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 Mar 2013 Alexandra of Old
So we were sitting around with some college dude
And talking about what we wanted to do later
And the pretty little girls wanted to be singers or artists
And the little blond boy wanted to be a movie director up in the golden city
They had star-studded dreams of art and passion
And this one guy says he wants to be in finance
And be a stock broker
And play with money
Because he likes money.
So I looked over and saw him there
Leaning far back in his chair with a purple penguin T-Shirt
And gloriously doodled notebooks
And I thought this kid
This kid
Is not afraid of losing his soul.
Perhaps he lost it years ago
And figures he's got nothing to lose.

I thought this kid
Is going places.
Perhaps not very moral places, perhaps not very clean places
But big places.

If I was a really good poet I would probably say many deep things about this kid so willing to be a Wall Street slave
But I'm also
Just a kid
You make me sick.
You make my skin crawl.
Give me goosebumps up and down my back.
My anger and lust for you is burning underneath my skin on the verge of explotion!
"Use me" I said.
Do whatever you want  I thought.
Searching for some way to get to you.
  Not knowing your destroying ways would tear down my walls so soon.
How many can you go through till you realize you just need one?
One lover, one soul, one body to force youre ***** habits upon .
Not five, not three, not two!
YOU.. are filth. You are nothing. You make me want to scream.
He didn’t know what time it was,
Except that it was early,
And he wouldn’t need to be up for hours.

So he turned his head toward the
Only window in the room,
Which was so white that it appeared
To be encasing ten feet of snow.
It was April, though,
He remembered through the neon glow,
And the room was 17 floors up.
The old hotel was silent,
Bathed in this new sunrise, so
Cold and refreshingly bright;
This new day- this white, ****** light.

And then there was the girl-
Sleeping beside him like a kitten
In a sea of pale linens and downs,
An arm over her forehead,
Like a dozing damsel in distress.
She’s fragile, he thought,
Fragile and rare as a glass unicorn,
The heart-wrenching, Tennessee Williams type-
No broken horn, but something
Indistinguishable setting her apart;
Like the pure sunlight, here lies
A beauty so blinding, yet hidden from plain sight.

He didn’t know what time it was,
Except that it was early,
And he wouldn’t need to be up for hours.
Her arm twitched.
The room was boomingly silent.
The infant light made a golden bar across the bed.
The air was crisp.
His breath was warm.
He felt chilled.
His skin felt raw.
His eyes felt raw.
His heart felt raw.
Her skin looked soft.
He wondered if her heart was soft.
He swallowed quietly.
He felt his head pound against the quiet.
Her arm twitched again.
A long-forgotten childhood scar shimmered,
And he decided that this particular mark
Is innocent, but…
He would move a mountain and
Protect her always; keep an eye on her,
In all her wild wonder,
Rather that give her another.

And then there’s the slight voice:
"Beautiful as if made of marble,
Untouchable as if made of glass,
If you’ve ever wondered how an angel sleeps,
Now you know at last."

And while he slipped back under the covers,
He slipped helplessly into a love from which he'd never quite recover.
I miss the way things used to be
The way things were
Between you and me
Things have just gotten harder
And I just can't see
Is it you
Or is it me?
So down I've been
Feeling so hurt and sore
I've come to you for comfort
Like I always have
But you pin it back on me
Making me feel worse
"That doesn't sound like him"
My good friend has said
I agree
It sounds like someone else instead.
I can't see
Is it you or is it me?
"I give up" you said
That phrase hasn't left my head
Since you've said it
A part of me gave up as well
If you truly mean it
I can't believe it.
Is it you or is it me?
Perhaps it is both
A reaction to an action
Just over and over
Reacting and reacting
A volatile reaction
Only made worst by time
If you'd only react differently
Say a different word
If I'd only do differently
Then surely we could be
Is it you or is it me?
So afraid I'll drive you away
I can't keep on crying alone
Night after night
Fight after fight
It takes it's toll.
What happened to the rest?
What happened to the words we said?
Always talking love
Always talking passion
Have we forgotten?
Some say passion must die
To replace it with the mundane
I refuse.
Until our dying day my love will be passionate
And I will fight with passion
Without passion it just doesn't seem worth it
Where did our passion go?
Where did the words of our beauty go?
Where did the words of our undying love disappear to?
No longer is there late night talks
Of our future and love
Few and far between are the looks of longing
Look into each others' eyes and peer deep
See the person you fell in love with
And fall in love with them all over again
Remember the love
And remember that it's still there.
I miss the way things were
And I know you do, too
Between you and me.
 Feb 2013 Alexandra of Old
After school in summer. An abandoned railway line, through a forest. A grey dress with red flowers on, the blue cardigan with sweat patches under the arms. Trying to conceal them. Not caring after a while. Walking in front, through the wild garlic. Not everything flourishing, some ******* here and there. The muddy ***** up to the track. Scrambling up trying not to get hands muddy, trying not to fall. Probably wearing impractical shoes. She was behind me, beside me. Catching her smell, trying to touch her hand, her shoulder. Talking about things that meant nothing but flowed: began and concluded satisfactorily. Only 17, so long ago. No doubt we talked of school, I don’t remember a word. It was the action, the structure of our communication, that was all I had. The unsaid was still sacred then. Reaching the end of the line. The line! It was a beautiful day, romanticized now. Warm in the sun and chill in the shade but I soon discarded temperature. The green from the trees came up from each side of the line and joined together at the top. The sun soaked through every visible article. All, except from the wall at the end that closed off the tunnel.

The space we were in did not exist to anyone else, no one was there, and no one had ever been there since we arrived. Vacuum packed world of complete perfection, apart from the mud, and the *******. But that was ok. The wall was black and heavy and cold. Near the top there was a hole. A square hole had been left or made through the ancient bricks, something forgotten maybe? Or to serve some forgotten purpose? I saw a challenger. The hole said ‘If you beat me you can have her’. It was not sinister. That did not exist.

Again I stood in front. ‘Bet I can get a stone into that hole!’ 15 feet perhaps or maybe only 8. Her eyes were on me: I desperately hoped they were. The whole of the back of my body took them in, I lit up with the warmth and the look. I would like to say it took only three attempts, that seems unlikely. What was she thinking? Was she looking on at the hole or at me? Heaven forbid she was looking at neither. I picked up stone after stone. They varied in size, feel, and dirtiness. I was an excellent thrower. I could throw a javelin, a ball, a boy; I adored my skill. My exuberance and elation guaranteed success. This was not a day for losing. Not while I could sift out the anomalies and incompatibilities without pain. There wouldn’t be a losing day until I understood that I did not yet know me.

The moment I succeeded in my challenge the celebration could begin. The rock perhaps made a sound as it tumbled down the inside of the wall but I did not hear. All my senses were now hers. Absorbed, obsessed. I was now permitted to turn around; to accept the look of admiration, or more. It was joy, certainly. Utter, complete joy. In skipping towards her she offered me her arms…… What words are given to unqualified human happiness? Getting more than you hoped for is even beyond that.
I know this is not exactly a poem but if anyone could give me feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
 Feb 2013 Alexandra of Old
I think I've finally made up my mind, but I come to find I haven't.
You didn't even let me explain, maybe to prevent pain and reverting back to all that turmoil.
You filled my mouth with words you found true, things to convince yourself that you already knew the story.
I tried to say what I had on the tip of my tongue, using the breath from my lungs to speak up.
But you already had an idea of how everything was, and I didn't get to fully explain because of that.
You'd interrupt and tell me that I was wrong, that you knew all along that it wasn't you.
And from your point of view, I can see why you feel that you were a new, short term fling.

You were more than a rebound, more than another guy I'd found to make up for someone else's absence though.
You were more than second best, to that I wish I could attest and make you believe me though.
You were the most fun I'd had in awhile, always providing me with a smile and a sense of adventure that summer.

Soon after you left my life for a bit, with good reason, and I took that as a hit and left yours too.
Then you recently returned, and you're not the only one who yearned for the past.
But you won't believe me when I say that I still wanted you, that my feelings are prevalent and true and here and frankly won't go away.

We can blame circumstances or timing,  we can blame deceit and lying to ourselves and one another.
I'm still here, I still feel and though that's clear to me you don't see it.
Live with that facade and false reality, when in actuality that's furthest from the truth.

We can't so we won't begin again to pursue, I'll pretend what you "know" is true.
I'll let it be, you'll move on and see you're okay.
I'll watch you walk away, and whatever chances of us fade as well.
That's what is best, or so it seems; just leave it alone and let it rest until it's over.
Let it go, and deal with the fact that you'll never know.
I woke up one day face down in the sand
weak and confused I tried to stand
as my eyes adjusted to the midday sunshine
I saw my beloved along the sand line
the beach was littered with splintered remains
the broken masts and window panes
of a broken ship lying deep in the sea
there was no sign of life, only her and me

I ran the whole way and collapsed by her side
I picked her up and found a place to hide
deep in the trees, I placed her in the shade
beneath a tall tree near and tried to find aid
I searched the whole island but no one was there
darkness was coming, I hadn't a moment to spare

we built a shelter deep in the trees
and every so often there was a pleasant breeze
the water was fresh from the spring nearby
and we had a clearing to watch for passersby
we tried so hard for things to stay the same
but after a month nobody came...

we became happy and lived on our isle
beautiful views stretched mile after mile
we put a small note in bottle and tossed it away
hoping someone might read it someday.

two years later it washed ashore
on a beach near a city with a million or more
when opened up our letter was there
and put up on the news nearly everywhere
"don't look for us, it wont help you at all
we've got all we need in each other after all"

off on our island we lived out are lives
unbothered by all and if anything survives
it'll be that we found true love on our own
now we are king and queen with our own little throne
 Feb 2013 Alexandra of Old
Said the fawn unto the fox:
Sing to me a song of happiness
And the fox swirled rusty 'round
her twig legs- breathing about her
a scarf, crimson draping the snow.
First- said the fox:
First, show me your secret antlers,
and then I shall sing to you a song
of all the happiness of the earth.

Said the fawn unto the fox:
antlers, I have not.
They are spoken within a tree
and written in his knots.

And the fox swirled rusty 'round
her twig heart- breathing within her
a Sun, crimson draping her soul.
Then- said the fox:
Then, take everything you know
feed it light to make it grow
until the tree is the whole sky
and you are the North Wind, just as fast
telling stories to the aurora borealis
and making promises to last

And then, said the fox:
*And then you shall be mine,  
and I shall sing to you a song
of all the happiness of the earth.
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