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 Feb 2014 Allison
He tells me that I’m gorgeous
But the words slide off my skin
I can barely feel his touch
I’ve traveled too far within

He holds me in his arms
And says he’ll leave me never
But can I put him through this,
When I may be lost forever?

My beautiful, my sweet
Much too good for me
I know you’ll keep your faith
In what I used to be

But people change, my love
And I hope soon you’ll see
I’m not the woman I once was
Maybe then you can be free
 Feb 2014 Allison
Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
The sun will bring the light, and hide away the moon
Close those big blue eyes, and listen to my heart
Hear the steady beat, and feel your fears depart

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Come and huddle close, while I hum this little tune
Mommy knows you’re scared, and I was once scared too
But my mom was there for me and I am here for you

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Ignore the flash of light and the clap of thunderous doom
Instead look at me and slowly fade into sleep
relax your mind and rest it, forget the world so deep

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
I’ll hold you close and keep you safe
As you drift to sleep
Your tiny little soul, like a flower soon to bloom
Will flourish through the storm

I am here tonight

Now there will come a day when I will be gone
But still I’ll watch over you
Know I love you little one
And it’ll all be over soon
 Feb 2014 Allison
So this is what its like
To feel like I belong
To be held in his arms
Protected from all wrong

So this is what it’s like
To have a trying day
But when I see his face
I know it’ll all be okay

So this is what it’s like
To be part of another
To know his every thought and dream
And long for no other

So this is what it’s like
To no longer feel the pain
With his touch he soothed it
Like a cleansing rain

I’ll remember what it’s like
When there comes a day
When he’s no longer with me
And I’ll keep the ache at bay
 Feb 2014 Allison
This Cynical World has me spinning
From war and hate to the abuse we'll never escape
It almost doesn't seem worth it, going through this day to day
Born in this world of pain only to die again
I need something to believe in or I won't survive, give me a reason for living this senseless life

Fire, earthquake, famine, and flood
Violence between neighbors till the streets run with blood
We build up these empires to watch them fall
I just have one question, what's the point of it all?

I can't take this pressure the stress is making me drown, I won't last much longer the currents pulling me down
Your arms are like preservers, your touch filled with sureness, reach into the waters and pull me above the surface

You try so hard to bring back my innocence
But after a day in this world nothing makes sense
Only in your arms can I find my solace, my reason for existing
And still you plead for me to see not everything in life is so persisting
Tell me why we're put on Earth for such a short time, if we'll die in the end why should we even try?

"Think of it as a milestone in the journey you've led, with death just a pit stop on the long road ahead
Besides who's to know what happens when you're dead?"

"Know I'm here for you morning, noon, or night and together we can create our own slice of paradise
Enjoy the time we have before the sand runs out; don't agonize over this mystery forever shrouded in doubt
The world holds such beauty of the likes we'll never know, if only you'd open your eyes and see the show
You'll realize life is still worth living, even if so many are unforgiving."
 Feb 2014 Allison
 Feb 2014 Allison
Society has an image
Of whom we're all meant to be
But life is what you make it
You can be anything you dream

Fear is just a state of mind
It exists only if you allow it
The darkness that hangs around
Is nothing more than shadowed ground

We start at a disadvantage
Victims of our own desires
We crave law and order
A tyrant is what we require

This is our subconscious
What we feel beneath the surface
But in our every waking moment
To be free is our main purpose
 Oct 2013 Allison
Jason McGill
When the night falls where will I be, Who will I be,
In life there are so many questions to which answers will not follow,
So many promises, all of which are hollow,
Words are wasted as time passes by,
When a world of doing is done all wrong,
When a world of trying is just failing,
When giving up is your option in everything you do,
Where will you find the strength you know is inside you.
 Sep 2013 Allison
Jason McGill
As we walked to the edge and looked over the side,
It wasn't for us. It wouldn't be for us.
As we stood, I slipped and fell, only to land on a ledge,
Safe for now.
Again, it happened. Safe for then.
How far down am I now?
You meet me as I fall, but I continue to do it.
 Jul 2013 Allison
Benedict Meleke
I held her hand and she held mine,
I kissed her warm, soft lips... and she kissed mine,
Her touch was firm, but her voice mellow,
I held her hand and she held mine,
 Jul 2013 Allison
Jason McGill
A vase collects dust until there is the perfect flower,
It is more than just a vase then.
It is a life preserver, without the vase the flower would not survive.
A flower is just a flower until it finds the perfect vase.
It is more than just a flower then.
It is the meaning of life, without the flower the vase would only collect dust.
*I'll hold the water you need to survive, you'll be my reason to live.
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