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Jan 2015 · 300
Down This Street
I can feel you deep within me now
Screaming in my head getting loud
I try so hard to just block it out
But it's taking over me
No wonder I can't sleep
It terrorizes my dreams
And I know I can't keep
Ya going on, ya going on
Down this street

The angel on my shoulder has gone and left
Leaving the devil mumblin under his breath
Leading me back down that lonely road
With a lost soul and no hope
Will this ever end

Cause it's taken over me
It's no wonder I sleep
You terrorize my dreams
And I know I can't keep
Going on , Ya going on
Down this street
After miles of dodgin crocodiles
And snakes that force defeat
I arrive at the town
I was so glad to have found
Down this lonely street
I relieved that I had the strength
To finally save me
Down this lonely street
Jan 2015 · 652
Do I have it in me
Do I have what it takes
Have I suffered enough
And learned from my mistakes
You found me weak
And gave me some strength
I know I'm ready, now give me my rank

Recruitment into the most Descret
Incredible power and mechanical feats
You discovered, the formula to control time
Somehow discovered I'm worthy to find
To share your secrets, precious knowledge
Someday soon I will use your college
I dont understand,
You decided I'm worthy
(They who shall not be named)
Aka lil ******* lol
Jan 2015 · 539
You made me, I'm your creation
Not by choice I live in frustration
I didn't ask for this
What u call a gift
Of life
It's more of a burden
Why should I follow
The one from which I'm made
You've mapped out every route
Sometimes I'm soo afraid

You compare me To a legend
A God who is in all so vein
Real or creative fiction
Famous through a book
That lies, and kills the tame
I may have similar traits
I hold no grudge and love all
But my death won't save the sinners
But my life can the thinking
And teach
The still to crawl
Are my decisions mine
I feel in control most the time
But instances seem prewritten
I knowingly move left
But waiting is a situation
You so obviously orchestrated
The bible in its perfection
Has so much contradiction
You say we have free will
But in stone my life is written

Which is it, make up your mind
I love in your torture
Cause perfection is not my kind
But your not perfect not even close
You just sit up on your pedestal
Using powers any man can boast
Now it's my turn, pass me the mic
I need to start your hypocritical oath
Jan 2015 · 253
What Have I Done
What have I done
The tears in your eyes
Loads this empty gun
My minds in disarray
Blindly I scream run
Bang, shouts a heavy noise
I'm scared, this used to be fun
Slowly on the floor
Blood begins to run
Oh god what have I done
What have I done

You should have just listened
Why wouldn't you just stop
Your screams are so penetrating
All of my morals became lost
It's not 100% my fault
You lost your temper
And you paid the final cost
I did what I had to do
Cause your mind is completely lost
Jan 2015 · 574
Distress Button
I regret the distress button
Simple switch to call the gods
But this switch only calls frauds
Devine wannabes a normal Todd
Super powers, " oh I wish I could fly"
I prolly would hit a building and die
Not all super powers have to be magical
Cause my super ability to help is radical
Break out my light
My sign of love and I'm their
With a kind word
Or a soft hug completely willing to share
This may not seem so super
But if you only knew
What my ****** up life
Has religiously put me through
Then you would be amazed
That I still have the grace
To share this natural gift of kindness
Even on one of my ******* days
I try to use my power of empathy and love to change and save lifes
Jan 2015 · 490
Your Choice, not mine
Withdraw from your intellect
Intelligence in dissconnect
Stay awake but don't forget
Your better than your life's regrets

Mentally suffocating
Your choking me
I'm feeling so alienated
This horribly crazy life I lead
Or live this orchestrated life u give
So much by all I feel hated
Because I fail to live clean
But your path for me is faded
I'm all alone on my team
Why won't you just listen
I yell at you in repetition
To save me is stated
Your lies of your dreams Of my life without u
For me I can never be free
Same dreams but u make them impossible
Until u silence this voice in me
Nov 2014 · 11.6k
your genocide of our youth
Why is it so difficult to leave my life alone
Cast that last stone
I feel like Frankenstein the monster
And your a mob of angry county officials
Getting high on locking away my roster
Big Man you are with you excess of power
Targeting helpless youth
Who only aim to survive
To escape imprisonment alive
To everyday simply strive
For some acceptance
To be be beat down literally abused by your hand
Because our hunger over took morals
What is right
Is right being cold and hungry every night
Is right being forced into institutions
You've already chosen my life's conclusion
My dreams depict my happy illusion
Our financial status fusion
Causing an eruption of misguided confusion
I'll win this war
When when it seems every battle I'm losing
Nov 2014 · 440
Anothers Deception
The feeling of being in trusted in the lies of another's deception
Another story
Another alibi
Just another lie
Regretting my ability
To always forgive and forget
To get burned to the 3rd all to quick
You deserve this
This is what you get
You choose to trust you ******* idiot
You pitiful sadness is really selfishness
Your hurting the rest of us by depriving your gifts

Misunderstanding the complexity
Of the simplicity that is my life
Your eyes a window that cuts into me sharper than any knife
Next time I'll think twice
Before I pay that final price
Their are two gods the one of the world and the one of the universe, the one of our world is the devil. When will the god of the universe stop the devils temptation causing pain to all of mankind. Where at you God? Sometimes I think your dead.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
up to home
Relaxation is so distant
As my mind races question to thought
Shadows in my eye jump
Left then right
I think I'm losing my cool
Is the last thing on my mind because
This poison coursing through my veins
A drug no man can tame
But almost all that try it
Change from a human to a monster
Craving one more high
One more to get out alive
Steal, sell, trade, ****
Anything to escape the real
But if real is hell
Then why do I catch myself in regret
Wishing to die everytime, NO, everytime
I exchange needle to vein
Once I do I change
The real me was fine
The real me is fine
Change, this change
This ugly rotten still destroying
Every good part of me change
Will really take the real ness of heaven
Real is what I want
cause **** is hell
Cause while high I'm in hell
**** is the leader, the dark prince,
The devil disguised
But you can still smell his chemical stench
**** is the devil
And I am the lost angel
Searching to find My way home
Back to the real that you so abruptly
Had to steal
Stop the damage and allow My wounds to heal
So I can have the strength to go home
Family, friends, my heaven, My home
Aug 2014 · 388
Written before time
But now they appear
Reqruitments combined
With total fear
Scared of the unreal
Why won't they appear
Outlined in black
All details obscured
Supernatural tendencies
Or acrobatic abilities
Infinite locks
But only one key
Open another door
And more secrets you'll see
Aug 2014 · 294
I'm crying out for help
But everyone passes by
I feel I've lost myself
I shout a silent cry
I feel so much alone
But I forget what alone's like
Crying out for help
But a crowded street
Leaves me to die

In the middle
Of a crowded street
I scream for help
But no one hears me
Is this world real
Or am I still asleep
do u think u would find help
Screaming in a crowded street
" Oh god will someone
Please come and help me"

Our culture is all ****** up
Cause you'd think
in numbers were tough
But a crowded street is rough
Scream for help around a few
And they are sure to come rescue
But when hundreds hear the call
They look to their neighbor
Expecting others to trip and fall
To be the hero
But noone come to help
And the womans life soon falls

(repeat chorus)
I'm crying out for help
But everyone passes by
I feel I've lost myself
I shout a silent cry
I feel so much alone
But I forget what alone's like
Crying out for help
But a crowded street
Leaves me to die

We've got to change our world
Or were speeding to our doom
Everyone needs to act
Don't expect someone else to
Cause if we all think that way
Our lives will end soon
One person can show the way
But it take a world to progress proof
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
blind faith
think its time for an intervention
Seems I've , Lost all attention
Your plans insane, just repetition
You all just complain, from your invention
Deceitful games, the truth unknown
I can't live on blind faith alone
Expectation of trust, you must be ******

This burden of knowledge I now hold
People would **** to hear what's told
In times of doubt its GOD you call
But here's the truth, theirs no GOD at all

Biological recall, brain can't be fixed
Your solution is torture and cruel mind tricks
Forced to surrender, forced to submit
you fight for equality
You ******* hypocrite
In need of complete control
Your lack of confidence makes me sick
Quit playing god on this greedy power trip

In case you were wondering
Your going to die unloved and alone
Your best friends already working to steal your throne I don't want your money
No need for your fame
Cause selling your soul to the devil
Is the worst cheat in the game
Now Pack up and go
My mind's not your home
Its been two years now
I deserve some time alone

One word, one sign,
One small gesture of love
would be so Devine
To rise above
But the torture and tricks
Put up a wall
My trust u need to fix
rules are meant to bend
and sometimes break
When these rules made by one
Is putting my life at stake
Jul 2014 · 253
under the shadows
As I sit alone the darkness my home
Blankets my eyes my thoughts to roam
Out of my control
Leaves me feeling my soul has broken
And can never be full, can never be whole
Like it once was before the drugs
Before the need to fill a void
That wasn't their to start
The hole created by the devil himself
Camoflauged as a cure for the heart
But it only ripped me apart
To put me back together
I'd rather die then play your games
Under the shadows I awake
To prove you were always fake
A virus born to destroy
The life of a helpless young boy
Who only saw with blankets as blinders
Got tricked and picked the life
The devil cut into stone with his own knife
To heal to feel to live to be without catastrophe
As I sit alone the darkness my home
Blankets my eyes my thoughts to roam
Out of my control
Under the shadows I awake
From a boy to a man
Under the shadows I awake
I hate ****
Jul 2014 · 550
scars to heal, odds to die
I put on my mask so I can take
These scars from life off my face
I brake these bones they begin to heal
These open wounds begin to seal
But the damage I've done for much too long
Leaves me scarred and all alone
Loaded gun but 5 bullets shy
6 and 1 chance to die
Ill leave this world and utter mess
Six to one five to guess
The drowning spiral of a life misused
Born with a short fuse and a lit match
No chance at all no lock no key
To put on this latch
To keep my demons locked away
Jailbreak an easy escape
a lousy morning for a beautiful wake
I put on my mask so I can take
These scars from life off my face
Loaded gun but 1 bullet shy
Five times the chance to die
No more need to live a life a lie
I remove the mask scars revieled
One tear one eye
One to live five to die
We all cover up who we trully are
Jul 2014 · 740
do you believe?
Enlightenment or endearment
Spiritual awaking or fake entity
Beliefs given then taken from me
Optical illusion or translucent confusion
This mystical fusion of witchcraft
Or god himself is a jealous brat
I now do believe our riotous lord is real
But riotous he's not
More sadistic I feel
Praising words from his schizophrenic journal
Or some call it the bible
Its a racist, hateful, ****** up arrival

— The End —