done before
Never do I feel safer
Or more loved
Or happier
Than when I’m by your side
So I am sorry for not
Always being the easiest person to love
And thank you for loving me
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