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(To my sisters and brother)

I will always miss …

Our sunset ending quarrels

Our never-ending teases

Christmas’ shared carols

Warm hugs

Through sweet gazes

The sarcastic smiling faces

The growing-up races

Revenge taking chases

Greed over goodies to be hidden

In unpredictable places

And I will always miss …

Competitions and crazy bets

Singing hilarious duets

Of made-up songs in the shower

This innocence

Of our childish humor

Screamed from a room to another

That art of tricking eachother

To cleverly stay in control

Or wrestling over the remote control

And I will always miss …

Decades of shared history

Amplified joy and divided misery

Bursts of laughter on old tapes

Creatively imagined games

Of whirlpools in drapes

And goalkeeper leaps

Random costume parties

Daily role-play stories

Sega sagas from dusk to dawn

Alliances and conspiracies

Sisters, my lovely sisters

Wise, you have become

Loving wives, caring mothers

Soon, you will become

Make sure your kids relive

What we used to live

Their uncle will make you proud

Just like you fill him with pride

Brother, dear brother

I secretly looked up to you

As I grew older

I kept resembling you

It doesn’t matter

If you’re a little far

Brotherhood’s a matter

Of unbreakable bond

And I will always admire, respect, love and cherish …
Every single one of you
Written last month.
My brother lives in another country and my sisters will both get married next year
A beautiful flower from my garden
For the beautiful garden in my world
For my world without your smile shatters
A sweet smile pulling my heart in
My heart betrayed by loss of word
Loses control and flutters
                                                        ­                                         ~Epic Monkey
Dedicated to Rita
The siren sat on the rock and sighed
The ocean had exhausted her lungs
She exhaled the pain she felt inside
A beautiful cry of weeping songs

The waves crash and drape the shore
Drawing the limits of her blue cage
Far beyond, is a dream to explore
A better chapter on a new page

As she sings a symphony of despair
Winds coming from beyond the sands
Refresh her lungs with tender scents
Gently caress her skin, dry her red hair

Echoes of her voice
Fascinated an elephant passing by
His heart made a choice
And searched for the origin of the cry
Never knew he could run
Never knew he could jump
He found her shining under the sun
Came closer to lift her with his trump

He carried her through fields and lakes of mud
On his back, her throne, the lap of God
Her sad songs turned into cheers
Her voice fondled his big ears
She lived and cherished each moment
She found a world without torment
Without her fears
Without her tears

Days and weeks raced to end
The elephant’s back started to ache
He forsake his new friend
And fated her heart to break
The mermaid broke down and cried
A waterfall of deceit and betrayal
Too many tears until her eyes dried
Like the dying scales on her tail

She crawled back to the sea
Like an injured soldier of war
No more beauty for her to see
But the waves, whipping the shore
Filling every time the holes
Between the particles of sand
But not the one in her soul
That she will never mend

The siren sat on the rock and sighed
She had nowhere to belong
She exhaled the pain she felt inside
Reviving another weeping song

The sweet dream withered
But forever, will be remembered
Like a mortal flower
And its immortal beauty
Intertwined with the thorns’ cruelty

Another siren was watching her
Shared with her the lost endeavor
She smiles, dives and flips her tail
Strives to create her own happy tale
In the depths of the woeful sea

~Epic Monkey
June 2013
All armies are the same
Publicity is fame
Artillery makes the same old noise
Valor is an attribute of boys
Old soldiers all have tired eyes
All soldiers hear the same old lies
Dead bodies always have drawn flies

The brush of satin

the sting of leather

the kiss of lace

the cut of steel

the breath of silk

the abrasion of rope

the caress of a rose

the ***** of a thorn

the whisper of lips

the betrayal of words

the touch of love

the destruction in lies

the blush of skin

the pain of anger

the serenity of peace

the anguish of despair

the love of the game

the hate of being played

the crave of knowledge

the betrayal of truth

the happiness of freedom

the heartache of desolation

the fulfillment of knowing truth

the devastation of being silent

The imagery complete

as emotions compete

Written by Niyahlove all rights reserved
including penname Niyahlove
White blank pages, wars through the ages,
reminiscing the fallen but forgetting their faces.
Turning the blank page, only to amplify our rage,
living the dream; getting by on minimum wage.
Every day is a struggle, so we lacerate our morals,
no concern laid fourth, reflecting on our laurels.
Criticized on a subject that was laid upon the table,
choking on my pride only to find I was able.

Mis-lead interpretation, personified through false conclusion,
has un-wound my path, representing deluded illusion.
Approached by a stranger, as he clenched for my grasp,
soon I was awoken, and daunted of my past.

The man’s fragile nature, and disheveled presence,
only beckoned for the call of a cheap, lousy peasant.
Disentangling his mysteries, wasn’t on the agenda,
but allowing him hope, meant less chance of surrender.

Now I find myself here, far away from a throne,
sacrificing my living, and everything I own.
The poor, ragged peasant ceases to exist,
and to top it all off, Grandma’s knickers are in a twist.

So down I went, on both my knees,
closed my eyes and began to squeeze.
I couldn’t see anything, that was for sure,
but what happened next, well what a ****** *****.

The ***** old Grandma lay down on her bed,
took off her underwear, and this is what she said:
I’ve got a magic sixpence, will you come and give it a rub,
I’ve got hairy canary, and a belly full of flub.

Bewildered at this shocking scene, oh fast I did run,
only to be pulled by the neck, then up went her thumb.
“***** old Grandma, this just isn’t right”
“oh wind your ****** neck in son, I can’t believe you’re so tight!”

Grasping for air my lungs began to bulge,
I headed for the nearest exit, only to be told.
“Son, there’s one lesson to be learnt in life”
“Oh really, is there Grandma?”
“Yes”, she said. “That is ******* right.”
 Sep 2013 Allyse Bégin
 Sep 2013 Allyse Bégin
Movement does not exist here
A world of grey and rain and soft(ly falling dreams)
We exist here
Like a vine
Your heart and mine
 Sep 2013 Allyse Bégin
Danny S
It’s a beautiful thing
Rocks under my hands
Leaves under my feet
The world is alive,
And I am too.

Into the woods
Lost among the trees,
Older and wiser,
They take me in and
I can breathe again.

I am not afraid
Protect myself no longer
I return laughing,
Resurface as I truly am.
The bruises from daily life
Seem not to sting so badly

Fully healed
The trees then open
To share their perspective
To teach me
What is true.
 Sep 2013 Allyse Bégin
Danny S
An explorer lives within me, smouldering
Beneath the opaque layers of my being.
She is at once a soul herself
And an inseparable force of my own.

This explorer knows no limits,
And obeys no law beyond those of physics.
She entertains no fear, for she has seen
The Divinity of her existence.

Oh, how I long to let her run wild!
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