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 Mar 2014 Allison
They say I have talent
but what does that mean
when I don’t have the courage
to follow my dreams

I’ve heard the things they say
One day I’ll make it big
But do they even realize
I’m standing on a twig

My body weighing it down
In no time I’ll come crashing
down from their expectations
and they’ll know it was all for *nothing
 Mar 2014 Allison
 Mar 2014 Allison
Tick-tock* goes the clock
You’re running out of time, my dear
Life waits for no one
Wasn’t that made perfectly clear?

Where life is in a rush
Death takes its time
It knows you can’t escape
So it carefully plans your demise

How does that make you feel
Knowing either way you’re ******?
Is it possible for the living to make it through
Without feeling our time is corrupt?
 Mar 2014 Allison
Is this what I get for actually trying
A slap in the face by the one I called mine
I guess this teaches me a lesson
Never let your true feelings shine

I should’ve known better than to get my hopes up
I’d heard the word about you, but I let it go
Why should I believe them, when you said they were lies
Who was I to know you were just putting on a show

When you said forever, I really thought you meant it
I was new to this game of love
I placed all my trust in you, just to have you **** it
Like I was standing on a mountain and felt you shove

One day I’ll move on
These wounds will have healed
But for the rest of my days
My heart will be sealed
#love #brokenheart
 Mar 2014 Allison
I dreamt a dream so perfect
That I nearly wept
The world as I knew it
Held beauty I won’t soon forget

The sky was a velvet black
Marked with the pinprick of stars
The earth green and lush
Bearing no man-made scars

Rivers flowed lazily
Without a care in the world
The animals played so happily
Wild and undisturbed

I walked amongst them, hesitantly
Yet they showed no fear
I was taken in and accepted
When I saw something appear

A man so unique
Unlike any other
With inky locks and a charming smile
My knees turned to rubber

He approached and took my hand
Leading me into a clearing
Where we danced beneath the stars
I nearly forgot I was dreaming

But as the sun rose over the far horizon
I awoke to find myself alone
Longing for the vision
I had so briefly been shown
 Mar 2014 Allison
This was nothing but a phase
A twisted waste of time
A chapter of my life
Your lovesick hate crime

I’m moving on from this
But what could I say of you?
You’re trapped inside the past
Blindsided by the truth

I never really loved you
I figured that you knew
I shied from your touch
and did all I could to avoid you

Don’t get me wrong
I thought we had something too
But when it came to love
I realized it was nothing true

You have beauty on the outside
But what I came to see
Was your twisted heart of coal
So I set myself free
Not sure about this one, would love some ideas
 Feb 2014 Allison
Let’s rewind the clock
When it was just me and you
Let’s take it back
To when I didn’t have a clue

We were two crazy kids in love
And they said we’d last forever
But who were they to know you’d found
A secret hidden treasure

“X” marked the spot that led you to the bar
And a redhead named Denise
She knew all the right things to say
And made your heartbeat increase

Had it been a one night stand
I may have been able to forget
But when you snuck off every night
You lost my respect

We’re separated now
And I heard she left you hangin’
But don’t think you can call me up
That ship has done gone sailin’

I’ve got a new man now
And he’s everything I wished for
I wanted to say thanks for the heartache
And I don’t miss you anymore
 Feb 2014 Allison
I’ll close my eyes and let go
Of all the memories we made
I’ll let them flow away
Like the blood from this blade

I see her in your arms
And it cuts me to the quick
There isn’t much that hurts me more
Now my wrists are feeling slick

I don’t do it for attention
Or to get you back
I do it for the pain
It helps keep me on track

I can focus on the pain
And it gets me through the night
Which is when I miss you most
When the moon is shining bright

I’m getting dizzy now
But I still see your face
You’ll always be a part of me
You’ll witness my disgrace

The tears are flowing now
As the world is growing black
But I still hear your voice
Like it’s sounding through a crack

You’re calling out her name
And I feel my heart give way
Why is it that in death
You still cast me astray?
 Feb 2014 Allison
She gripped the bat in both hands
Her knuckles turning white
He would not beat her once again
She’d end it all tonight

A beer in his hand and the fight on screen
He lounged on the sofa
Unexpecting of what was coming
She’d strike like a cobra

Hey *****, get me a drink
He called from his throne
She held back a scream
And inside was born a cyclone

He glanced her way and smirked
What the hell do you think you’re doing
Her blood roared with the urge to ****
And the storm inside kept brewing

I’m done with this, she said
And she barely recognized her voice
Gone was the timid creature
Who'd stuck around by choice

He rose from his seat
And towered above her frame
You’re not going anywhere--
Except to an early grave

He stepped forward and she broke
The rage pouring out
She swung the bat with all her might
And made contact, no doubt

He screamed for her to stop
But still she kept on swinging
She’d make him feel the way she did
In every single beating

When finally her strength gave way
She let the weapon slip
Below her was a ****** mess
And she kicked him in the hip

I’m going now, she said
To no one in particular
She grabbed her bag and snagged a beer
And left him as her signature
 Feb 2014 Allison
My Goddess
 Feb 2014 Allison
I gaze upon Her beauty
And am humbled by the sight
The vision of my Goddess
The embodiment of Moonlight

The Night cloaks Her body
And creates a star studded gown
Her hair cascades into the dark
Upon Her brow rests a silver crown

The Shadows meld against Her skin
Which glows with ethereal light
My Mother, born in Darkness
Keeper of the Night

But Her eyes are what captured my attention
They were so full of Love
She knew me as Her Daughter
And the woman I had Become

Her picture seared into my mind
And I know that I am blessed
She graced me with Her Image
And I know I passed the test
 Feb 2014 Allison
 Feb 2014 Allison
Can someone tell me how
Life came to be?
I don’t want a religious tale
That one with Adam and Eve

I could use a few answers
I’m just curious you see
Am I in charge of my fate
Or a victim of destiny?

What’s below the surface?
Far below the tide
What’s out in space?
Where not a soul can hide

And what is the soul?
A figment of our creation?
Or is it the energy of our life
Left in permanent migration?

This is what I think of
When you see me staring off
I’m searching for some answers
So don’t roll your eyes and scoff
Might make some alterations
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