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True Believer

Living in a vacuum, marking my time,
searching for some answers, a reason or rhyme,
I'm not a true believer,
but I'm sorry for my sins,
confused by my emotions,
free because of him

I know you're out there somewhere,
just a matter of time,
when we'll be together,
I'll be yours and you'll be mine,
I'll be a true believer,
when you're lying in my arms,
confused by my emotions,
and all her many charms,

I don't wanna be the one, who says that they're sorry,
Please don't let me be the one, crying every night,
I don't wanna be the one, who says that they're lonely,
Please don't let me be the one, crying every night,

go where you wanna go,
do what you wanna do,
be what you wanna be,
say what you wanna say,
because it's right

I know you're out there somewhere,
just a matter of time,
when we'll be together,
I'll be yours and you'll be mine,
I'll be a true believer,
when I'm lying in your arms,
confused by my emotions,
and all her many charms,

Gomer LePoet...

this is a song that I have recorded. To hear the music version of this poem go to
The bottle was opened by this song.
Pushed tempo,
Speeding past highway signs ignored.
We broke all the rules,
All the regulations,
When we listened to this song.

Forever wasn't long enough,
In the entryway of hotel rooms,
When our car slid off the road,
And lightning could be heard by the border.
Copyright Marie Hess 2005
I love everything about me, everything I am

Doesn't matter what I can't do, I love everything I can

I'll show you a real life, so come and take my hand

I'll guide you through the real, and show you all the fake

I'll let you know when it's a dream, and let you know when you're awake

I'll start you at the bottom, and take you to the top

I'll teach you when to jump, and show you when to stop

I'll build an elevator to heaven, and lock the doors that lead to hell

I'll expose all of the lies, when the truth comes I will tell

Because I am one of the greatest, that you will ever see

And I am just one person, that you can NEVER be

          We were headed for disaster,
          our hearts were beating faster,
          we were set for action,
          everybody knew we were out of control
          Braced for a collision,
          there was no sane decision,
          they were circling the wagons,
          like fire-breathing dragons,
          they let out a roar

          the smoke was rising higher,
          just like a funeral pyre,
          everything was burning,
          the wheels just kept on turning,
          history would record it all

          They came with sticks swingin',
          it kept our ears aringin',
          tempers were exploding,
          lives were imploding,
          was this the end

          the dust didn't settle for almost 20 years,
          if your waitin' for a medal,
          keep your foot to the pedal,
          remembering is was 1968
          Now it's just a distant memory,
          If you want to make it clearer,
          take a look in the mirror,
          remembering it was 1968

          Gomer LePoet...
 Jun 2010 Allie Savioli
 Jun 2010 Allie Savioli
There exists a struggle
internally festering,
tempting and quivering

helpless and unable to resist
she dives, head first
breaking her neck on the cement bottom
that came far to quickly.
Chaos erupts through the screaming
The words jumbled, corrupt, unusable
Meanings lost
Thoughts backwards
YELLING doesn't help

Anger boiling, spilling over
The order all confused
Emotions explode
Feelings incorrect
YELLING doesn't help

I was trying to say one thing
Out came another
You didn't hear me stumbling
Or even try to bother
To see past the screaming anger
Neither of us listening because
YELLING doesn't help

I needed to air my frustrations
Not scream for an hour
Then cry for three
I needed you to hear me
Not fly off the handle
Then see my point an hour later

Next time I'll write it down
YELLING doesn't help
© April 19, 2010 Deanna Repose
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