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Alice Kay Nov 2012
How quickly things can bounce back
to where they belong

Why couldn't this have happened sooner?
to save all the heartbreak and depression?

I'm still glad you're back though, darling.
I'd wait another year if I had to
Alice Kay Feb 2013
What do you do when there's nothing left

and no one will listen to you

no matter what you say

how you say it

or how loud you are.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
You don't give a ****

never did...

and never will

sorry about swearing :)
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Nothing i do can reflect my true feelings deep inside
Alice Kay Oct 2012
with every casual goodbye...

                                                                                                                        ...I wonder if it's the last
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I think I'm falling in love

with the ghost of you.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
They will be waiting for those shinning faces
to come tumbling down the stairs in the morning.

but they won't come

Easter will come around
and they will be waiting to see chocolate stained cheeks

but there are no baskets to hide

What do you do?

Where do you go?

Who will you be thankful for at Thanksgiving?

There's nothing to do...

but to push onwards.
This date will forever be in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families effected, whether directly or indirectly from the massacre. If you have even a few seconds, please just send a prayer up. If you don't believe in a god, then please keep them in your thoughts.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I'm still waiting for a response

that I'll never get.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
The alarm clock sounds.

Another day

of avoiding people

Alice Kay Apr 2013
Don't let me crack again

this time might be earthquake force

Please share some of this new-found peace

I've forgotten how it feels,

but I know it was wonderful.

Help me get there again.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Instead of saying time heals everything

tell me something that actually works
Favorite lines from A Bitter Day;=a8ZFHnuQEbw&feature;=endscreen
Alice Kay May 2013
You to are so perfect.

You're so sweet to her,

and it just looks right.

Why can't I just accept that?
Alice Kay Jan 2013
True meanings cease to exist

                            as you do

Tears disappear into the earth
                            freezing in the ground

As you are
Alice Kay Oct 2012
your from a different country
i'm from a different school

i've been here for four years now
This is your fourth time moving

i guess we kinda got forced together...
there was no one else to turn to

and i guess no matter how long we will be friends
the best we'll ever be is there for each other
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I'm probably stupid for doing this,

but I just can't help it...

I'm a big believer in second chances,

but this is you're fourth.

I'll say this is you're last chance,

but I know if it falls apart again

I won't be able to resist

and we'll start at a new beginning...

Just because i write something doesn't mean that's exactly what i mean...sometimes it just makes a good poem.
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Eventually you learn,

they're all lying
they're all pretending
they all see it as a joke.

They never see, or care, how you really feel.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
it's a theme all to common.

first we ran to each other

then together...

before i knew it you were to fast

and i was always running...

running after you.

But now i've given up

Alice Kay Feb 2013
Again we run away

Again we try to solve a minor problem

with all this useless drama.
Nuh uh. I was not using your poetry against you. Instead of making a big deal why can't we just talk it out at least?
Alice Kay Nov 2012
reality sets in

and i realize he is still gone
Alice Kay Oct 2012
Please don't lose me in the crowd

* so many have before you...
Alice Kay Feb 2013
He sits there,
joyful music in his ears,
a frown on his face.
Alice Kay Mar 2013
Just about now I could use a lecture

Yelling at myself for not moving on,

for not letting go,

for not being happy.
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Distant fireworks glitter across the sky
reflecting on the glassy lake
they sizzle away as neighbors call to each other
sending well-wishes for the new year.
This is kinda what my new year's was like :)

Happy 2013!!!!!!
Alice Kay Nov 2012
It's been over a year now,
but even now
with every word comes a memory

And I can't forget...

Will I ever even get over you?
Alice Kay Jan 2013
Oh **** it!
I ate a whole slice of cake,
how could I?

I'll never get to 90 lbs. this way...
When my parents go to bed,
it'll be another trip to the bathroom
to get rid of those ugly calories.

I'm never hungry anymore,
and I only eat one meal a day
(of course, only half...only fat people eat full meals)

I can already see all of my ribs,
I that's good right?
all the models look like that.

Maybe now I can fit in with the real crowd,
and I'll get a good guy.
All I have to do is get my stomach a little more flat,
lose those 3 more pounds.

Then I'll be perfect.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
I wake staring at a tear-stained pillow

dark bags have formed under my eyes

i listlessly stare back at my reflection  in the mirror

i don't know that disheveled creature.

Drag a brush over my hair, but not accomplishing anything,

i get ready for another day

another day filled with the ghosts and echoes of my mistakes

and knowing i can never fix them
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I can ramble forever about everything we had,
everything we could have been,
everything we had going for us.
I could write dozens of poem about everything that we lost,
and I have.
I could ramble on forever....
and never have said enough.
It's one of those things you can never describe...
no matter who it is speaking.
But the one thing I must come to face eventually
is that your gone forever...

                                                               ­                                  and there no way to get you back.

                                                      ­                                                                 ­                                      ´ *ever
I would apologize...if I could but look in your eyes
Alice Kay Apr 2013
You've really done it this time, son.

You may think that you're so good, so smart.

But you will get burned out just like the rest of us.
Alice Kay Nov 2012
"I want a relationship"
you said
"Same has always been for me"
I replied.

What has happened since then?
How was it that we fell apart

When just weeks ago you said
"How are we going to make it through college?"

How did that happen?
When we didn't even last a year?

How can a love so strong
a love we both risked for

Have been blown away
with a single breath?
More ranting
Alice Kay Nov 2012
Laptop closed

Light turned off

Headphones plugged in

A sweet song plays softly

And as I drift to sleep...

The image your happy face

My eyes close with a smile
Alice Kay Sep 2012
I'm known for walking around
with a smile on my face.

But do people really believe
that that cheery smile

Do they not see the eyes
that don't always match

Why don't people ever look
and see the haunted feelings

What is it with people
that they don't ask what

But if I tell them everything
every last detail, would
Alice Kay Feb 2013
"Everyone needs something to believe in. Don't they?"

"Yes, I suppose that's true."

Dear priest, I hope you know that what you say
is what people want to believe in.

Alice Kay Jan 2013
I'll forgive him a hundred times over (but no more then that)
just because he was so lost and confused...

but you.........

Alice Kay Nov 2012
The many happy memories are the cause of my tears
Alice Kay May 2013
The tendrils of smoke,

they drift on the slightest zephyr

and find their way to you

they will find any crack and break you

the smoke from a fire, the sublimation of dry ice

they don't agree but the goal is the same.
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Must make money.....

Must do all my school work.....

Must work out and lose enough pounds that I'm not fat anymore...

Must regain all the trust that has been lost....

Must find a way to make everything better again.....


How to prioritize????

You can only put so much into one without completely losing all the others.
my life right now :P Not complaining of anything....but there's no way to choose sometimes!! -_-
Alice Kay Jan 2013
You can't just let it be can you?
Just when we are letting go,
you have to leave one more
everlasting blow.
Alice Kay May 2013
Other people have written parts of the story for me.

I'm done with trying to write it myself

as it is always met with remarks and disappointment, rejection.

Time to close the book.
It's been great being on HelloPoetry!

I've met some amazing people, and read even more amazing poems.

It's been a nice run, but I'm done. Thank you everyone who has followed, liked, and commented on my poems. I appreciate every single one!

Bye guys and happy writing!
Alice Kay Dec 2012
If you stuff to much of anything
into anything

the pressure builds
until it explodes.

You will soon find...
I can only retain so much information.

But by then,
it will be to late.

And I will be gone
Alice Kay Dec 2012
A bright light is blinding.

I guess you were to bright for me to handle.

And now I'm blind to everything but you.
Every time you blink after staring at a bright light, it's still there, and stays that way for a few moments. But how long does it last if the light is brighter then the sun? It blinds you forever.
Alice Kay Dec 2012
If you can take away all my love, what do I need you for?
You can take away all these words, there's no meaning anymore.
You can take away everything leave me lying on the floor,
all those sorrys, we can't go back to the start.
You can't fix me, I'm torn apart.

I wanna run away from love, this time I have had enough.
Everytime I feel your touch, I'm broken.
Shattered all the pieces of parts.
Never thought I'd fall so hard.
I'm putting back together my heart, it's broken.

You can take these photographs and watch them fade away.
You can through away all these letters, I don't care about what they say.
All those sorrys, there's a million reasons why you can't mend me, don't even try.


I know it's gonna take some time, to finally realize.
I got nothing left inside, nothing to hide, I'm broken, broken, broken
Leona Lewis ~ Broken

I'm really feeling these lyrics tonight.....idk
Alice Kay Apr 2013
A guilty pleasure
I cannot live without
Anyone else completely addicted to brownies (and all other chocolate) even though you know it's bad for you?
Alice Kay Dec 2012
Bury me in a ship
Deep down in the ocean.

So that a coral could grow on my coffin
and colorful fish could stop by for a visit.

And something dead could create something beautiful.

idk..that just appeals to me to create something from and end
Alice Kay Feb 2013
I need a shoulder to cry on

but I forgot no one cared but you

and now you're gone.
Ahhhhh, I'm in such a depressed mood tonight....I can't make this a habit.....

Me: if u could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Him: have no life exist on earth
Him: bye, i must be going now

Isn't this the happiest last actual conversation to have with someone you loved?
Alice Kay Jan 2013
1 2 3 4

another friend going out the door

5 6 7 8

for my last friend to leave, I only have to wait
Alice Kay Sep 2013
Some vortex
or a twist in time
a mistake you can't change
Your favorite memory that you forgot.

One moment passes
as you watch it go,
another one is already gone.

Never stop looking forward
you never want to miss what's coming.

because it might be your new favorite moment.
I know I said I wouldn't post here anymore, but this is one so the Alice Kay part of me doesn't die yet :)
Alice Kay Jan 2013
When most people step into calm waters,
the only effects are a few small ripples.

But you never just step into calm waters.
You cannon ball and send waves crashing.
Alice Kay Nov 2012

A sad song plays softly


Suddenly everything is light and cheerful


I have time to remember the words for later


The cheerful song continues on repeat
If only...
Alice Kay Dec 2012
What's the point of asking,
when we could never be?
Everything we had
was blown away in the wind.
I don't think I'll get over the fact
that a single mistake ruined us.

All those plans....
wiped out.

Even though we are just friends now..
I can't help but want more

Because I'm still in love with you're old self

and your new personality is alien
Alice Kay Feb 2013
Flickering lights live in the shadows of the granite walls.

Extending on and on with infinite layers,

each with a story,

each with a tear,

each as a candle was lit with prayers from the soul.

Each with a hope that things will get better,

that things will heal.

That maybe, just maybe, their prayers, hopes, and dreams will be answered.
The smoke curls up into the heavens as it is extinguished to be lit again.
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