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Alicia Nov 2013
I am four
I am my first lost tooth
I am based on positivity
while lacking creativity
I am four
& I am not me yet
I am eight
I am a jump rope in the driveway
I am learning
but not worrying
I am eight
& I am not me yet
I am twelve
I am no longer tiny
I am the hush whisper of names
Names I don't know the meaning of yet
I am twelve
& I am becoming me
I am thirteen
I am the latest fad
I am losing myself
more & more each day
I am thirteen
& I am searching for me
I am fifteen
I am a broken heart
I am a fake smile
painted on the surface
I am no longer good enough
I am alone in my own mind
But not on the outside
On the outside
I am a friend
I am happy
I am a leader to those
that  choose to follow
But on the inside
I am trapped
I am being swallowed by
my endless thoughts
I am fifteen
& I have lost myself completely
Alicia Nov 2013
Its midnight again
You count
It's the twelfth midnight you've spent like this
Because you cant seem to remember what the back of your eyelids look like at this time
But you remember too well how it feels for them to be soaked
You remember time before you started counting
When your midnights were spent intertwined in the sheets
Sharing midnight with your lover
But now its the twelfth midnight you've spent under cold sheets
In a cold room
With cold thoughts of the chance of a thirteenth midnight
Alicia Nov 2013
Because you shouldnt be scared when you wake up shaking in tears
You should be scared when the tears no longer flow and you're nothing but numb
Alicia Nov 2013
Because the truth comes out when you sit there
Wrapped up in your blanket
Staring at your screen talking about what once was
Because at 1:43am you don't worry about what's going on tomorrow
Or what happened yesterday
At 1:43 am you remember what it use to be like
You remember what you seem to crave
And the feeling comes back
And you try to push it away
But at 1:43am feelings don't get pushed away
They become remembered memories
And they swallow you whole
They take you back to places you've tired so hard to forget
Holes you've dug yourself out of
But at 1:43am you find way to fall back into that hole
And you're trapped
Because  at 1:43 am you're to weak to dig yourself out again
And 1:43am is where it begins
Alicia Oct 2013
Today I talked to the sky
& the sky talked back to me
I took a seat on a cloud
& asked the sky what it sees
The sky replied with a sigh
For this question seemed to sadden it
I asked the sky, "Why the sigh?"
& it replied with this:
"See I've been here for quite a while
watching my world change
But lately I have not been pleased
With this new found age
Now wait, let me think
Displeased is not what I mean
What I think I'm trying to say is
I'm confused at what I see
I see the land connected
yet there's these unseen boundaries
& why do you use bombs
To make peace between these countries
Why when I protect you
I get poisend in return
Why some live in luxery
& food to live is what others yearn
So if that answers your question
On what I seem to see
I hope you open up your mind
& start to think like me"
Right then I fell from that cloud
& back into my bed
I opened up my tired eyes
& a thought ran through my head
It only takes one person
to start a chain event
it takes but just one mind
to pass on what the sky had meant
Alicia Oct 2013
I was addicted to something much worse than drugs
I was addicted to you
& I was in so deep, there was no escaping
& the rehab you called rebounds were always temperary
because getting clean from you  was always followed by a relapse
It started with a hit & then I was back
because my skin craved you like a smoker craves nicotine
But there's no patches or pills to save me from falling in love with something
So dangerous
Because it's just a matter of time till my blood runs out of what it needs to work my heart
the wrong way, also known as the only way I know
& I end up needing every ounce of you back in my system
Alicia Oct 2013
When I see a new face I take their look
Their expression
Their posture
Their eyes
& use them to write a story
Creating a life in which I think they live
While my mind wanders, contemplating their experiences I make up for them
The second  hardest part is not knowing if I am ever close
If I tell their story correctly
If I read their eyes right
Read their look right
The hardest part is not knowing if
Their look or expression is in all reality a cry for help
A cry hoping that only a wandering mind can save them
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