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 Nov 2013 Alex
Jonah Lavigne
how am I any different
im a person
is it my country accent
is it my ripped up jeans
my oil stained shirt
maybe my mud boots
the music I listen to
what is it
why do you call me weird
is it the scars all over my body
because I fight to much
is it my torn up hands
my cut up body
what is it
please tell me
or is it my girl
the fact that
im the luckiest man alive
are you jealous
because im happy?
because she is happy?
because she has a baby?
well let me tell you something
ill treat that baby
like my very own
oh that's what this is about
well allow me to open your eyes
I love her and that baby
ill take care of them
ill raise her like I would my own
that's all I have to say
good bye
 Nov 2013 Alex
A Mink
My Halo
 Nov 2013 Alex
A Mink
I am alone. All alone
I wish it were not the case,
I would have let you in, I would have, I swear!

You were to be my salvation!
You were to break my shackles and free my soul...
You watched as the demons burned me, as they tore
off pieces of flesh and left me void and damaged

I wish I could love you like I should
I wish you could love me like you had
Once upon a time
Before the monsters under the bed
Became the reality of our time.

I would give you the world on a silver platter
with a golden spoon, if only I had the option.
If only that arm were still left
If only that heart still pumped

I teeter on the edge
of salvation and desolation
my soul in a constant struggle,
while the ghost cheer on in the circle.

The abuse of those demons,
Well they left me in a pretty dark place
I wish I could have been stronger
I wish the effects were less

But my body is littered in scares, seen only from hell
and the halo was left for me to choke on from heaven.
 Nov 2013 Alex
Michael Ryan
Kicked out of college.
I can't be successful,
and it's all because I can't succeed.
You say my grades are not good enough for you.
I'm sorry.
That I can't keep up.
You don't give me enough time to understand.
Maybe if you taught me I would.
Maybe if my family had been here before I wouldn't need extra time.
I go to college to be taught,
but all college offered me was the books;
books at a high price.
You say I lack the ability, but it seems like you lack the ability to understand yourself.
Unable to see past the constraints of this rigorous campus,
and see that I'm struggling on the inside more than the outside.
Unable to perceive which way to go, making life decisions can't be that fast.
I love you education, but your bounty is too bold.
Simple minds deprive you of what glory you could hold.
College, simply glance past me as if I'm another person you have tried to educate.
but failed you, where I feel more like college failed us both.
Your unwillingness to see that life is going on,
and mashing people together thinking that we are of one mold.
College you failed, you don't offer diversity, but attempt to hide your singularity.
I'll figure out what's going on inside.
Then I'll teach myself what I need to know.
An institution blinded by their bills.
Can no longer educate.
One day you'll do the same as me,
and open up yours eyes.
I'm on the border of being kicked out of college because of bad grades from my first two semesters, and I am doing poorly in my calculus class this semester.  If my professor doesn't find a way to help me get a passing grade, then I will have to go back home and tell my family about how I failed them and myself.  It's just hard to convince oneself to do work, when you live on the brink of life and death.
Words are hard to come by, when i think of you.
Many a time has passed between us and then,
and never will i forget your face growing up,
into something we wish we could forget.
And you are the things i wish i could be,
you are the things i wish the sky would open up for and rain down upon,
everything you've ever wanted.
I know your fears, i know your loves, i know,
You, the woman, who grew from a child into you.
You are the person who was with me in those bad times,
You are the woman I am so proud of;
that i could spill tears of joy for who you have become.
You followed your dreams and raised a beautiful, amazing, magnificent son.
And You, who had to endure such hardship,
should know,
you are never alone with this.
There is me.
You are diamond clad being, you have fought fear, and it too has passed.
You are a warrior in this thing we call life,
and nothing will fathom you out,
because that is what we do, we do, we do.
You must know, i understand, I really do.
It was not your fault, and you did the best out of everyone i know,
You are now and always was a shining star,
ready to burst into the night sky.
It was not always there, but it was waiting until it was dark,
at the darkest of times, there was the moment that,
you were ready for.
You make me so proud, did i say that again.
Hang on, let me write down, with my pen, again and again.
We are who we are, and would never change the world for who you have become;
anyone would be lucky to be with you,
and anyone who should be lucky enough to love you,
should be the only one.
You are worth more to me than the grains of sand on the beach,
the species of plants in the amazon,
the words i have ever wrote in vain of finding myself,
and yes,
more than the stars in the sky.
And never ever, ever, doubt yourself, or wonder why,
You were meant to be amazing,
and you fought for it, like a true warrior spirit,
and i love you,
oh god do i love you,
for who you are,
not who we were,
but how we became who we are in this moment.
My darling, never give yourself up,
for something that is less than you think you are worthy of,
because to me,
you deserve the moon, the stars, the sea, the clouds and the world.
My grown up, beautiful, talented, amazing big sister,
my safety cushion, and my girl.
 Oct 2013 Alex
 Oct 2013 Alex
you can't see
she's dead inside
been strong for too long
she wonders what it's like to give up
take a few steps
just a few seconds
in front of a train

a few cuts where nobody sees
takes the pain away
but she can't breathe
another one
three to bring luck
it's the last time

she meant it.

she can't open her eyes
she can hear the sirens
"Please don't get in time"
she prays
now her mama is crying
her brother still wonders why
her father is dying
and everybody loves her
and everybody misses her

they're just lying
she whispers to herself before walking away
it's easy to pretend now that I'm gone
I wish you had said all those things to make me feel strong,
I'm sorry for not feeling sorry
alittle too late now

I wish I wasn't so good at lying
I felt broken and sore
I cried black tears on the kitchen floor
I fell
you didn't catch me in time
and now you watch me
and there's nothing but fresh tears in your eyes and dark ones around mine
 Oct 2013 Alex
every part of me
 Oct 2013 Alex
you are in my words
even if they're not about you.

you are in my smile
even when we are apart.

you are on my mind
even when I'm not around you

you are in my veins
and in my ever-beating heart.

— The End —