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I'm a cloud of useless waste of particles.
I float freely, I fall slowly.
I'm a useless dust of chalk. Wasted.
What is my purpose?
After my knowledge?
After I have made my marks on the board?
What am I bound to do?
After I sit steady in the cold, dark place that I stain? That I ruin?

I'm a useless powdered material.
I stay stationary, I move slightly.
I'm a useless left over matter of chalk. Unimportant.
No appreciation for my knowledge.
No notice for my wisdom.
Is my purpose to be unseen?
Is my purpose to irritate eyes and wreck souls?

I'm a chalk dust in a dark, cold corner...
Soliloquy is my game.
What I play. every time. everyday
Intentionally left behind,
By my knowledge, my wisdom, my faith, my truth.
I'm now
A Nobody.

I vanish, and I flourish and I fly.
I'm a chalk dust with no purpose.
And so, the soul had fled the existing body.
And in the end, I see...
My useless soul, my life...
Under appreciated

** jnldm
first timer. pardon the emotional poem. this was actually for my lit. class and  my lit. teacher told me to hang here and post some of ze works. hahaha... lol bye. nvr mnd this note. it's so useless lol. -jnldm
I don't want to fall for you just yet

I don't know if I'm ready to put all my trust into someone
someone new.

I don't know if I'm ready to open up my heart and soul to someone
someone new.

I don't know if I'm ready to deal with another heartbreak because of someone

Someone new that likes me
Under her dark veil she wrung her hands.
"Why are you so pale today?"
"Because I made him drink of stinging grief
Until he got drunk on it.
How can I forget? He staggered out,
His mouth twisted in agony.
I ran down not touching the bannister

And caught up with him at the gate.
I cried: 'A joke!
That's all it was. If you leave, I'll die.'
He smiled calmly and grimly
And told me: 'Don't stand here in the wind.' "
You're as underrated as a ****
People see you as something
To pick out the ground
And toss over their shoulders
Like its nothing
You're considered ugly
A bother
But in reality these people
Aren't actually looking at you
They aren't observing you
Taking in all your fragile
The way your tiny petals
Stretch towards the sun
The way your stem carries
You so effortlessly
When you dance in summer wind
I wish to be a ****
Like you
I knew when you looked into my eyes.
I knew when you hugged me for a long time.
I knew when my mother gave me a dreary face and told me everything was okay.
I knew when everything in my pockets were gone.
I knew when my mouth shut.
I knew when I smoked my last joint out by the patio.
I knew when no one would look me directly into the eyes.
I knew when everyone else stared me in the eyes for too long.
I knew it was cold when I woke up.
I knew I was happy then.
I don't know what I know now.
I know I know I know I know
I don't want to know anymore.
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