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Your serene lips could liquefy petals of a rose
With twigs on your spine
Consuming my dreams as you lure me
Stretching as the stars shine
Tangled in the ocean breeze
Beyond beautiful you steal my soul
Our hands unify in the shade of the unknown
Tonight we step beneath the flesh
As the path of dust disappears

I want to drink from your collar bone
Every crevice I  will endear
Following the maze of your fantasy
Impeccable skin inviting me in

The anticipation intoxicates my desires
As I travel your outline I stiffen for you
Eager to gratify the valley of your liquid pearls
You whimper as I dissolve your engorged delicacy
As you spasm and tremble you ignite the evening air
A Magnetic exuberance of fervor swept over me

Our swollen, lustful lips surrender again
As your majestic heart  nurtures our love
I famine to have your tongue renew me
Your quivering hands beginning to stimulate me
You brush against my hardness lightly
I stir inside my stomach
Restless and blazing I await  
Teasing the tip my luster rises
As your manhood swims inside my mouth
You swell my peaks, passionate yet tender
You linger feeling my need
Slipping into your enticing throat
My fingers clutching your hips
Connecting with my core as I absorb you
I quiver and cry out loud

With handfuls of starlight and luster
We create a haven just for us
You enter me so carefully
As we wither and blend
Our flesh is stamped together
A serene ambiance is swaying with us
As you whisper and writhe beneath me
I want to run to you
I always run to you

A child with arms
outstretched, cradling a
butterfly worn with torn
wings, it
can't be real until she's shown it.
Can't be good til you've
confirmed it.
Can't have beauty til you've
admired it.
It can't, you give it life.
Without your breath
She lies bereft.

I have to run to you,
before I believe that it is true.

A child with a wounded knee,
hides the scar until
you've seen it,
once you've seen it,
then she'll ease it.
Can't have relief til your belief.
Can't look unafraid until
she's prayed to you.
She needs to limp to you.

I have to reach to you.

She needs you,
she does not wish to tease
your weary temper,
but she finds it hard
to always remember that
she's shown you it before.
A puppy jumping through the
door, happily places a cat's
treasure of a broken bird
upon the kitchen mat,
it's beauty trapped within the

I'm purring proudly up at you

Thanks for being so kind to her
menagerie, sorry for
getting confused by
internal imagery.
I forget how quite to empathise
I think I need to change my tack.
But, this girl is sometimes trapped in
a loop.

Reminder: Learn when to turn on mute
I've become used to chipped nail polish
Accustomed to tapping my feet and fingers
Never smiling
Biting my lip until I taste that
oh, so familiar,
morsel of blood

I'm used to being nervous
am I good enough?
I'm used to rejection
I'm not good enough

But, he never rejected me

I hide myself under an ugly sweater
an itchy, ugly sweater
And what lies beneath the sweater,
makes me nervous

Everything makes me nervous.

But, he accepted me
and my ugly sweater

I expect to hurt
I'm used to putting a bandage
wherever it stings
Hoping it heals
Only to pick at the scabs
When I'm nervous

But, he never hurt me

I've become used to being abandoned
I accepted the fact that
no one can love me
And I'm too nervous to love others


When I met him,
I stopped chipping at my nail polish
I quit tapping my fingers and feet
I refrained from biting my lip
All of my scabs healed
I wasn't afraid to go outside
I was no longer afraid to take the elevator
He loved who I was
And I was able to love him in return
I smiled
Even under my ugly sweater
You are everything that is right and beautiful
And everything that is strong and sure
You are embraced with grace and serenity
And your heart is warm and pure.

You are everything that is bright and lively
And everything written about you holds true
What more could I possibly wish for?
When everything I ever wanted is you.
Words are lovely
but can sometimes be dull
depending on your mood.
You can make someone fall in love,
or break an innocent heart,
or have someone jump with glee,
or maybe have a poor soul wallow in despair.
Words can sometimes sting
just as much as it can comfort.
So next time you write something down,
think twice.
You may not be saying something nice.

Found this as I was rummaging through old tattered notebooks. Enjoy.
You shall forever live through these black lines
every stroke, every curve
is filled with every bit of you.
For no power in this universe
is as grand as words
penned by a lover's heart,
inspired by a lover's muse.
Treacherous tongue.
Warning unrung.
Nothing will tire
This unquenched desire.
Consumed and yet not.
A battle little fought.
The huge, the puny-
Platter’s destiny.
Tresspassed precinct.
Animal Instinct.
Fire in the belly.
Encore. Gluttony.
take me to those troubled seas
you have so gallantly sailed
those high-brick walls you alone have climbed
where others seem to have failed

show me how to create rainbows
pine trees and candy bars
landscapes of silver and gold
even diamonds that look like stars

teach me how to appreciate life
beauty and love
tell me about mermaids and faeries
or even angels up above

for how wise you truly are my fragile one
a lot can be learned from you
in your own little world you have become
an artist with a different point of view

how i wish i could understand
these wonderful things only you can see
but with eyes like mine it's as if i'm blind
and this is all that i can be

but you my child with your poetic soul
the universe that you'll create
will be filled with joy and laughter
and a million reasons to celebrate
A piece I wrote a couple of years back. It's unfortunate that I failed to write down the exact date that it was written. It is for a friend's school project about a mother dealing with her child's autism.

— The End —