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When your woos left you with woes
Your repercussions echoed extreme
Armed by the past
You placed your bet on the guilty
But I am no prisoner of my yesterdays
and I'll bid up because I wont be blamed
It brings me no joy
This irrelevant fight
This endless gamble
This darkened knight
Even if I won you still wont be mine
Which is why we're both screaming in the first place
 Aug 2013 Alex DeLarge
It pulls me. It tugs at the crinkled corners of my mind until I am stretched so thin that my elastic muscles are about to whip back. I am pushed to the precipice of breaking point, looking down upon the drop dipping so deep that I can't bear to imagine what the floor looks like. It tugs at the crinkled corners of my mind. The Mariana Trench squeezes water columns through my veins and the pressure stiffens my limp limbs so that I lie in rigor mortis across an ocean of silk carpet. My chambered nautili organs withdraw within the equiangular spirals of their shells. It tugs at the crinkled corners of my mind. I am stretched and I bend my stiffened limbs until they creak at the joints. Synovial fluid weeps through my tearing skin to fall between yearning fingers. Cartilage grinds to a halt. It tugs at the crinkled corners of my mind. There is no energy for resistance and my muscle filaments cling in a final embrace. Rigor mortis. The precipice is now a mirage and my camel eyes wander on regardless. It tugs at the crinkled corners of my mind. I am stretched and the momentum knocks me forwards. I am falling and I am drowned before I reach the sea floor.
It pulls me.
i don't think that you know
what privacy means to me
i'm staying drunk in the quiet
of my safe liturgy

of thoughts because concepts
are honest and curious
they aren't gonna judge me
and that's what i need
some company with peace

but inside them i'm violent
i'm rough to the touch
i try to be silent
so i'm not caught searching
the corners for love

when every house party is about
"that idiot who said" or her "stupid makeup"
so i'm not sure where i expect to find
any sort of understanding
in these social engagements
i don't see meaning in
ripping down others just for being
in the same room as you
and minding their own business
it always makes me uncomfortable
i don't see the usefulness knowing it's
easier to call someone else useless
when you feel so

and draw your own conclusions
than admit you don't really know
it's easier to stab the surface
than to learn someone's breathing well enough
to understand the way their blood flows
it's easier to make a snarky comment on their clothes
than to sit down and get to know them

so admit it
our darkness thrives on judgement
and you will feel so much better
because once you let go of them
emotions flow through you like weather
extend your arms for once
and realize that every single person you know
knows something you don't understand yet
instead of barraging them with
the ways you wish you were better

you thought i was going
to say they weren't you

because everyone's partial
to weak knees and weak ankles
it's easier to strike the person
who opens their arms to you
even once is enough
to break them because you justify
they allow themselves to be
so breakable

and though i feel these things to be true in my gut
and want to validate every single person
i can see needs the love
i'm in need of my own breed of saving
and i'm sick of this negative engaging

i just don't have any more chances
to be so kind
as to offer you
a target
 Jul 2013 Alex DeLarge
I wish that
"they've grown"
wasn't a compliment.
 Jul 2013 Alex DeLarge
I started reading late and never learnt to put down the book
I guess I burnt out with the strength learning took
I couldn't stop spewing the facts that I learnt in school
But now when I open my mouth I cant help playing the fool
I guess I stopped using words that others could question
I guess I got tired of being the only one awake in lessons
I guess it's not worth it to embrace a humming mind
When being alone is the only solace that I find
Because honestly, we are "in clanging space a moment heard"
And Yeats is the only friend that doesn't think I'm absurd
And my friends take the **** because I read poetry while simultaneously they're reading books that I breathe
"If its not on the curriculum then it doesn't count"
Well I read it all years ago, want to know what its about?
Maybe its dense to think that English Lit numbs your mind but I didn't take the subject and it didn't stunt the meanings that I find
I guess it's my fault for reading Leroux instead of Meyer
But the only fantasy I need has a mask hiding layers
And I guess Lloyd Webber gave it a rebirth but The Phantom of the Opera was my favourite book first
I wish that reading books could make me superior
But I'm in a corner, lips tight, perpetually inferior
I wish I'd learnt the things that they'd learnt in school
Like throwing parties and talking back and breaking the rules
I'm caught between one extreme and the next
One second I'm curled thinking alone the next I'm having ***
Because when I voice my thoughts they're warped and inaccurate
Sometimes I wonder if I'd express them better if I'd stayed celibate
Surely talking shouldn't be so hard
But it's difficult to hold back the words that I want to discard
Discard because my head hurts from the pressure
Of the thoughts that no right mind could measure
I suffer from the pain of never feeling understood but honestly, I would push you away if you could
This is me rambling and abusing rhyme... a LOT
 Jul 2013 Alex DeLarge
You are lost in the school,
a speck against the sea bed
as the water rushes cool
through thirsty gills,
******* oh-two as it's spent.
You keep up with the group,
swim through the rivers rough:
posting poems about the news
as if I weren't seeing it enough;
thus, the impact you have on me
is as small as a phytoplankter
but blooms fast into irritation
because the sea could engulf you,
because you evaporate under the sun.
Or maybe I'm just not empathetic enough.
 Jul 2013 Alex DeLarge
You are head on knees
arms 'round legs
tears on jeans.
You are sleepless nights
restless dread
dang'rous dreams.
You close the book
and come unhinged
to see it shut.
You light the candle
and stare until
you burn it out.
You are torn out hair
empty glass
bloodshot eyes.
You are fading thin
losing faith
no surprise.

— The End —