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The headphones go in. Sore Thumb begins.
I take a deep breath and get out of my car.
The guitar gently begins a pleasant melody
as my feet slide along the pavement.
A short walk, in both distance and time
but everything was still.

Eternity in a moment.

The drums join the guitar in perfect, unexpected cooperation,
my heartbeat and smile slightly augmented.
This is what we live for.
Sometimes we experience those moments that are without flaw,
so transitory yet frozen I nearly cry.
The skeletons of leaves scrape along the sidewalk.
A cold breeze sneaks under my sweater
giving me a chill that reminds me of the millions of nerves throughout my body.
I am alive, I am dead. I am all, I am none.
The vocals echo from a distant hallway.
Reminiscent, nostalgic, sentimental come to mind.
Rather than hear the soundtrack of my environment I imagine.
The vocals cut out and the song bursts into a colorful symphony.
With it bursts the deepest center of myself.
I arrive, my walk has come to an end
but I'll never forget that walk.
Here I reference the song Sore Thumb by We Were Promised Jetpacks. Check it out! It may give you a better understanding of this poem.
Conquered by the cause of confidence
Cluttered by the cost of distraction
Cut off by the clause of equal and opposite reaction
We endure
We Procrastinate
We suffer
We live on
Don't you love when
writing a poem seems
more like remembering
than creating

Plato said we never
actually learn something new
We only remember the forgotten

An idea easily dismissible
sometimes this feels like
an accurate description of my experiences

Those clouds, about to burst with rain
                    remind me of something
Your smile, your frown
                   remind me of something
My idea of God
                    seems buried deep within me
That song, the emotions it evokes,
                    remind me of a time I can't remember
Her tears, those stains
                    seem vaguely familiar
His paintings, those cool, dark colors
                   make me feel at home
The way that proof glides along the lines of logic
                   reminds me of something intangible
The smell of homemade bread in the oven
                   reminds me of something inexpressible
That hurt you caused me
                   didn't come as a surprise
The contentment you gave me
                   didn't seem unprecedented

May your grace not be in vain

I will always remember
just hold your breath a little bit longer
when i clear this pollution
i promise we'll be stronger

your mind may wander but don't look away
i will find a solution
then i am here to stay

not another moment can i stand to be split
can't we be amiable?
no, i feel your hostile intent

your constant screaming makes my head ache
i would **** you now
but that's one thing i can't take

maybe an identity is out of my reach
you've stolen so much from me
attached to my soul like a leech

i brush my teeth, i'm ready for bed
hopefully tonight in my dreams
you'll stay out of my head...
i miss your fingers
running along my tattoos
as you tell me of your monsters.
the ones you've defeated,
the ones that won't let go.
i kiss your nose
and when you open your green eyes
wordless whispers pour into me

the moments of ineffable bliss
the moments of unimaginable hurt
all i will share with you

i may not be able to destroy
the things under your bed and in your closet
but when you hear their moaning,
when their shadows dance along the walls
take my hand
and squeeze it hard

some love creates light
but only the kind you suffer for
i'll always suffer for you
have courage, my friend
it is brighter over here
do not dread the end
I changed my sheets today -
the ones that smelled like your cologne...
Actually, "tore them from my bed with the ferocity of Midas" may be more appropriate.
Because I couldn't stand to spend one more night pretending as if you were here -
or as if you were ever coming back.

I washed that shirt you wore
You know, my favorite one.
The same one I've slept in every night since you left
just praying to find some morsel of solace
to delay the impending insanity of sleep deprivation.
But just because I could smell you
didn't mean you were there...didn't mean you were real
and I almost started to wonder if you'd been here at all.

I didn't eat today
or the day before that, if I'm being honest.
Food has no taste, no pleasure
without you at the table, fork and knife in hand
ready to devour it - and me.

I went for a walk today
down the street to our favorite spot
and I didn't spend my time wishing you had your arm around me
or wishing you were holding my hand
or wishing that your warmth was pressed against me to help tame the goosebumps.
Or at least I tried not to.
But who am I kidding?

I met someone new today.
He smiled at me and said something forgettable..
then asked me to go to dinner with him next week
and there's nothing I'd like more than to say yes
but still...

After all this time
I know it's your face I would see staring back at me across that table
and your body I would wish for
lying next to me in bed.
Having a love is a magnificent feeling
Having a lover is a brilliant thought
Making room in your world for such beauty;
His soul

The truth comes out, as you are falling
love conquers all

You start to notice the small things
His eyes, so mysterious
His smile, draws you in
His laugh, paints a picture of the future
His touch, brings you somewhere, you never want to leave
His everything, is everything that you want

More than anything,
I love you
More than anything,
You are

My one and only
It's us against the world
He gives you a reason
To smile
To live
To love
He gives you a reason,
A reason to be

Yourself is all he wants, you are all he needs
no make up necessary, no styling of the hair
he will not judge you for your scars
nor your mistakes
Your past, it does not matter
Your future, in his eyes
He picks you up, into his arms
holds you closer than ever

“I love you more than anything,
more than the stars love to shine,
more than the sun loves to blind
more than the earth loves to give life,
I love you more than anything,
I love you, I love you and all of you”


2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
I want to hold your hand.
your fingers threaded in mine,
or hands cupped,
either way,
cells touching;
The valleys of my fingerprints
accenting the mountains in yours.

I want to hold your hand
in winter,
to take off your gloves,
and mine,
and warm up your thumbs
with my slender bones
under wine colored nails.

I want to hold your hand
with each digit painted
different shades of blue,
so when your hand meets
the red running down my knuckles,
we make the perfect shade
of violet.

I want to hold your hand
when we’re eighty,
skins of protruding veins,
blinking the dust
from old eyes,
laughing from tired lungs,
because we made it.
I remember that summer of 2012 we came down south. you were just as sweet as can be and so happy to see us. after two weeks of fun we had to leave. I can remember the exact words you said before we left."I sholl wish yall could stay longer.I'm really gon miss y' you". I will never forget those words. like I will never forget the horrid shriek that interrupted my sleep at 10pm November 11th. it came from my mothers room. "she gone.I don't have a mother or a father.she gone" replayed over and over and over again. tears started  to pour from my eyes and unto my pillow as I heard the pain guilt and hurt that filled my mothers voice. though we weren't close, I felt like we were that summer ,welcomed and loved by all the southern hospitality. even though we weren't as close, it hurts to have someone you love pass away. so Booker girls and boys it'll be alright, dry your sullen eyes for your mother and father will now be together again and can rest peacefully in paradise. remember to stay strong and to keep the family together. no fussing, no fighting just peace love and happiness. stay lifted in prayer and know that god is here to help you through this hard time.
Rest in PEACE Shelly Jean Booker
you ARE missed.

my grandmother just passed away yesterday night. wrote this poem as I heard my mother calling people in tears. the words came to me at once and I won't ever forget this poem. she was such an awesome woman, funny and sweet, she fought a good fight and now she can rest pain free with my grandfather in peace.
RIP Shelly Booker.
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