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I hate this place,
For I can't seem to leave,
Wherever I roam,
I'm in this place of grief.
Its paths seem to go on forever,
An infinate corridor of hell,
This place is a curse, a wicked spell,
And into it I fell.

I hate this place,
Even the doctors are confused,
They cant help me,
Or at least they refused.

This place isn't physical,
Yet it follows wherever I roam,
Its a mental state,
And it's my new home.

I no longer sleep,
I no longer feel,
I just exist,
In my loneliness...
 Apr 2012 K I R A
Nicole Benson
how can all my caring get so abused?
how could it all not mean anything?
how could i feel so much when nobody else does?
how can the superficial mean more than the truest meanings?
how can what everyone else tells me mean more than what I feel?
how can the most important things in the whole world get ****** by others?
How can we let it?
How can friends,school,religion and even parents so misguide us away from our greatest treasures,our self, our loves, our passion, our music, our art, who we really are?
how can the truth you've spoken get so twisted and turned into something else?
how can 1000's of precious times get wiped out by a few rough ones?
How can the greatest loves a person can have be smahed down by those who don't know love, who don't know what's precious, who don't know what truly means something in this world?
If there was another way to say it;
An easy way for you to understand...
I would not be pouring out these words
In an attempt to paint a picture.
I wouldn't be desperate to bottle
My emotions and thoughts
Into these stained glass letters,
With the tin syntax lid.
Poking holes through the top
Of my head,
So you could see.
Firefly ideas.

I am a photographer of hearts and minds.
The blood red room holds
My negatives.
How can I make them easier for you to see?
The composition so sweet,
The lighting so contrasted with
The shadows hiding the everyday.

What I really want you to do is stop reading.
Go look into the eyes of a lover.
Go hold a child's hand while they sing.
Listen to the wind change.
Feel the pulse of a city.
Cry with old wrinkled skin
For youth and life, and hope.

That is what my poem means.
It is a pulsing picture
Held captive in rhetoric.
 Apr 2012 K I R A
Courtney Joy
Let me taste the sweet dew
That envelopes the casting glow
Reflected from the summers eye
Dropped below the exile of life
To where the water once ran

Beyond where sight can see
O'er the sturdy branch of elk
Perplexed between the sunspot
Of the shadowed stump
and summers eve peach
I see your face

Catch glimpse of early morning
sunrise, sunset.
Written in every sky;
lines that vaguely shape the horizon.
Of today, tomorrow.
Outlining clouds of present fate that unravels
within my fingertips.
No longer countless petals plucked
for seemingly this day
gives answer to my dedication.

What's beyond those eyes
A tragedy? A fallen corpse?

Nothing at all.
Drunk from too much water,
Rolling behind your daunting head
the mystery of yesterday
the tragedy of today
That cracks the inside of the well
until it runs dry

Wake up
I've been waiting for you,
for the moment it all gives way
to crumble and expose
my deepest regret.

Waiting for the ground to heal itself
the stump to blossom its early *****,
And embalm the diurnal course of life.
I want to push away
clear away the pain,
taste the poison distilled from your root.
And drink in today.
Retreat the core,
and bring me closer.
I can save you when I save myself.
Not easily understood with one read.
Read it again and get a second opinion :)
A hopeless romantic that seeks the identity of herself through the companionship of others. This gal needs a lot more than love to save her from herself; to reflect and accept her past as it is, to enjoy life for what it is; a single moment.
 Nov 2011 K I R A
Ryan Petry
It’s happening again,
someone is reaching up my arm
towards my sleeve.
Running her fingers over all
the scars and battle wounds.
Wondering why I even
keep it there.
I run my fingers though
her soft golden hair,
and whisper,
“Cause I was waiting
for you.”

— The End —