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 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
That dear young man
Who lived on the corner of Wolf's street
Shaggy brown hair
Oh, he was sweet

I remember the days
When he stole me away
Took me for a ride
It was sad we parted ways

The memory of that night
We lay on a field of grass
We stared up at the stars
He said he had something to ask

“Did you know?
That there's a star in the sky
For every person in love?"
So when you feel lonely
Just look above

But do you know
What the saddest part is
Life's not fair
There are an odd number of stars
In the sky, up there

“Do you have a star?"
He asked.
Do I? I wondered
I wish I had answered
But then it began to thunder

Now I know the answer
But that was years ago
If he asked me again
I would say so

But that dear young man
Who lived on the corner of Wolf's street
Doesn't live there anymore
But boy, he was sweet

But that was years ago
Now I stare up at the sky
If he asked me again
He would hear my reply

The saddest part is
Life's not fair
There are an odd number of stars
In the sky, up there

I have a star
I always did
But now he doesn't
And I feel morbid

But that's not the end
Of that love story
True, the man had died
And he had no star
He was always watching her
Even from afar
 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
This shade of white is making me rather cold and now I feel numb.
Only the gray can make me warm again. It makes me comfortably empty. So let the clouds in the early dawn travel time and watch me hopelessly fantasize about this future in which although it is mine, I cannot see myself.
How can this be true? I was only alive yesterday! But, ah, you see those were yesterday’s feelings.
I feel different today. Getting more used to and consociated to this black abyss which I was senselessly ****** into the other day. And although your brick walls were held up so high, mine was never built and instead I hide myself in the thick fog that crept into my open soul one night while I was sleeping; I woke up and I swear I couldn’t find myself. I was already hidden so well, the lost girl who was a coward and so stupidly took shelter in something that could never protect her.
No, the world doesn’t protect people nor lost souls. It will only hunt you down and torment you until it is sure that you no longer breathe life, but cold air. But I guess that was my fault for not building up your brick walls.
And in that moment, as it happened, everything that I had ever dreamed of mercilessly divided and shattered like all the stars in the sky for someone else to find.
The only difference was from then on I wasn’t cold or bitter or emotionless or blank like everyone thought would happen if I got depressed.
It and I, was only nothing.
The latest victim of the world.
Yet, I felt so soft, like the curve of a swan’s neck.
So infinitely impossible.
So therefore, I wish I could tell you, but this shade of white is making me rather cold and now I feel numb.
 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
You think about me when
Your in my thoughts too

I think how I found myself
And how you lost you.  

Waiting for a happy ending
Fighting with yourself when your not even winning

Wanting everything to stop
And its only the beginning.
 Jan 2014 Alexis Lehrer
I'm awful
No good

A *****
An idiot
And a liar

And I'm never
Going to be
Good enough

*Repeat. Increase speed.
Here I am, no money and hungry again
The last few months have been tough
Money is short again.
I don’t have money to eat out
I should have made a sandwich at the house
But I don’t have any meat just bread
I collected bottles and cans the night before trash day
Late at night so the neighbors wouldn’t see
I turned them into the recycling center
Just to put $7.35 of gas in my car
I made it to the office
When it’s lunch time I just sit at my desk
Pretending I have too much work to do.
I’ve maxed out my credit cards
The office gal asked why I’m not going to lunch
She tells me to take a break.
“Okay you’re right” I say
I go to my car drive around the corner and sleep
I am hungry
When I go back to the office I’ll have more coffee
It wakes me up
I think about borrowing $20 for gas
But I decide I don’t want to
I’ll make it home
I drive back home on empty
My son is home from school
His class is going on a field trip
He needs ten dollars
I write a check I know will bounce
I make rice for dinner he is disappointed.
I told him I forgot to go to store, but I will go tomorrow
I put a lot of salt and pepper in it.
The phone keeps ringing.
We never answer it.  
I tell my son I have to run a quick errand
I have a coin collection my father gave me
I drive to a pawn shop
They give me $60 for it.
Its worth $200.
It will cost me $91.00 to buy it back
I put $10 in my gas tank
I buy some cereal and milk for tomorrow
“Where have you been?”
“Sorry I didn’t think I would be gone so long”
We watch T.V. together
Just three more days
Just three more days until pay day
I’ll just make it.
As we lay in bed
I know we aren’t going to do it tonight
I can feel your hate
You don’t say anything
You don’t lie close to me
You’ve turned the other way
It’s been almost a year
Why are things going at this pace?
Now what?
Is it my job?
Am I not where I should be on your plan?
What is your plan?
I’ve never said no
I’ve let you spend all the money
You constantly plan all our weekends
This *****
What am I doing here?
I can’t sleep
I feel like getting out of bed and watching more T.V.
But I will be exhausted in the morning if I do that.
I could turn on Skinemax
Then ******* and then come back to bed
Why can’t we get it on?
What is wrong now?
Should I buy you some jewelry?
I’ll have to put it on a credit card.
We had *** when I bought you that bracelet
We didn’t have *** when I took you out to dinner
When you’re happy you don’t seem to want to do it.
You don’t ever do it on Fathers Day or my Birthday
Are you gay?
Is it a chore?
You moan like you like it
Is that just an act?
Are you done with *** now?
Why am I here?
What’s in it for me?
You are like a roommate
I had a roommate in college
That was pretty fun
We drank a lot more beer
And BBQ’d a lot more
He didn’t care if I left my shoes in the living room
I didn’t care if there was no dinner
I just ate out.
What’s in it for me?
Why am I here?
Are we now just roommates?
Let me know because now I can date
I won’t be going over to see you mother’s anymore
My weekends will belong to me.
Why do I feel sad?
You don’t seem sad
You’re now sound asleep
I’m going to get out of bed put on the T.V.
And then ******* and go to sleep
Why am I putting up with this?
Why do I have to get my kicks from a movie?
I have a wife
I should have to live this way?
Why am I here?
Am I too lazy to leave?
Am I kidding myself that this can still work?
How much longer can this go on?
If I met someone else would this happen again?
Leaving seems complicated
A bullet to my brain seems easier
Am I brave for staying?
Am I a ***** for not leaving?
Will I get a medal for surviving?
I think I am a *****
when she was four she tied balloons to her wrist.

they always rose, she knew. balloons always found the clouds.

she sat in the grass with her legs crossed and fastened string after plastic string to her arm, and until her hand turned blue she waited

waited to rise.

when she was ten she smashed a hold in the frozen water across the street.

water always carried people away
it ran when they couldn't run themselves
and frozen water,
she figured,
would be slower--
less harsh but it would bring her far from home all the same.

white and blue as the clouds she'd longed for,
they pulled her from the frigid water
six miles downstream

even fastened to a hospital bed with 'suicidal' harshly painted on her soul
she knew she didn't belong

when she was fifteen she joined the party,

older kids were swallowing their sorrows and threading out their despairs in a pitiful drug-induced slumber

and she watched with a syringe in her hand, as read to join them as she was to die.

she was born to die.

and so the needle in her arm and the tragedy on her breath was enough to help her rise.

and as her eyelids turned back to icy blue and her identity was wiped clean she felt a pressure against the crisscrossed skin of her wrist

and as her mind followed her heart out of the world she would have sworn it was a black balloon

that carried her to oblivion.
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