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Oct 2024 · 54
i used to wish on stars

but people change and with that the place

now i have to make wishes on airplanes and satellites

i hope it works the same

there aren't as many planes as there are stars in the infinite of space
maybe that's why nothing comes true
Oct 2024 · 35
i could have frozen that moment forever
you, so unaware of your effect on people
me, pretending like i'm different
and i keep thinking, if i knew you were on the board, i would have played the game differently
Feb 2022 · 223
hi - bye
I don't know if you ever search our names on the internet
and i'm not sure what that means or if I even want to know
regardless of if you read these poems or not
i don't think that your eyes deserve these words
this little glimpse into a life
one that you could have so easily been a part of
this window into the heart and the brain
i don't want you peeping through it anymore
because these poems sometimes feel like this is our identity
and if you didnt want us in real life
why should we let you have us online

but here we are
posting with the hopes that you'll read it
so that maybe you can feel some ounce of guilt
for what you put us through
Nov 2021 · 185
no title yet
two broken souls
i’ve lost hope that either of them will be whole

how unfortunate that two perfectly split pieces
won’t fit together
Aug 2021 · 295
the mug that you got me
it sits at the back of the cupboard
it still has my lipstick on it from the last time you were here

will you stay this time?
im tired of unwashed mugs
Aug 2021 · 346
temporary high
the intentions that you set with me were clear
but the intentions that i made with myself were not
stop looking for love in a temporary high
Jun 2021 · 692
red flags
i told you that i loved you

you told me that i could do better
May 2021 · 227
i drove with the windows down today
through your home town
singing at the top of my lungs
and i thought about you
Apr 2021 · 136
keep up
even though my world has stopped
everyone else keeps moving
everyone keeps living
and i cant keep up
i need to learn how to keep up
how am i supposed to keep up
when nobody waits
Nov 2020 · 175
I think a lot about choices
Are they really our own or are they up to the universe
If the events of my youth were created and unfolded by me or by fate

Is the trauma resulting from my poor judgement or was it fundamentally imbedded into who I am as a living being before I was even conceived

Would I still be broken
Would you still be evil
Oct 2020 · 169
the face of an angel
i thought you were my saving grace
a love story come back from the grave after 3 years of non-existance
soft skin and almond eyes
passion and expertise after finding ourselves
coffee in a french press and pancakes on the stove
laughter and stolen glances and 'remember whens' until 3 am
slowly reviving my soul
reminding me of how good men still exist
I really wanted you to be one of the good ones

a constant reminder to love yourself first
Sep 2020 · 204
you remind me of candy
i just keep craving you
wake up in the morning thinking of the sugar high
my mouth watering enough to make me go a little bit crazy
some days i am able to eat just enough to be satisfied
but some days my stomach turns sour
rejecting you from the inside out

my body knows i cant have anymore of you before my mind does
Sep 2020 · 98
part 2
i see the pictures
you look so happy

i hope youre happy

soon we'll be in the same city
i wonder how close we'll be
maybe -hopefully- we'll run into each other

i'll give you a hug

we'll catch up

i'll wish you the best

tell you that i'm sorry

and then i'll walk away

because you deserved better then, and you deserve better now
Sep 2020 · 89
part 1
im caught up in the thought of you
and i dont know why
you live exactly 305 miles away and i've moved on

and i dont remember what you go to school for
or what your favourite foods are
or what kind of clothes you wear

but i remember the first night we met
drunk in the basement of a highschool party

and i remember the kiss and the laughter and your face

and i remember how you were the hardest goodbye i've ever had

and i remember how much i hurt you - i told myself it was for the best

but the truth is, i wasn't ready

but now i am, and its too late
Jan 2020 · 121
busy bees
i am a flower
with roots that run deep and spread wide across the earth
never moving

i like it here when its warm
with honeybees all around

but when its cold I have to stand tall and brave the ice and wind
waiting for my time to bloom again
but i dont mind because i like it here
despite the cold
i like my unmoving, unchanging roots

i wish the bees did too
and my number may go up year by year
the words that are spoken to me getting longer and more difficult to understand
the expectations rising
but with every passing minute
it feels like i am stuck with the same adolescent brain
never learning never gaining
Dec 2019 · 165
i see you
Nobody wants to see the worst in someone they love
Aug 2019 · 228
He made me nervous
And not the good kind
Not the kind that gives you butterflies in your tummy

It was the kind that makes you look for the closest exit
The closest sharp object
The closest thing that will help you to get away from him

This was the kind of feeling that makes you feel guilty
Absolutely disgusting

The list goes on

This feeling makes you run through every single terrifying scenario in your head
Makes you think about the things this person could do to you if you gave him the opportunity

But the anxiety made me stay
Made me continue to carry out the conversation
Made me say things I didn't want to because I was too scared to tell the truth

This made the guilt grow bigger and bigger
And I felt that guilt for days

But, no matter how many times I replay conversations
Or the entirety of relationships
in my head
In the end
I ran
And I got out

That's all that matters
Mar 2019 · 161
people believe that everything happens for a reason
but me?
i believe in choices
and i want you to choose me
i know this makes me selfish, im sorry
Oct 2018 · 171
what if my heart cant love anyone
at the same capacity
in which it loved you?
Oct 2018 · 181
you make me happy
when skies are
Oct 2018 · 175
you took something away from me
that wasn't yours to take
and when I said no
you didn't listen

you left me broken for a long time
and I will never forgive you for that
Oct 2018 · 179
locked doors
you look at me from across the room
and I know exactly what youre thinking
we both run up the stairs
lock the door
and thats when everything comes off
but thats also when we come together

that was one of the best parts of us
you always made me crazy
Sep 2018 · 177
the healing process
we drove around the city at 1 am
and we made up stories about the people in the car beside us
we laughed together and talked about everything under the sun

I looked out the window and closed my eyes
and put my hands out the sunroof
letting the feel of the air between by fingers take me away

and I listened attentively when you talked about her
because I was genuinely happy for you in that moment
and I was content with being your friend

when we got home we sat on your bed
and you looked at me the way you used to

and for a split second I let myself believe that there was a part of you that still wanted me

and now im back at the beginning of the healing process
Sep 2018 · 258
I read a post today that said
'you can't heal in the same environment where you were hurt'
and now im terrified

that I wont be able to move on
and that I wont be able to ever be happy
and I am terrified

because im back home
and I am immersed in everything that is you
and I am terrified

that I am going to be stuck in the loop of continuously loving and hating you
Aug 2018 · 243
in the morning
I used to love the mornings
but now they remind me too much of waking up beside you
watching you squint as the sun hits your face when I adjust the blinds
listening to you laugh as I jump on the bed
asking what plans you have for the day
I would wait forever for you to get out of bed
so that we could start the day together

now I hate the mornings
waking up alone
while you wake up beside someone that isnt me

and I am so angry
that you took away my favourite part of the day
and turned it into a time that I no longer look forward to
Aug 2018 · 164
feeling something other than emptiness inside of me
a calming hum resonating throughout the body
and for the few minutes that I inhale and exhale
im focusing on something
other than you
Aug 2018 · 260
cream and sugar
cream and sugar
always in my coffee
but ever since you left
i only drink my coffee black
i dont want to taste the sweetness of the sugar
or the smoothness of the cream

it reminds me too much of kissing you
Aug 2018 · 248
the weather
I cannot comprehend
how one day we can talk about everything
even something as simple as the weather

and the next
you're gone

I understand that death is inevitable

but I wasn't ready for you to leave yet
because I hadn't thought about what my life would be like without you

and to be completely honest it *****
its like learning how to walk all over again
it hurts so badly

and all that I want

is to talk about the weather
I need someone to tell me that im going to be okay
Jul 2018 · 194
mind games
all I ever think about is you
I hate it
**** that
you dont deserve to take up all my time
I have more important things to think about
Jul 2018 · 188
last night I stayed up later than I intended
just so I could talk to you
you almost made it through an entire conversation without lying to me
but then it happened
you said those three little words that mean nothing to you
but mean everything to me
just to make me stick around longer
stop lying just to make me stay
Jul 2018 · 255
you feed me all of your love on a silver platter one night
only to starve me the next because you found a prettier girl to feed

yet for some reason, I still stick around
waiting to be fed

even if it is only one bite


  I would rather starve for a few days than lose you
I feel so stupid for loving you
Jul 2018 · 201
the morning that you told me you chose someone else, I poured the rest of my coffee down the sink and watched it circle the drain; I didn’t want to be awake any longer than I had to
this is how it all started

— The End —