too tired to write anything
that is worth reading
so I'll just drain my thoughts
and maybe I'll get some sleep
as for you,
why am I so sad still
when I try so hard to be happy
though it sure feels nice to not have
the weight of you on my shoulders
as for my mother,
when are you going to grow up
and stop treating your children
like they are ******* accessories
you selfish ******* *****
as for my sister,
put the cigarette down baby
and stop trying to act like mommy
you are too young to know
a sorrow this deep
as for my father,
why are you so morose now
I can hardly make you smile anymore
the only thing that keeps you going
is your bottle of whiskey
as for my heart,
stop leaping back to him
can you not see how fragile
and broken you are
start beating for yourself
*oh wow,
that felt lovely
and now I can sleep
safe and sound
this is horribly hideous and I apologize but I really needed to get it out somewhere.