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Alexa Sz Mar 2011
theirs a heaviness in my heart
an ache in my head
a weight on my shoulders
I can't go to bed

my mind to full thoughts
thoughts that bring tears to my eyes
regrets and sorrows
of this small period of time

how can so many bad things
happen in such a little time?

I wish they understood
I wish they knew

the pain I feel
listening to them talk

talk about me
and all I've done wrong

They can't leave me alone
they can't just give me my light
they have to find reasons
on why it isn't right

They have to remind
they have to bring it back
can't they see I am trying
can't they see what I am looking at

then of course the other things
bringing me down
with friends
and family
and people all around

No one knows
the stress I'm going through
no one can give me a break

writing and music
are all I got
to release myself
from this pain
Alexa Sz Mar 2011
Hold Hands with me
with life
and joy

I will hold your hand
and ever

I wont let go until
you say
you go
you slow

but until then you have
my faith
my heart
my hand.
Alexa Sz Mar 2011
No                                                        Yes
                                                              Why not?
                                                              but reasonably possible
you can't
This is stupid
                                                              this is good
Why go through this
                                                              everything will change

Me                                                        Me

                                                             Worth it
I wont get there
                                                             you will
                                                             Stay strong
                                                             Keep going
Alexa Sz Mar 2011
Long sunny days
starlit nights
calming sunrises
vibrant sunsets

cold, refreshing water
smooth in the morning
rough in the wind
reflecting the silver moon

Dense forest
Long empty trails
berry's of sweet taste
animals eating the shrubs

Dancing fires
laughs shared
in the moment
no worries

my dreams of summer
return once again
Alexa Sz Feb 2011
She was 16
when it started

and barely out of college
when it won

She was young
too young

She was brave
braver that most

She lived
a short life

I cry for her

I pray for her

I hold her hand
Sara is a girl who got cancer when she was sixteen and died recently. I didn't know her very well, but I knew she was getting better. Cancer is a serious problem and I have lost many loved ones to it, and I find it so sad how it ends lives so quickly.
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Joan Baez                                                          Mar­tin Luther King Jr.
I believe                                                          ­  I believe
That music
can mend
the soul                                
                            ­                                             That everyone will
                                                                ­         one day
                                                                ­         treat each other
                                                                ­         equally

and war                                                           and war
Will be but                                                       will end
a dream                                                           altogether

That one day
                                                             ­           one day
There will
                                                            ­            be change

and life                                                            a­nd life
will be
brighter                                                        ­
                                                                ­       will be
                                                                ­       better

One day                                                         One Day
It will
                                                                ­      We will

Make a difference                                          Make a difference
If you don't know, a double voice poem is  poem that has two readers that read it at the sam time. In this poem I used two figures that are on the list of my biggest inspirations. They both wanted the same sort of thing and that thing all revolves around PEACE. I hope you enjoyed!
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Oh my it is great...
to have this headache...
after trying
to understand
what numbers are real and fake

I don't see
how this will help me
through my course of
Will I ever be
trying to see
what the angle of a chair is again?
or will I ever need to use
how to find a hypotenuse?

I've thought and thought
for a very long time
and came up with a list
of jobs that would ever
need algebra

Math teacher
Crazy Math obsessor
scientist (on occasion)
Someone who builds triangles
kite maker
someone who makes graphs

Too bad that isn't any of the jobs I ever want...

oh how my head burns
and I'm sorry if you like it
I don't mean to offend
but Algebra just aint my jam
I'd rather be painting
or writing
or singing
I'd rather be strumming(my guitar)
be sleeping
or eating
I'd rather
go play soccer
or basketball
or ski
Really I'd just rather be free
free of the confusion
I feel after class
of the helplessness
that I have
towards math

Oh how am I going to survive???

PS. I still have to live through geometry (I **** at shapes)
pre calculous (I don't even know what that is) and calculous (Ugh ***?)

I hope you enjoyed my "radical" poem!
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