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74 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
We met
and played a game.
I was bad at it,
for that I'm sorry.

We met
and had coffee.
I got your order wrong,
for that I'm sorry.

We met
and talked about that book.
I didn't like it,
for that I'm sorry.

We met
and then we didn't.
You, now,
no longer want to meet with me.
73 · Sep 2021
It's Not
Ale Sep 2021
It's not poetry.
Everything I write is a maddening
thought spewed, almost saddening
to watch. And I claw
at my brain to get it out, and gnaw
on the nails I bite between shouts.

Poetry is beautiful
yet my words are ugly,
to call it righteous
would be untruthful.

My pain's no good
it's a non-art with no use.
It's not art to me,
but what does it mean to you?
72 · Dec 2021
Ale Dec 2021
Every day,
is the same.
The sun rises,
and again I'll face
the onslaught of pain.

Caught in a rut
of endless unhappiness,
it seems again
I'm stuck.

If every day is the same,
rife with suffering and woes,
a person like me will never truly have
a "tomorrow".
71 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
You are a monster.
You must be.
With 15 limbs,
and green skin,
and scales.
When you bleed,
its blue, not red.

You definitely must be
a monster.
Because no human,
could hurt me so bad.
71 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I'm sure
things will come to an end one day.
Whether by my hand
or God's.
But until that day comes
I'd like to stay with you.
71 · Dec 2021
How I Feel
Ale Dec 2021
I know it's okay
if you don't need me,
but I always wanted to try
and help if need be.

It's hard for me to do it
without making mistakes
and I wish I could hear you say
"it's okay".

You might never know
how I feel,
but it's better this way.
I'll keep doing my
every day.

So, I know you don't need it,
I just don't want you to feel alone.
Even if I'm only me,
I can at least say
you're not on your own.

You might not ever see this,
and I don't mind,
But if you do,
please just know
I only want you to be fine.
71 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
It comes out of the dark spaces.
Living in my closet,
behind the door,
under the bed.

It creeps up on me,
when I'm least expecting it.
Sending me

And for some reason,
it can tell
when you're not around
to help.
71 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
You wanted a friend.
And I wanted to apologize
for wanting more.
70 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
You have all the time in the world,
to talk about what you want to.
But whenever I need to speak,
we're "cutting it close".
69 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I wanted to need you,
and I wanted you to need me too.
But now I wonder why,
your parasitism is making me ill
as I die.

You're killing me off.
You didn't need me, right?
69 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
My feet have grown weary
from walking around it.
I want you to see it like I do.
I want you to know,
how much I like you.
68 · Dec 2021
Ale Dec 2021
Am I really
content with this?
The things I would do,
to be anyone else.
Anywhere else.
At any other time.

The things to change
are countless
and innumerable,
but it could all be fixed
if what changed
was the direction of your gaze.

If I could change
the direction you look,
to be seen by you,
maybe then I'd find it in me
to change myself.
68 · Dec 2021
That Dream of Mine
Ale Dec 2021
I will still be the same
as always.

Laughing and
trying to joke with you.

I always knew
the things we feel
are different.

But since you
showed up in that dream of mine.

I haven't been
honest with you
at all.
67 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I'm sorry,
I know you have better people
and better things to do.
But I want to
be around you too.

I'm sorry,
that I cling to you so much.
You just make me feel
like the little worth I have
is something real.

I know things can
never be that way between us.
But I never want us to be parted,
cause you're someone who finally
makes me feel
66 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I hate liars.
That's why I couldn't
forgive myself
when I told you it was okay.
66 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Your eyes are pretty.
I just wish
they would look at me more.
I want you to see me
66 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I'm sorry,
I can't keep acting like I'm okay.
Every conversation like this,
every word,
just makes me cry more and more
every day.
But I wanted to be there.
66 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Things would only change
If I was strong enough to do so.
But I'm not.
So until then, I don't know.
65 · Nov 2021
Ale Nov 2021
"There's no point",
is the favorite phrase of
an indifferent loser
such as I.

Hideous negativities flow in harmony,
with the stream that stings my eyes.
Putting on a show of apathy
and pretending love is a misfortune,
my true feelings will scrape
at my conscience.

Stowed away are the words
that bear years' worth of sentiment.
"Could you
love someone like me?"
65 · May 2021
Me to You
Ale May 2021
I wonder,
what am I to you?
Someone special,
or just someone to use?

I know you well,
and you know me too.
So when you hurt me,
I'm sure you knew.

I know you don't like me,
that's nothing new.
There's no point in you knowing
how much I loved you.
-From Me, to You.
I wish you had felt the same
65 · Oct 2021
Happy Friends
Ale Oct 2021
Happy friends are always
a pleasant sight to see,
but how quickly that sight sours
when I realize they'll still be happy
without me.
65 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
"You're always so happy!"
Every time you say that it gets harder
to distract
myself from the fact
it's all just an act
64 · Dec 2021
No Matter
Ale Dec 2021
I want to
give you a reason to
look my way.
I want to do
and yet I have nothing
to say.

Surrounded by
so many people,
I've nothing special for you.
And even though I'm here,
I'll never be special
no matter what I do.
64 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
My words shouldn't be
on a piece of paper.
I wanted to give them
to you.
But for now,
this'll do.
I was always scared of talking really
63 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Leave me alone.
Just leave me alone.
If your truth hurts me this much,
I'd rather not have known.

Go away.
Please, just go away.
Even though truthfully,
I'd like you to stay.

Be gone,
gone out of my life.
Even though I like you,
your words cut like knives.
63 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
It's not that I
don't know
the words I want to say.
I'm only worried
you won't listen to the feelings
I wanted to convey.
62 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I fear one day
you'll no longer need me,
and once again I'll be tossed aside.
Usually this wouldn't be
any different.
I like you.
Please, keep me.
62 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I can't lose a chance
you never gave me in the
first place.
61 · May 2021
To Die
Ale May 2021
I don't want to die.
But your kind demeanor,
the one so painful to endure.
I wouldn't really mind
going out like that.
61 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
"You don't understand,
you don't understand!", you cried.
It's not like
you understood me either.
But it's okay
61 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
One day, you'll realize
I was rotten from the start.
And I'd have no reason
to have a place in your heart.

One day, you'll realize
there's so much better than me.
And again, I'll be cast away
despite how much I'd plea.

And one day, you'll realize.
I was never of any use.
One day, you'll realize
the truth.
I can't be as good as them, I'm sorry.
60 · May 2021
Torn Up
Ale May 2021
Why do I write?
To express myself,
or is it because I'm too scared to
express myself in a "real way",
like you said.

There's no point.
Even now I'm running away
from actually talking to you.
I'm sorry.

I always was a coward,
took to the pen before the tongue.

And now all the words I've ever
torn up by their creator.
Sometimes I don't see the point in it
59 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I know you try your best,
to be of use.
But every kind word
only tightens the noose.
59 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Please don't be nice to me,
Your smile is more than I can bear.
The half-truth that you call "kindness",
only brings me to tears.
59 · Sep 2021
Ale Sep 2021
Take a deep breath.
Count to ten.
The only way.
In a second I'll feel
the chill of a blade
creeping down my skin again.
59 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Again, just like every year
summer shows itself.
A relief to many,
but fills myself with dread.

The warm summer breeze,
doesn't blow in cozy feelings.
Instead, it sends disgusting,
that send chills,
not fit for the season,
crawling up my spine.
59 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
My scabs
were mine to pick at,
but you rolled up my sleeve
and tore them off.

And now,
they're bleeding all over again.
But you dressed my wound.
58 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Why are the good feelings,
always the ones that hurt.
I hate "love".
I give but never receive.
56 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I'm sorry,
I never meant to get jealous.
I just wish you noticed me,
as much as them.
56 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Huddled again,
in a corner of the school's rooftop.
"I'm a human no one needs."
Those words,
cross your mind again as you
ponder the height.

I stand above you,
looking down with contempt.
You've no reason to look up,
I don't mind.
I'd rather not see your face;
It resembles me far too much.
Why's that?
Do things get better?
55 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Some people want followers.
Others want connections.
Love and
Friendship and
Time spent and
I think about what I want,
and come up blank.
So will you please,
help me fill in this empty page?
Stay by my side, my one request.
I really miss you
55 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
206 bones,
32 teeth,
5 fingers,
2 eyes,
and 1 heart.
1 aching heart.
54 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
My energy's gone,
my throat's dried up too.
Wasted everything,
just to try to talk to you.

I just wanted you to hear me.
Please, listen.
54 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
It's no fun to pretend
to be something you're not
when everyone can see
right through you.
53 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I craved your attention,
but you weren't too eager.
No one else's will work for me,
I'm too much of a picky eater.
I only wanted you.
53 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
The I arose,
and the World greeted me
by dragging me along
for another day
I didn't want.
51 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
I know I'm selfish.
for wanting to be seen
as much as her.
I try but,
that'll never happen right?
51 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
Puzzle of life.
Friendships, love, connections,
all proper pieces.
And yet I can't find anywhere I fit
in this unsolvable jigsaw.
50 · May 2021
Locked Up
Ale May 2021
These thoughts are
nothing but a burden to you.
Despite how much I want to convey them,
I keep them locked up.
47 · May 2021
Ale May 2021
My heart is so full of feelings.
Head full of thoughts.
I showed them to you,
now my eyes are full of tears.
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