I can't think straight
my nerves are shot
Rational thought
is out the door
I try and sit to calm
myself to no avail
My leg bounces like
a child waiting for Santa
I tense my body and
squeeze every internal
***** still to no avail
Time is of the essence
as I'm about to explode
Will I make it... will I
the clock is ticking and
my forehead is sweating
I grind my teeth and almost
bite off my floating tongue
Do I pull over and water
a random tree or bush?
Can I make it, like playing
chicken with your car
on E and calculating the
distance to the station
I see home and precious
seconds are minimal
Exiting the car, I move
quickly like I have a
proverbial stick inside
I smash open the door
with my zipper already
dropped for convenience
Underwear is not... is not
cooperating, ok got it
We've all been there and
you can relate to this one
Ok... I can think now. LOL
LOL... I needed a good laugh and hopefully it amused you as well.