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 Mar 2014 Alex
Mike Hauser
How many times must I ask*
For forgiveness for this sin
Just when I think I've conquered
It rears it's ugly head again

And with it comes the guilt, the shame
In my moment of despair
The vicious cycle starts again
A well traveled road that leads nowhere

My inner being knows what's right
And yet I do what's wrong
My spirit yearns to stand and fight
The flesh that holds me down

Without the power of the Cross
My life will not concede
Until I've finally had enough
There is no hope for me

So who will save this sinful man
When I have nothing else
Praise be to Christ, the Great I Am
*Who saves me from myself
Romans 7: 18-25
 Mar 2014 Alex
Tormenting tears of unrest
Tattooed upon my soul
Even if it were possible
I could never let this go
As my nightmares
Bleed into ink stains
Vaguely explaining why
I embrace the night with blindness
'Til once again I die...
Traveler Tim
re-to 02-17
 Mar 2014 Alex
Jordan Frances
 Mar 2014 Alex
Jordan Frances
Church warns you of the Devil
But what they fail to convey
Is that he comes in all shapes and sizes.
That bully from grade school
The detested ex-lover
The backstabbing leech
Who acts like a friend
And then, there are the less obvious
Signs that he is near
Rolling up in his blue SUV
Whispering what you want to hear
Pulling you into him
So that escape is not an option.
He catches you by the mouth
And holds your ear
Successfully getting you to listen
He lips, they are slick and smooth
His eyes are a pasty, shallow blue
He works at a coffee shop
A diner
A gas station
He attracts you with his honey
And then drops you like the fly you are to him
Leaving you to clean up the mess he left behind
After all,
Even Satan was an angel once.
Beauty is not always found, in faces of perfect skin.  Search deep down inside ones heart, that's where the beauty flows from within.
Don't sit back observing, from the beauty on the outside.  Look deep inside, into a person's eyes.
Some people see beauty, in a pretty face.  What about a bad attitude, it ends up a "0", in this particular race.
Because you are attractive, it doesn't mean you are better than any man.  You may find an unattractive person, out lending the homeless, an honest helping hand.
From past experience, there were people not so attractive.  Yet, an aroma flowed out from their heart, the kind the world needed to start extracting.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
 Mar 2014 Alex
Lilith Reid Brown
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
I sweat as my fingers pound the keys.
My breathing becomes erratic, my words bordering on incoherence.
Will be...
A masterpiece!

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more of a disaster as I become more temperate.
Did someone say... procrastination?
 Mar 2014 Alex
Poetic Injustices
It's a sad day when a single flower doesn't know her contributive worth
Does she not know she's as beautiful as every other flower here on Earth?
Why would a brand new fresh blade of grass feel decay
When you can't help but to feel hope at the very sight of it's neon green shade?
 Mar 2014 Alex
SG Rose
Like Skin
 Mar 2014 Alex
SG Rose
I can’t tell you how often I yearned to be her cigarette.
Clasped between her fingers,
delicately placed and savored;
******* all that I had into her.

And as much as I wanted to fall into the creases
that parted each lip,
I wanted to be the first thing she tasted
when she drew her morning breath
And her every exhale to cover me like skin
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