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Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Tall people
short people
black people

strange people
funny people
loose people

noisy people
crazy people
do it all alone people

up people
down people
throw it all around people

here people
there people
I don't really care people

Happy people
sad people
creating a new fad people

people in America
people in Japan
People in Mexico
there's people all around

Hey people
stay people
listen to me now

hold onto your heart people
and maybe you can fly
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
You say you want to be a writer
you say you don't know how to write
you say that every poem you finish
ends up being crap

you ask me how I write
you ask me to help you
you ask me how it all works
you ask me how it's suppose to be

Well, I can't tell you
how to write
or what to write about

I can't tell you
how it works
or how it's suppose to be

But I can tell you
A writer is anyone
who shows a little part of themselves
in their words

Now you may not be good at writing
but I assure you if you keep writing
you will not only show who you are
through your words
but you will find yourself
little by little
word by word

to shorten it down for you
to be a writer
you must write
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Just write

let the words flow through you

just write

forget about everything else

just write

leave your emotions behind

just write

be free in your poetry
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
"I am one tiny fish
in this giant pond-the ocean"
Oscar from Shark Tale

The world is huge if you think about it
I am one person among about 6,893,300,000 other people
How can I be heard?
What do I have to do to be noticed?

I want to make a difference
but there is so many fricken people
I HAVE to get their attention
I HAVE to help them out

But I am like a tiny fish in this HUGE pond
I've got to swim to the top.
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Elle sourit au soleil
elle chante avec les oiseaux
elle danse dans le matin
et elle dort la nuit
la fleur donne de l'amour dans le monde
La fleur donne de l'amour dans moi  


It smiles to the sun
It sings with the birds
It dances in the morning
and it sleeps at night
the flower gives love to the world
the flower gives love to me
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Hello again
I haven't seen you in awhile

That awkward smile
The kind hearted giggle
the lightness glowing your eyes

I miss your good moods
your bad moods
your real self

I miss you not caring about what others think of you
I miss you not worried about social standards
I was longing to see you happy

It has been a long time you see
I missed you Alexa
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
When I stopped writing poems on Hello poetry
A part of me was lost
Just now I wrote a few poems
and it filled me with happiness
Now I hope to stay
For a very long time

I remember writing
letting my soul take control
My fingers just typed
my mind somewhere else

It felt good
But I stopped
For a VERY long time
and I miss it
so I'm back

I'm back
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