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 Dec 2014 Allie King
The first time I looked into your eyes
Felt your lips against mine
Your body and mine entwined
Our hearts aligned
Our love combined
I knew I could search my whole life
And never again would I find
What we share
And I vowed right then and there
I wouldn't have to
I vowed
To love you like you were leaving
So I would never have to face the grieving
Of you getting up and closing the door
Because never in my life have I been so sure
That two people were made for one another
As you were made for me
And I was made for you
That two people could be so right for each other
As perfect as us two.
 Dec 2014 Allie King
You plucked the words "our little secret"
From your lips
And shoved them between mine
With such force
That I choked on them
For years
Until eventually
I spat them out
On your grave.
 Dec 2014 Allie King
Tark Wain
There's no simile
no metaphor
no noun, no verb
no adjective unaccounted for
which describes
the sight eye see
when those two I's
look at me

— The End —