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5.9k · Oct 2016
Allen Robinson Oct 2016
Raised to believe what you are told
sometimes they didn't get it right
Beneath the muck and mire reveal
true to life issues with consequences
Fact checks confirm what we all know
however the need to triple check remains
The CORE VALUES we poses make us
who we are and build our character
Days by day we seek to stay connected
to friends, business colleagues & family
Have we lost touch with the personal
affect of shaking hands and saying hello?
Face to face and not only by computer screen,
fax or twitter.  Keeping it real and honest,
telling it strait with confidence every time
Deep within my core, I value; GOD, family,
good friends, hard work, peace and love.
Just my thoughts of the moment
1.9k · Oct 2016
Allen Robinson Oct 2016
Suspended high above the canopy
I swear that I can view a very slight
curvature of the Earth in my mind

Vigorous prep for safety purposes
I stable myself to fly if but only
for a moment in time to feel free

The ZIP LINE carries me over the
jungle-like tree line with speed
while I twist & turn semi controlled

I close my eyes briefly to understand
the sensation of flight with my hands
out to represent the superman appeal.

The breaking system tripped and I
arrive safely with a jolt and the nest
sky canopy ever is experienced.
1.8k · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
I admit that I am a man
and with that comes man things
I'm obsessed with the shape
and can't help but stare
when you pass by
Albeit a subtle glance
sometimes it's a full out
Tight jeans or yes...
the classic yoga pants
can drive a sane man wild
What is it that makes me crazed
why can't I stop?
If there was a 12 step program
to taper me off
I would be in rehab
Even the summer tiny shorts
and beach thongs... why do you
tease me to break my neck
I want and need help, but
a well designed bubble,
apple, onion, aka *****
is a terrible thing to waste
I love and respect all your
feminine parts, ****...
Sorry ladies, I had to write this, but all in good clean fun.
1.7k · Jan 2017
Never Underestimate
Allen Robinson Jan 2017
Never Underestimate your worth
your willingness to overcome
your strength to achieve

Never Underestimate your creative mind
your light to uplift others
your faith in times of doubt

Never Underestimate your spirit
your heart when others do
your ability to see good

Never Underestimate your Gods love
your ability to change the world
your true path to greatness.
1.5k · Feb 2017
Hot Water Bottle
Allen Robinson Feb 2017
Water so scalding to melt plastic
and yet I fill my container to full
Not coffee or tea as consumption
was not the plan on my mind
The red bladder of synthetic-like
rubber with white plastic cap
Stretched out on my king bed
lower back exposed from pain
I gently lay upon you and feel the
the slow burn of relief & comfort
The wince and grit of my teeth
are obvious although soothing
Hot water bottle please take my
pain away please help me today.
Oh... this is real!  LOL, but ever so real.
1.5k · Aug 2016
Third Love
Allen Robinson Aug 2016
A charm it is for sure
as I struggled to find you
It took over 20 long years
and my thirst for you
will never waiver
A charm you are
in the twilight of my life
Hard to resist yet easy
to define your meaning to me
Ever grateful I will be to you
for your guidance, trust
and peace.
1.4k · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
Today is the SWEETEST DAY on Earth
because you are in it
Not just a day of hearts and roses
to express my feelings for you
Not just a day of chocolate and poems
because its deserved daily
This day is for love and lovers
to ignite passion and romance
To take you by the hand and dance
when no one is watching
To have a plan that shows you
love without uttering a word
Truly the SWEETEST DAY as
we unite together as one
1.2k · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
I pull back and backhand
you like an old school
**** checking his ***
I don't condone that
behavior, I'm making
a point... literally

Next comes that vicious
overhead smash in the
name of love as I
desire to keep you
in a confined box

Forehand after Forehand
to complete the point, set
and ultimately match
You may judge me with
your rules, but you
will not break me as
I am the winner.
My little ode to the fortnight of Wimbledon
1.2k · Jan 2017
Free To Dance
Allen Robinson Jan 2017
Oh to let go and
be free to dance
like no one is
watching you
moving your
body with an
energy of youth
Hands lifted high
and spinning about
with eyes closed
to feel the music
Connections made
as bodies intertwine
in animalistic motions
with no cares as the
reality of the day is
lost in the sound.
1.2k · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
In my tiny world
nothing compares
to your aroma
when freshly baked
out of the oven
the scent of
assimilates itself
into every corner
& crack of the house
That spicy hint of
ginger and nutmeg
combine to arouse
my scenes of days
gone by of giant
and large glasses of milk
by the fireplace
In any form as a loaf
or snap you are king,
but warn with whipped
cream... nothing else
needs to be said.
YEP... this one is for me, all for me.  Sorry to be selfish.  LOL
1.2k · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
WTFreak... you again
this is my BBQ and I
know that an invitation
was not sent to you and
your tiny little friends

You bug the mess out
of me... no pun intended
and you just have to
touch everything when
no one is looking

Evil as a common fruit fly
I chase you with my swatter,
hand and shoe
Sorry, I had to do it
or did I?

You've flown in my ear,
eyes and nose... yes, you
have even tried my mouth
You fly close about my head
and I dis-like you greatly

You follow me around
like a hungry pet that
needs to be fed
Patience lost, I try to
end you with malice.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
Taken for granted or
taken out of context
We often hear what
we want to and the
focus is near sighted
Random conversation
that goes sideways at
the drop of a hat
builds a distinct stress
Explanation ensues
and all reasoning falls
by the way side
Trust must be rebuilt
Honesty must accompany
The rise and fall of love
suggests many complicated
facets that often evoke
bias emotions.
1.1k · Sep 2016
Allen Robinson Sep 2016
Thinking about my future
and what it holds
visions spun of grey hair
and growing old
Basking in the sunlight
with lazy days of travel
Before time stands still for good
as life begins to slowly unravel
Listening to the birds sing
not taking it for granted
Seeing the world in all its glory
I choose to live my own life
and write my own humble story.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
Parsed upon a river bank
the north shore
as the confluence
gathers and flows...
swift as the Stratus clouds above
I attempt to find the meaning
of everything
Just one of those lazy
summer day
with time on my hands
speculation abounds
ring true in my head
I surmise nothing
yet proclaim to the
will ever be the same
we move forward
we grow and learn
that is the extreme constant
Rolling with the punches
will lessen the burden
of changing times
We have no choice but
to adapt
or be left behind
See clear the way
of your short life
cherish it
live it
love it.
1.0k · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
A thick yet viscous golden
brown nectar of sweet purity

The small hex cells filled with
precious heartfelt goodness  

Honey bee designed and
coaxed by Mother Nature

The tiny flower pollinator
labors and toils non-stop

perfect until the last drop.
1.0k · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Is the wool still being
pulled over our eyes
Can we still afford to
swallow the conspiracy
pill of life?
Over the years a continual
status quo of ultimate B.S.
has been force fed to us
and we take it and take it
with little to no reservation
I'm no rebel, but yet my eyes
are open to the facts, the clear
cut dysfunction of things
Contrary to what is written,
what is televised, what is tweeted
or messaged... we need to wake
the hell up before its to late
People are you not tired and
fed up and seeking more?
Do you
crave justice?
Do you
require the truth?
Are you
tired of being
1.0k · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Swimming about in menial tank
I wonder if you are content
Blue and green grave with a
few fake green plants and
small diver to keep you company
The attempt to provide a tranquil
environment appears fleeting
Even the bubbling treasure chest
seen cliché at best
I watch you for a bit and feed you
the same flakes day in and out
Do you resent me for that
redundant meal?
To my dismay, I find you floating
upside down one morning
and give you a less than proper
burial via flushing without
saying any words for memorial.
985 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
As a young child I would
awaked from my mid-day nap
to the glorious smell of fresh
home-baked cookies, not the
premade out of the tube crap
... the real deal made by mom
Was I dreaming of her awesome
soft baked chocolate chips, the
classic sugar cookie or the
peanut butter thumb print
No matter... I was good with
anything produced by her hand
Sneaking down the stairs to the
kitchen I follow my nose to
discover nothing but aroma
Mixing bowls are all cleaned and
no sign of any used baking sheet
First instinct is to climb the cabinet
and search the old hiding spot
to no avail, she has out smarted
me yet again in concealing evidence
No jar is left probing by my best
Sherlock Holmes investigation
not outwit me again and again
I will seek you until I find you
then I will lay waste to you like
Cookie Monster had his way on
Sesame Street.
982 · Oct 2016
Allen Robinson Oct 2016
Can't help myself
as I watch your
mouth open wide
as you attempt to
cover it up by hand
Your eyes close ever so
tight that a single tear
trickles down your
soft feminine cheek
My involuntary reflex
takes hold I mirror
your weary action
Ironically, everyone
near me reacts in a
similar fashion thus
becoming infectious
Not bored or tired,
however sometimes
it just happens to me.
Did I drool as I check
my dry chin... whew,
not this time.
972 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
As a child of the sixties
I've seem my share
the names and hatred
legislation passed to
bring a semblance of
Those that came before
black and white
that gave their lives
I salute you
no greater sacrifice
could  I imagine
Have we not learned
from the past
Have we not buried
those demons
We all deserve
to just be
Still we have a
way to journey
on this front
Speak the truth
Do what's right
Don't hide from
963 · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
Long past are the
days of celebration
and acknowledgment
I take no pride in
showing off for my born day
No cakes, parties or gifts
No cards, dinners or posts
on social media needed
The older I get, the less I
require & essentially need
I've got the blues
...*dun dun da da dun.
Oops... here I go again, goofing off.  LOL
942 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
You had me at chocolate
then you didn't stop
Baked to perfection
slightly golden brown
and balanced to a
soft & crisp touch
I need you to be warm
with milk chocolate
on my finger tips
Not to thin as you can
be lost in my
ice cold glass of milk
For me, no equal
exists to you
By the dozen
I consume you
without reservation
to my diet
Shaped to any form
or on a stick
you complete me.
for A.
909 · Dec 2016
Milestone 300
Allen Robinson Dec 2016
I've written hundreds of poems
yet a milestone of sorts has been
made crystal clear

I was in poetry limbo for years
never in care about words that
lift up, affect or challenge me

I'm whole with a vision to
reclaim my style, to change
the world with one poem

Clarity is empowering
a force of nature that has
no boundaries to restrict.
902 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Is there anything
more divine than
something made by
human hands
Throughout generations
of honed skills
handed down
to family member
or apprentice
crafted to be passed on
only to become
possibly antiqued
The subtle care and
time involved with
impeccable technique...
no substitute for the
880 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
As in the days of Pentecost
when the disciples gathered
becoming on one accord in
the presence of the Lord

I relinquish my soul to seek
a deeper level of worship with
the One who sits Most High
to gain spiritual understanding

ultimately losing track of time
to claim peace, clarity and
love in a true clean heart.
876 · Oct 2016
Allen Robinson Oct 2016
Love made to order
like a luxury bottle
of fine wine that
appreciates with time
We open ourselves
and let the relationship
breathe as it matures
Never gulped, yet sipped
slowly and enjoyed as
a guilty pleasure
The finest crystal used
akin to dressing up
in ballroom attire for
the proper occasion
A myriad of flavors
and bouquets dance
on our pallets like
a waltz composed
by Tchaikovsky
What follows is left
to the imagination,
but consider a good
bottle much like a
good relationship
always leaves you
yearning for more.
Don't judge me... just having fun with this one.
868 · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
The nostalgic aroma
of fresh baked
takes me back to
youthful time of
holiday and family
Soft, moist and warm
with the lingering
smell of cinnamon,
nutmeg and ginger
is heavenly at best
Finished with fresh
whipped cream that
slowly oozes into the
warm slice and
overwhelms the
palate to an absolute
level 5 drool point.
848 · Dec 2016
Basketball Jones
Allen Robinson Dec 2016
The ball
The rock
The pill
The jones is all too real
The wood
The paint
The arc
The drive provides a spark
The glass
The slam
The tré
The style beyond the fray
The hops
The splash
The twine
The thrill of the game defined
The skill
The pain
The love
The athletic gifts from above.
For the love of the game.
827 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
Blended and aged to perfection
semi sweet or dry to taste
you pair well with any meal

We toast with you
and celebrate special occasions
when you get all bubbly

Pinot Noir
... just to new a few

My carafe breathes
fill my Waterford crystal glass

Poured to perfection
I drink you in
you complete my day.
807 · Dec 2016
Allen Robinson Dec 2016
I have you wrapped in my arms
stretched out on a red leather sofa
  facing one another we connect
   as we often do with eyes engaged

After a gentle loving kiss to remind
you that you are forever the one
  I get you to close your beautiful
   blue eyes and relax deep into me

Our CUDDLE TIME is precious
in securing optimum mental health
  and releasing the stress of the day
    until we are mind-clutter free.
for V.
793 · Sep 2016
Allen Robinson Sep 2016
Downtrodden times
call for moments
of visceral innovation

Ingenuity that stems
from a need to
supersede destiny

HUMANITY discovers
a way to push forward
in natural selection

Creative brilliance
is shown favor
in spite of our flaws.
770 · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
... my love for you

... in the tears I cry

... I wouldn't go to protect

... to fulfill your needs

... to educate my seed

... to lend a hand for peace

... to see global unrest cease

... in writing poems for you

... but for now, I'm trough.
No limits to the lengths I'd go through to...
761 · Feb 2017
Esoteric Connection
Allen Robinson Feb 2017
Captured by our love
we share an esoteric
  connection that only
   we can understand
Thunderstruck by a
beauty inside & out
  a mesmerizing trait
    shared by very few
  Opposites in some
manners yet common
  simultaneous thoughts
flow between us.
For V.
753 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
A youthful stretch of the legs
in the orchard with shallow
rolling hills and long grass

Strolling with an old
collecting apples & berries

Gentle breezes push the
tall grass to and fro
as the sunrays encircle me

I day dream of fresh pies
crafted by loving hands
made by mother nature.
749 · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
I left You
I lost myself
my path was
my faith was
my resolve was
... yet
Good Shepherd
You returned me
to the flock
I stand on You
my rock
stripped bare
exposed and
You've built
me up and
set my feet
on the path
My course
plotted and
ordered by
Grace and mercy
be unto
All blessings flow from above... thank You my Lord.
730 · Aug 2016
Allen Robinson Aug 2016
Wake me then set me on my way
     crack my eyelids and expose the
  warning rays of sun to my face

Fill the room with bold aromas
     that energize life with fervor
and spring the body to function

One grand cup that overflows
     with goodness and blended
with cream and raw sugar.

Nose carefully placed at opening
     to absorb the caffeinated wonder,
yet again... its too **** hot to sip.
716 · Sep 2016
Allen Robinson Sep 2016
I was
to live life
and think free

I was
to see the world
and sail the seas

I was
to prosper
and be all I can be

I was
to create
open minded to see

I was
suffer plights
and lift myself up

I was
to love
never giving up.
716 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Sweetest one without concept
your BABBY FACE moves me
essentially to tears.

Not just of your beauty,
but inside

As you proclaim this I claim you
to seek your BABY FACE
all the days of my life

Like a newborn, your beauty
is pure and unspoiled.
713 · Nov 2016
Allen Robinson Nov 2016
All Hallows night and the
night sky is peppered with
grey clouds and a hazy full
moon lighting the way like
a dimly lit old oil lantern
Little ghouls and goblins
walk the streets moving
briskly from door to door
begging for sweet treats
Cutting through grassy
knowles and leaping small
hedges to fill bags until
they overflow is the objective
Scary pumpkin laden stoops
along with tiny ghosts
swinging from trees, give
pause to appreciate the
ones that go all in to ensure
a proper fright or applause
Free to all who participate
in the annual trek is a
dentists nightmare, yet
free only with the time
honored phrase to release
the candy from the clutches
of the givers...
Always assured to be an
honest to goodness treat.
709 · Dec 2016
Peddles of a Rose
Allen Robinson Dec 2016
The day of love
is at hand as I
await your
pending arrival
I arm myself with
one dozen of the
finest red
long stem roses
Selecting one to
purge the bulb of
all peddles
I line the pathway
with red silky markers
leading you
towards the bedroom
Peddles of a Rose
placed strategically
to peak curiosity
Intrigued you are
and the anticipation
of what is to follow
empowers my plan
I visually undress you
as you take notice of
my eyes loving you
Without a touch or
verbal command
to slowly undress
yourself with desire
in your eyes
Your nakedness
fully engaged
you spread your
frame across the bed
and the oil massage
ensues with
silky red peddles
gently gliding upon
your glistening body
You moan in
sheer pleasure
which continues
until need me to be
the man you require.
706 · Jan 2017
Meaning of Life (X10)
Allen Robinson Jan 2017
Meaning of
life is
the life
you mean
to make.
It's totally possible that someone said this long before I did, but it's my first attempt at a (X10) ten word poem.
704 · Aug 2016
Allen Robinson Aug 2016
Consider the taste of her lips
as you connect and gently
close your eyes to feel the
heat of impending passion

Consider the silky soft body
that your finger tips must
caress and massage with all
the finesse of a professional

Consider the blind attraction
and movement of the heart
lifting us up to always be
better as one complete mind

Consider showing more love
and romance to embrace the
moment as time is so short and
not to be taken for granted

691 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Stricken by doldrums
of everyday life
We gather to debate,
solve world problems
& talk general issues
A sanctuary of solitude
with rules that apply
like a Vegas excursion
The original men's social
club & escape of the
mundane to sharpen
ones style and enhance
ones appearance
Tears of joy and sadness
abound within the walls
History & current event
matters echo in the voices
of all who pass through.
686 · Jan 2017
Allen Robinson Jan 2017
Like any other day
I awake to give thanks
All senses and limbs
in complete tact
ever GRATEFUL I am
Seeking the meaning
of my existence on
this complex rock
I ponder all things
large and small
Limited in my slumber
time passes swiftly
supported by my
blood shot eyes and
semi-weary body.
685 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
Of all that warms my heart
in the days of my childhood
you were there to nourish me

On those brisk winter mornings
when the cupboards where nearly bare
you fulfilled my needs

My old friends Earl Grey
and Orange Pekoe
never disappointed

Never to take a back seat
white Towntalk bread
lightly toasted with butter

virtually inseparable...
my comfort food.
Those of us old enough to recall this staple diet food of essentially days gone by, but I  still love you.
677 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
Good night
sleep tight and
don't let the
bed bugs bite...
their freaking
r      e      a      l
I've seen them in real life
at a hotel somewhere in
West Virginia no longer
in business... wondering why.
666 · Jul 2016
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Center of the
globe& world with a
latitude of 0 degrees, the heat
is of tropic proportions via the suns
close proximity.  From Macapa to the
Maldives you encompass a rare
distinction,  known as
middle Earth.
664 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
O chronic PAIN
I rebuke the evil
you inflict
upon my body
I refuse drugs
that disguise
your symptoms
and mask
your lingering ailments
You do not
control me
I will get stronger
through hard work
proper nutrition
and prayer
I own you
I break your grip
and free myself.
663 · Jun 2016
Allen Robinson Jun 2016
The few I poses
are golden...
are always there

The comforting shoulder
a bent ear
and sounding board
one who doesn't judge

A great lunch buddy
and small savings & loan
Loving guidance giver
the one who keeps it real

are not always
best friends, but
they know us like none other

They offer a place to stay
when you need time away
Often distant for years, yet
a call can remedy elapsed time.
660 · Aug 2016
Allen Robinson Aug 2016
My heart is prepared to burst
with the thought of going
   though an entire lifetime with
   never feeling loves warmth

To be shielded from glow of
love without feelings ones
   arms wrapped around you
   to take away the pain & hurt

Never feeling the touch of
love wiping away your tears
   and locking gentle fingers
   as you walk together in sync

Being MINUS LOVE and not
tasting the soft lips of one that
   raises your body temperature
   compels me to weep in sorrow.
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