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Allison Oct 2013
I need him I think
But he doesn't need me
He couldn't fall in love with me he said
As I lay in bed tears flow down my face
Why couldn't you?
I love you so much to much
Your like the cold rain, a new song something beautilful
But you don't care
You never did as you flirt and tell her she makes you feel different
What did I make you feel? Nothing?
He can make me feel so good so amazing so so loved by one word
But I never made you feel anything?
Its sad that your all I think about
All I ever wanted
And I can't let you go
But your already gone
And there's no to blame
you make the dark clouds in my mind disappear
But when your gone that's all I ever see
God I'm pathetic
I love a boy who doesn't want me
I love a boy
Who never loved me
Allison Oct 2013
Reasons why I love you: 
I love his eyes 
I love his smile 
I love his hands 
I love holding his hand 
I love watching him drive 
I love playing with your hair 
I love how you talk to much 
I love how much your into music 
I love when you were playing my violin 
I love how he dresses 
I love kissing you 
I love just being with you 
I love how you act like yourself 
I love how you don't care 
I love face timing you 
Are skype convos 
Your just the right size 
Love your height 
I love when you singed to me 
I love your taste in music 
Your funny 
Sweet ( at times) 
I love that you were my first 
I love your hands even tho I already said that I really love them
I love laying with you 
 I love walking with you 
I love being on top of him
I love how you came down to see me 
I love the way you acted at the mall because how big it was
I love your snap chats 
How your always ***** haha 
I love how I dream about you every night 
I love thinking about you 
I love that I fell in love with you 
I love dancing with you 
I love hugging you 
Are songs 
Love that you stole my poster of Lucy hale
i loved dancing to dear Bobbie 
Your just so cute 
I love that you are just my type 
I love that we held on for so long even after everything. 
May 19th 
May 26th 
August 11th
I love that I'll never stop loving you 
I love just the thought of you 
I love how much I fought for you and always got you back
I love you shirtless 
I love how sweaty we were even tho it was gross
I love you sleeping over 
I loved laying on your chest 
I love how you were at my house the whole day 
I love are songs (again) but god are they amazing
I love thinking you loved me 
The fact that maybe you did 
I love you on top of me 
I love grinding with you haha 
I loved being in your room even tho you didn't clean it lol 
I loved that one hour we had 
I love how we were together all day 
I hated seeing you go
I want more memories with you 
Good and bad 
I want to lay with you again 
Kiss you again 
Be with you again 
And maybe that will never happen 
But I'm in love with you
And maybe one day you will say the same about me
Allison Oct 2013
Sometimes I lay in bed and think "what would life be like if I wasn't born?"
I know that's a silly question and stupid to think but have I changed anyone's life by being alive?
Am I anyones reason to wake up in the morning?
Did I influence someone's life by just being there for them or a simple talk did I help them?
I feel like I'm not important enough to anyone to answer these questions.
If I wasn't born would anything be different? I don't think so.
The sun still turns the birds still sing the people that have crossed my life would still be here doing what they do.
I haven't gone out of my way to chance a human beings life.
I don't feel the need to be here cause no one would gave a ****.
I don't have a million people loving and counting on me to be something great.
I don't have a lover I can turn to and tell all my secrets with.
I don't have anybody.
Sad to say that if I was never born life, wouldn't be much different.
Allison Oct 2013
I find myself thinking about you all the time
Why can't I stop?
When I'm listening to are songs
When I'm sitting down watching tv
Your in my thoughts
But you've been gone for so long
Why can't I shake you?
Why can't you be like any old ex I've grown to forget
Maybe because I gave you so much of me I can't have back
God I want you
I want every little piece of your ******* up head
I just want to hold you again
Forever like you promised
Allison Sep 2013
What is love?
I think I know what love is
I felt it for a boy
A cold hearted boy
Who didn't know what love was
How does one know their in love?
Does it come to them when their holding them?
Does it come when their fighting and holding back tears?
If love is such a powerful and beaufuil thing
How can you lie about love
"I love you"
People make such a big deal about those 3 little words
That sentence of lies
I know what love is
Cause I felt it
For a cold hearted boy
Who didn't know what love was
Allison Sep 2013
As I lay to sleep
I wake up to the thought of him
Why must I think about him before every dream
And wake up to the thought of he's smile
He's not even mine anymore
Was he ever mine?
Laying awake at 338Am I should be thinking about important things
School, work new love the future
But no
It's always about you
Funny thing is
I know at 339 am
You aren't dreaming or thinking
About little old me
Allison Sep 2013
Funny how people can be so fake
You learn to know the fake side of someone
And they make you believe their lies
Cold hearted lies
How can you live with yourself?
You are the worst kind of human
Ugly on the inside
Funny how I was a part of all it
How I never made you feel so worthless like you did with me
But I guess you and me are very two different kind of people
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