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They're Everywhere!, The Beautiful Badger Skins, All Of Your Things, To Conquer The Ant, Feces Feline, ******* Traffic, The Coloring Books, I'll Catch You With Nets, A Truce To Trance, Pale Nosed Girls, Jars In June, Fake Fight Fridays, Just Like Madeline, Cats And Dogs, The Poor And The Smiling, So She Says, No Strawberries Please, Bicycle Chase, Chickens Don't Fly, Behind The Shed, Cars In The 90's, Carl's Disease, Anthropomorphic Crush, A Cheer From The Waves, Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles,  The Floorboards, Suitcase Joust, Beneath The Forest, Myspace Meltdown, Call Me On Tuesday, Take Me Out To Pho, Grave Of The Cameras, Toothpicks And Cigs, Wax On Wax Off, Bad Days For Good People, Burnt Bacon.
If anyone wants to use these, be my guest.
When my Dad got divorced,
He told me that he would wake up in the night with his hands tightly clenched into fists,
I've gone to bed with aching bones ever since,
Falling asleep angry and alone,
Just like him
Beds were never made to die on
a word of advice i have kept close to my mind
and think of it when i start to unwind
"Let it come natural"
which is great advice i guess
but when you do it, and people make you feel like less
well guys ignore them, cause they are just petty
"Let it come natural"
i cannot promise that things will go your way
or that your problems will go away
but i can promise that you will never feel fake
"Let it come natural"
and show this world what your made of

I met a girl, and i have a bad rep
but that does not mean i should take a step
to her and ask out for a date
i mean better now then to be late
so i thought for a while about what to do,
and the back off my mind said "just be you"
but why do i feel like i'm not worth her time?
and why do my thoughts come out as rhymes?

I talked to my friends and they all said the same
to Let it come natural, even if that is lame

Let it come natural"
which is great advice i guess
but when you do it, and people make you feel like less
well guys ignore them, cause they are just petty
"Let it come natural"
i cannot promise that things will go your way
or that your problems will go away
but i can promise that you will never feel fake
"Let it come natural"
and show this world what your made of
so any advice about my writing style guys?
He walks through the forest
quick, deliberate
following the horizon, hurrying towards it
though it remains, always in the distance

his eyes are glazed with sadness
though sharp
even in darkness where he thrives
they miss nothing

not the sparrows or the doves
that he has paused to admire along the way
nor the coyote
who watches him at night, keeping his distance

he is accustomed to the sounds of the forest
he has learned them
as he has learned the paths
carved by those who walked before him

fueled by his certainty, he is in motion.

he was in motion.

once there was a flutter of wings
and a flash of color
sudden and vivid, unexpected.

it came from deep in the trees
and then, a sound.
it was a most beautiful song
sweet, alluring
the song of a gentle creature

but he turned away
he had always kept the depths of the forest at bay
he feared it.

yet he could not escape her song
her music filled the forest now
and he stopped.
this was no ordinary bird
he must find her

for the first time he left the path
into the trees,
into absolute darkness
stumbling, grasping

he tried to turn back.
it wasn't the right time
the horizon seemed so close.
but he was lost.

the creature's song became closer
sweeter, more enchanting
it was her.
it was the one.

she came into view at last
with feathers of pink and blue
the loveliest shades.
they were long at the tail
delicate, soft
seated with the most innocent eyes

yet there was an unspoken strength about her
it was threatening to him
he had not encountered such a duality

"come, little bird" he said
and she came gladly
she perched upon his shoulder, chirping happily
then she flew,
one tree to the next
and he followed her
to worlds unknown.

she showed him waterfalls
and calm pools.
beautiful stones and flowers.
all the wonders of the forest.
a world of fantasy and timelessness

she was certainly the one.
he was sure of it.
he pulled out a pouch from his breast pocket.
he had always carried it
was always waiting.

it contained the finest, most delicious seeds
and he fed them to her
she grew to eat nothing else.
though she flew to him each day, he worried.
what if she flies away and never returns?
it was unbearable.
it was what kept him away all these years.

from his pack he pulled out a cage.
it was well fashioned and intricate
he filled it with his seeds.
when she flew to him, he placed her inside
she was hungry and did not resist.

though he kept feeding her, she grew to be sad.
she missed the forest
the trees,

he talked of keeping her forever
and her heart began to die.
he felt her fear
and he feared losing her.

"If you would just let me fly amongst the trees once more, I will always visit you, everyday forever"
she pleaded.
he could not understand.
his sharpness collapsed under his fear

one day the bird no longer pleaded.
she no longer looked upon him with the same gentle eyes.
she lost her appetite for his wicked seeds
and did not hunger for them anymore.

she unleashed her strength upon the foul cage
and burst from it
angry, betrayed
how could a creature such as him find a place in the forest?
she flew away
and no longer sang, but wept quietly in the highest of trees.

down below, he wept too
but he grew angry with her.
he hated her.
she had wronged him, she left.

but he would never forget her song.
I hope I have lines around my eyes when I'm older
because crow's feet are caused either by bad eyesight or years of laughter
and my vision's 20/20.
“Palm trees do exist”
And like that I’m speechless
Because palm trees are the definition of serenity
And she can’t find that serendipity
because in Idaho we have pine trees
And fathers who are like attics
Attics have ladders to climb so you can reach their expectations
And sometimes his are too high
If I had an attic I would cut every rung to its ladder and build my own
Because I know where I’m going
It might not be as high as you’d like
But let me assure you I’m headed toward palm trees
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