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We had a pig of whom my son adored
My wife and I did deplore
We gave in and let it stay
My son could not hold back hoorays

We sat through a wicked storm
My son went out to keep him warm
We heard a screech, running, cries
My anger peaked when I saw his eyes

We never thought the pig would bite
My son forgave, it wasn't right
We took the pig, to spill it's ******* blood
My heart broke down... my son's love

We thought it through and agreed
My son should never have to bleed
We got some rope and tied it down
"Only see and speak" brought a frown

We then considered, knock out it's teeth
My word! This shall end our grief
We grabbed a hammer and took a swing
My pig could only squeal and sing

We did not know what would become
"He's no longer friendly, just bitterly numb"
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
Your greatest fear
Is* to push the daisies
to sleep with the fishes
☾☼☽ by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
A little boy pulls
A little girl's hair
Because an oyster turns to pearl
The sand which annoys it
Pup Love by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
Sometimes, for short fleeting moments
I realize that I am nothing to others

I mean nothing

I am just an extra walking in the background
A susurrous noise in a crowded store
A fugacious penumbra in the window of a passing car
A lighted window at dawn

I realize that I am to them to these passerbys what they are to me

But the moments are short and fleeting
I quickly go back to my own selfish thoughts
**Its easier that way
I Am Gossamer by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
My dear, it rained last night
And I remember
The alleviated rise into
Lush sobs and lavish emotions
The way your dilatation relieves
Every worry and anxiety
But sometimes when we speak
A violent lie radiates
And last night you were naught
But an alienated virile sot
A view unholy I omit
I remember the tin roses on the tiles
Devastated, shattered.

Sometimes you hum
Your hands delicately miming secret memos
And I can see it in your eyes
Irises shining like teal devils
And the music carries you
White with adrenaline, pupils likes violists
Headwaiters lie, strumming tin violins
Their  alienated visions wilted with passion

I see the way she cleverly conceals
Lies as vows to you
A veil called "us" she puts on "me"
And I call for mutiny
But youth is vim, vim is now, and now is lies
Every hug from you is just a violet whim
In noisy rooms
My vision is misty
My aura dies little,

Oh if only you could realize your reign
You’re the master, the ringleader
But you’re lazy; you work without zeal, you’re idle and lazy
Eyes glazed, agile hands getting greedier

Have you ever seen
A dearer lion?
He roared, the lonesome rider
Alone, an alien.
Well sometimes you lie
And I dare to become
An oral denier
My radar detects one lie,
Then two...
You become red
Redder than a ****** lion's ear

Adieu, you say, with a gently undefined lilt
My tears speak more reality than your words
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
Today while wandering through the prairies
I came across some fairies
An able-bodied man
With a run-down caravan
A dark-haired beauty
With golden hoops and eyes like the sea
At every shake of the tambourine she gave a little twirl
And they whispered, "Little girl
Let us teach you what we know
How to survive the most violent blow
How to ******
How to let loose
How to be as noble as a windmill
And humble as a hill
All this knowledge with you we'll share
This occasion is quite rare"
Well I couldn't tell if this was a dream
Or some sort of sneaky scheme...
But I consented, and the learning began

They instructed me faith, hope,
How to cope
With bullies and liars
They taught me desire,
True love and its fires
They preached me serenity
To relish being a child
Young, free and wild

I ignored their advice.
***** fairies.
They've got dirt beneath their nails
And grass in their grimy hair.
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
Death is the sturdy turtle
Slow, relentless

Life is the flighty hare
Quick, lazy
 Jan 2013 Alexandra of Old
He's lying in bed paralyzed
It's made me all so fragilized
White walls, blue box, and twisted head
On the silver hospital bed
He says no words, just garbled sounds
His jowls shake like a basset hound's
He points to what he wants
On the little paper, nothing to flaunt
Images, memories, all they do is haunt
What do you think of when you lie
In bed, when your only future is to die?
While life races by, a baby is born
Without a grandfather, will the child be forlorn?
Granpapa by Geneviève Pardoe Macchiarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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