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 Apr 2013 Alejandro Gutierrez
Take it back, please
I do not want
Your gift anymore because
It lives in my sheets
Making it hard to sleep
Every night
I am thinking
About him
And whether or
My gift hides in his
Sheets, or
If it is tucked
Away in a closet
Of embarrassing laundry
His mother will never
 Apr 2013 Alejandro Gutierrez
I feel like crying when someone asks me to talk about myself
And I can only try to explain why
But self reflection tends to only see the bad things
I do not fit in with everyone else like I am expected too
Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I am constantly feeling like
Something is wrong with me, something has been off since I was born
And I am just finding out about it now

This is why I push away people
As quickly as I push away my meals
And why even now I sit here in tears typing away at a ****** poem
Or why scars cover my thighs and baggy clothes hide my figure
Why everyone I had known since a child slowly forced me out of their lives

So when someone asks me to talk about myself
These things are what come to mind, but
Overwhelmed with a feeling a failure, I still manage to sell a shy smile
And say something simple like:
"I like to sail and run cross country"
Because that's what they want to hear,
And I will wait until I meet another person that will ask, and maybe
I'll fork up the courage to spill everything out,
But probably not, I feel pretend
 Apr 2013 Alejandro Gutierrez
Am not the girl you fell in love with
Not now, after all the pain.
You're not the boy i skipped to meet
With heart as light as a feather.
You're too distant, too aloof.
You showed me the world,
I believed it was mine.
And now its hazy and grey.
But i know,
We were meant to be together.

Am a little rough around the edges
Growing old does that to you.
But you're worn out as well
From running circles around me.
I long for the guy who wanted me,
Everytime and anytime.
I felt needed, loved, wanted.

I want to take you and make you mine,
Love you more than you expect,
Accept you even when you hurt me.
I might not get it right,
But even when i break your heart,
I won't leave if you'll have me.
I promise to try.
My dreams lately have been vivid,
I didn't know they were dreams until I was awakened into reality.
What is reality?
It's an illusion, it's what we make it.
What if our dreams are reality, and reality is nothing but a dream?
It started with a late night talk,
With stars up high and the moon watching from above.
But all that mattered were the words you spoke,
Your sweet voice proclaiming thy love.

As months passed, the bond grew stronger,
With it, our conversations grew longer.
Time seemed to freeze when our gazes met,
And it flew by till we had to separate.

The months became years; the feelings still the same,
Little differences crept in but the love remain.
For all the good times and the bad, you were by my side,
Like an angel, amplifying the joys and brushing sorrows aside.

It started with a late night talk,
With stars up high and the moon watching from above.
I have had many highs
And fooled around with lows
Felt nicotine’s sweet sigh
After mans savage blows
Caffeine runs my morning
And sedatives my night
But you came without warning
Of side effects to fight
Addiction is my sin
Though lately I've been true
Yet every single bone within
Is still a slave to you
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