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Akira Chinen Jul 2016
Is it poetry or the lack of
It's hearts spilling on the page
So why all the rage
It's not facts about faith
So why all the hate
When brother attacks sister
Who attacks father
Who attacks mother
Who kills her children
How do you not see
Enough is enough
There are less sacred places
To spew your hate
This is meant
To be a place of joy
And encouragement
To let the feeble
Dance with the
Masters of their craft
So if your steps
Are full of malevolence
And spite
We will happily
Show you the door
Although we would
Rather say hello
We won't regret
Saying goodbye
Akira Chinen Mar 2017
I can't say I know who or what I am at this point in my life but I can tell you with absolute certainty that when I look at the stars and the moon in the deep dark of the night I know I'm not human and that I don't belong here and if you can hear this and not think that I am crazy you might just be mad enough for me to stay here with or to sit down together and plan our escape
Akira Chinen Sep 2017
It was my birthday
and the moon gave me a smile
and the stars gave me an owl
and the sky gave me a bat
and my heart gave me a beat
and my eyes gave me a dream
and my dream gave me you
Akira Chinen Jul 2018
she turns black thread
into silk verse
and writes poetry
with every sway of her hips
and the words linger
in the movement of a dream
and even the moon
can’t wear the night
as beautifully
as she wears that dress
Akira Chinen May 2018
I just want to wake up
in a world that isn’t here
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
Dear friend... I know I don’t call as often as I should... and lets be honest we can just about say, I dont call at all and I am sorry I am not better at keeping in touch.  I know we all get tired, we all work and a lot of us have jobs we don’t necessarily like, but we have to survive through the ******* parts of life to get by.  So we put in our forty hours a week, or more... and the end of the day comes too soon and we still have too much left to do and we fall into the routine of tomorrow, I’ll call tomorrow or for sure this weekend... and **** comes up, not important ****...just small distractions and maybe a little insecurity or excuses and we don’t or I don’t.... and months go by and years turn into more years and I haven’t heard your voice on the phone or in person and I think, this weekend... this weekend... but then the weekend ends and next week ends and its been another year.  And trust me, I ******* miss you, I really do... all of you.  And maybe I will call... one day... but if I dont, know that I love you and I am grateful for whatever time we spent together that allowed me to become your friend, for whatever it was that made my heart open and grow and forever hold a space for you to be a part of it.  I can still hear your voice as clears in my memory as if you were sitting here now and it brings the same warmth and comfort as any hug a grandmother might give us.  I hope we both live long enough to see each other again, to talk about absolutely nothing important and to laugh about the things that seem to big and cumbersome to hold on our own and I hope I don’t forget to tell you I love you when we do.  When the day comes when we have no choice but to say goodbye, to whichever one of us escapes this life first, to whoever finds out what comes next next, I hope of all the things we might take with us... I hope it will be the love we shared.  

And on a side note, I know I rarely answer my phone, but if you call and I am awake, or if you wake me up, I will and I will be happy to hear your voice and I will tell you I love you...
Akira Chinen Dec 2017
If we are not breathing
so our dreams may live
then our dreams are dying
as they watch us
waste our breath
Akira Chinen Sep 2016
What is it?
We pave and toll the day away
And what does it mean?
What is it for?
The pursuit of happiness takes second place
Hopes of love is just a fleeting feeling
Wake, work, ****, sleep...
But never never ever dream...
Fall in place...
Spin cog spin
Sin man sin
Worthless blessed
Keep Floyds machine alive
Don't let the wall fall
Brick by brick
Keep the hammers marching
Keep the children beaten and ******
Desperate for thier mommies
Grow the soldiers
Forge hearts with blind hate
Boom, BooM, BOOM!
No room for kindness
Keep the masses blind
Dress up children
In soldiers uniform
Bang, BanG, BANG!
Coffins replace i.d.'s of war
And what is it for?
Life wasted on war...
What is it for..
Akira Chinen May 2016
The calender reads 2016
But its feels more like 1984
Have you heard the crying
The American dream
Lying dying in the streets
While big brother
Is strapping blinders
On our heads
And shackles to
Our hands and feet
Were being lined up
By the rows
Willing prisoners
Of the slave power
Empire of minimum wage
Shuttling our children
Off to the animal farm
Market of big business
And big lies
***** water mixed
In with the rotting
Apples of the
New American pie
The sugar isn't sweet
To the starving
In the street
While trash cans
Over flow in the back lots
Of the super market
Super chains
Of the slave power
Empire of criminal rage
And its the cold dark waters
Of nuclear waste
Soaking the pages of the calender
That reads
In these days that feel like
No kindness or compassion
For hands shaking tin cups
Needing just a little change
Just a little shelter
From their sad weather lifes
Living on the cold ground
Below our overpass ways
No shelter and no change
No compassion and no kindness
In the fist and pockets
Of the slave power
Empire of ignorant ways
Bullets, bombs and hate
Harvesting fresh blood
For the ink
To print the pages of the calender
That reads
As politicians write us back
Into the pages of the days of
Akira Chinen Oct 2016
Where are the late night painters and poets and dreamers
The 24 hour coffee  shops with chipped saucers and street musicians  and black  and white photo opportunities
The 3:07 am philosophers and talkers and ******* this and **** that "I aint' workin' for the man" protest fighters
Where are the push back the day
I'm not finished with the night
Loners and monsters and strangers
Because normal isn't working and humans are disgusting
So I would rather walk alone
Than be part of a population wearing blinders pretending nothings wrong with living in a world that isn't safe for our sisters and our brothers sitting on the wrong side of a broken justice system
Its safer on the streets for rapists and murders
Than a girl in a short skirt or a man born with dark skin
Where are the architects of love and the masons of kindness and the engineers of empathy
Who's  gonna save us when heaven turns out to be empty
And there's no one there to wash away the blood off our hands for our crimes and sins against  humanity
Without the late night painters and poets and dreamers
The 24 hour coffee shops become ghost towns and the world crumbles
And the only thing beautiful for humanity to do is give itself to death
Akira Chinen Feb 2018
He stood motionless at the cliffs edge and stared out over the landscape and the  ever elusive horizon, with his heart punching hard against his ribs and his breath calm and deep and steady.  The air carried a warm gentle breeze and the sky held birds of black wings that sang of the sun and the stars and the moon .  He was so still that he could have been an illustration on the page of a book in a story where time had been frozen and maybe he was.  Maybe he was a moment stolen from eternity and sculpted into the shape of a boy holding two feathers longer than he was tall and maybe it wasn't until eternity stole that moment back that he turned and smiled as wide as the moon pretending to be a cat.  Then he turned his head forward and slowly raised his arms until they were parallel with the ground and leaned forward until he fell over the edge.
He fell without fear.  His mouth did not scream or make any sound, it only sat quietly on his face framing the teeth of his smile.  He tucked in his legs and curled into a ball and spun and tumbled in the air.  With the earth rapidly approaching, he stretched his legs back out and began to run and leap and fly through and up and into the sky.  
He was a dream in the shape of a boy pretending to be a bird spreading out its wings and learning how to fly
Akira Chinen Aug 2018
I looked up from my sketch pad
and for a brief moment
saw how beautifully perfect
life can be

and isn’t that all we have

just moments

and in that moment
I found that every now and then
life can be something
even more beautiful than love
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
My flesh and bones
Hands and fingertips
Have burrowed deep
And lost both blood and sin
In the depths of your earth
And ache and hurt
Uncovering both
The wings and birds
Of your tenderness
Lost so long
In this cold cold ground
I offer warmth
From these words
*I Love You
Akira Chinen Sep 2018
Loneliness does not leave my body when I walk into a crowded room /it only amplifies itself with thoughts of why didn’t I just stay at home /what did I expect to find here / a pretty face with a kind smile and deep soulful eyes that would not only see the troubled and lost thoughts inside my head / but would be a mirrored reflection of the same struggles and doubts / someone who would say more by saying nothing and understand all the silence pouring out of my mouth / you know the girl / the one I read about in the poem I wrote last week / last year / yesterday and probably again tomorrow / the imaginary one I write all those fictional love poems to / the one that kind of looks like me in a dress / is it weird that I think she’s kind of hot? / the one that reminds me of the real girls and women I am always too afraid to talk to / I swear if it weren’t for alcohol and aggressive women I would still be a ****** today / it was so cute how they told me they never brought guys home with them... I don’t know maybe this was true / maybe it wasn’t / and I was always so naive that every time it happened I expected we were going to just watch a movie or something... / we did the something / just a something not as PG as I was expecting / something not really PG at all.../ oh...young me, where has tho gone.../ (sigh)... / I don’t drink so much now and I am not as naive / still a little / but that’s another story.... / and now I have been alone so long that it has a certain comfort and warmth / so long that I rarely notice being lonely at all / the dull buzz of silence / the peacefulness of an empty house is louder than the empty echo and cries of desperation from my heart... / that is / until I walk into a crowded room
Akira Chinen Jan 2017
The thought of her consumed the minutes of his day and his heart smiled and dreamt and painted images of her inbetween the movements of the second hand running in circles around the clock and inside the marrow of his soul her smile sung her name in unison with his pulse and even though he had never held her hand or tasted the sweet promise of nirvana glistening on her lips
and knew he likely never would
he couldn't deny that he had fallen over the edge and over his head and that even  if she never knew how he felt  that she would always walk through the dreams of his heart as a fawn wearing a crown of lilies
Akira Chinen Jun 2022
The night sky had a cup
  full of moonlight
and the shadows played
  in the fields
   and danced in the streets
the few sparce stars in the sky
  gently sang a lullaby
and the mad mad world below
  paused for a moment
    for only a moment
and though worn and weary
  I smiled
sleep would come
   soon enough
and trouble would have
  to wait for tomorrow
    to begin its brew again...
Akira Chinen May 2017
You can chop the head off a snake and still be poisoned by its fangs
The lifeless body of a wasp with its motionless wings can still sting
A dead heart can still burn and love still dance in its flame
And in the silence of the ghost of its echo I can still feel your name
Akira Chinen Feb 2017
Dear friends you will find me
at the bottom of my death
or in the middle of madness and love
I am only a dream
and a wish
and a prayer
away from both
And I hope you all find in this life
a good prayer
a simple wish
and a beautiful dream
Live gratefully and sleep well
And in the end
we can all make a lier out of death
Akira Chinen Apr 2017
I dream in the blood of desire and desperation and feel your heart beat in my pulse and your name is a wildfire consuming the essence of my soul and I'm burning down to ash from the inside out and my bones are breaking from the ache of wanting to know your tender touch and my mouth is useless without knowing what pleases the secret curves of your smile and hidden pleasures along the lines of your neck and I want to write down the confessions of sins boiling under my fingers on the soft skin of your thighs and taste the earth off the roots of your flower of lust and inhale deeply as the scent of your love blooms and fills the air inside my lungs and I drown in the bliss of the moment dreamt between eternity and never and find myself impaled on the crescent moon found in the reflection of desire and desperation in a dream of blood
Akira Chinen Aug 2018
She came to me in a dream
of bones
floating on top of the waters
of a riverbed of death
her cold lips
offered a warm smile
and the promise
of a place better than this
I heard my heartbeat slow
and fade
as I gave into the hope
of drowning
and dropped my bones
one by one
into the peaceful current
of her limbs
and now I can’t remember
my name or my sins
and I am no longer
here or there
but if this dream isn’t lying
I have finally found my home
Akira Chinen Nov 2017
He was trapped between
her chocolate colored eyes
and her love flavored lips
and he just wanted a taste
of her heavenly bliss
and the soft cream porcelain skin
that coverd her hips
and the top of her thighs
and white milky *******
and thought of tracing
her curves with his fingers
and parting her flower
with the tip of his tounge
made his pulse quicken
and his blood pump hard
and he was helpless
to the desire burning
into his heart
and he seeped and he stroked
and he whisperd her name
that fell from his mouth
like a prayer to the muse of lust
and repeating her name
again and again
until with the long slow syllables in a moan
he stained his sheets with streaks
like stars in the sky
and he then fell into a dream
that tasted of chocolate and love
Akira Chinen Jun 2017
He had never drank
espresso before
but they way she described it
and the way that she smiled
with it still wet on her tounge
made his heart skipped a beat
and he trembled
wanting to know
the taste of something
that could make a dream
so wickedly curve as her lips
and the secrets of pleasure
lying just below the beauty
of the skin of her kiss
Akira Chinen Sep 2017
Remember my love that whenever you drift
between the unknown hours of sleep
and over mountains of pillows
and blankets of ocean and mist
I am never more
than a dreams reach away
Akira Chinen Nov 2016
I am in the bones of life
The void of light
The final kiss
The end of dreams
The beginning of song
Wrapped in black shrouds
I give you black wings
And set you free to the night
To become a star
a moon
a sun
and a dream
To dream again
and again...
Akira Chinen Dec 2017
Chasing you through dreams
you slip through my fingers
turning to mist and smoke
leaving nothing
but the warmth of your breath
and the ghost of your kiss
on the surface of my neck
and it’s all
an illusion
by the lonely blood
seeping from the cracks
and scars
that decorate the skin
of my heart
and I can’t tell the difference
between desire
and desperation
as I tumble through
the longing to know
the scent of your skin
and the taste of your spit
and in the silence of stars
and the voiceless sky
I fumble and stutter
trying to call your name
and you pause long enough
for me to get lost
in the madness
and mischief
of your eyes
and I drown in the colors
of the charm of your lips
and I wander helpless
following the echo
of your ghost
changing shapes
and names
and houses
dream after dream
your hand close enough
to reach
but impossible to hold
as it turns from flesh
to smoke and mist
and you laugh
in small giggles
and leave a note
pinned to the pulse
beneath my ribs
letting me know
you’ll be back tomorrow
and tomorrow
as a dream walking
through forevers door
Akira Chinen Mar 2018
she is a dream wearing a black dress
with glints of starlight
escaping the surface of her skin
and her hair flows long
into the river of the night sky
and she carries the warmth of home
in the cool colors of her eyes

you’ll think off her every time
your favorite song comes on
all of them

she is the heart beat of every melody
the love whispered in every prayer
the name you will never know
and the name you will never forgot

a dream wearing a black dress
floating in the grace of starlight
along the river of night
the road to the flowers
that bloom in eternities hand
a warm heat beating
in a dream wearing a black dress
Akira Chinen Nov 2017
She wears beauty like a sin
and weaves witchcraft out of thin air
and there is an endless wonder
in the emerald jewels of her eyes
and something sweet in the secrets
and mischief in the color
and shape of her lips

poetry dances in the silver white flames
of her hair
and the silk of her skin
seduces with beauties perfection
she is everything of want
that overflows and drenches
every need in abundance of satisfaction

my breath and my blood and my pulse
belong to her alone
and she is a dream within a dream
within a secret kept by the stars
and known only to the time
of dying leaves

ribbons of black velvet
stripped down from the night sky
have me tied down
and ready to be sacrificed
to her name and her image

I lay silent and still
waiting for her hand
to crack open my ribs
and pull out what’s left
of my heart
and stitch back
the splintered and broken pieces

and I feel the touch of her gaze
and the soft hands of her kindness
build something new
out of something ruined
and I feel as if love
has never known ache

and she starts to fade like a dream
within a dream
and she stops for a moment
and gives me a glimpse of eternity
shaped like the colors of her eyes
and whispers in the language
of witches in a voice
with the last warm breath of autumn
and I wake with the taste
of her secrets and mischief
still burning on my lips
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
She wove the morning light into a dress
the colors of daydreams
and smiled a mischievous smile
full of wonder and love and magic
she could steal your heart
with just a glance
and when she did
she would treat it
only with grace and kindness
and give it wings
and place it gently back in your chest
lighter and more beautiful than before
for having been held by her hands
Akira Chinen Mar 2018
She wore a black dress made of the fire
and art of poetry
and she glided gracefully as she tip-toed
from star to star
with her soft hair spilling out and over the sky
painting the night the color of dreams
she danced within the gleaming
silk indigo flames of eternity
out in the dark where
no one could watch her move
and even though she
was far out in the darkness
way up high where no one could see her
and my eyes could not trace
the outline of her form
or make out the shape of her smile
I knew she was beautiful
I could feel it in the space beneath my ribs
and in the sound of my heart beat
Akira Chinen Jun 2017
She was a fairy tale told by a poem that was sung to the moon by the star that wrote the secrets of lust with the flames of the sun on the skin of the heart of the story of love...

and she lived in the wonder of the gaze of the children of dreams and controled the pulse of eternity and the flow of magic trapped within the illusion of time and she flirted with death for a kiss and then stole its robes and the beauty of dying was then her gift to give and her burden to bare and she was gentle with grace and generous with kindness and she will be the first and last sound that you hear as she whispers the meaning of life in your ear...

and it will take only the moment that is as long as it is short...

and you will know you were part of the fairy tale told by a poem that was sung to the moon by the star that wrote the secrets of lust with the flames of the sun on the skin of the heart of the story of love
Akira Chinen Apr 2018
She was a plague of desire
a dance of syllables
just out of the reach of his tongue
a name that was a prayer
written on the skin of his heart

a language he couldn’t speak
except when  lost in the trance
of a dream boiling over
with the lust running mad in his blood

a fever burning inside his bones
to feel her tremble against his lips
and wandering fingertips
that travel the forbidden paths
along her spines skin of pleasure

the quite hush of gods making flesh
to be blessed with the secrets
of honey and blood
to be poured over
and flow from the pulse
and the rhythm
of the lost art of making love
while dancing in beds
made out of the shadows of sin

a quite lullaby roaring
from under his pillow
that made his ears desperate
with longing to hear
the songs that play
from within the cage of her ribs

a place of hunger
that could only be satisfied
when left with wanting more
of the blood and the flesh
and the body of her rapture
when lost in the euphoria
of finding love under blankets
woven from lust
and where no pleasure
is stained with the guilt
or definition of sin
Akira Chinen Jul 2019
There is no fixing what is broken
there is no raising the dead
you are just a dream
a promise of light
a path to better days
not made for me
my youth has been spent
and wasted
and yours still much alive
with much more to go
what awaits you
has much more to give
than I could match
I wish I could stay
give into this dream
love you with all of my heart
that is so desperate to love you
give all of itself to you...

but I am just a scared boy
living in a body that is growing old
a fool and a coward at best
more than forty years have passed
with likely less than forty to go
it's all been a blur

and what I have found in you
I have found too late in my life
love beyond perfection
life beyond beautiful
a sudden rush of euphoria
a glimpse of a eternal happiness
a visit from the pure joy of forever

I am grateful beyond words
indebted beyond times end
you have given me too much already
I am humbled and inspired
lucky and blessed to have seen
your hearts beauty
to have been touched
by the warmth of your kindness

but who am I other
than someone broken
with something dead inside
gazing up at a dream
I wish i could reach for
had time to nurture
to watch grow beautifully

who am I other than
a fool and a coward
to be afraid of love
Akira Chinen Jul 2019
and it happens
as it has before



just a brief glimpse

my heart rejoices even though
it knows it will soon break
and even then as all the pieces sink
into the pit of my gut
into the nausea of my tears
each shattered chamber
will sing your name softly

there is no cruelty here
only the kindness
of what makes you beautiful
an undeniable inspiration of love
the sun of your heart
causing flowers to bloom
in the cavity of my chest

even if only for an hour
an hour that will last through eternity
be remembered after time crumbles
live long after I have been buried
and my name forgotten
by the wind and the trees

this love will follow me
will live with me
from this life
into what ever lies
in waiting in the next
into the unknown
the unknowable

and with this love
whatever I may meet and find
I will greet it with a smile
and i will show it this love
and it will say in all the truth
it has to offer
that it is the most beautiful thing
it has ever seen
Akira Chinen Mar 2017
Teach compassion, kindness, and generosity not fear, greed and hate... depression is a mental disorder not a weakness, some are born **** to it and others have it forced upon them.  Teach that a good life is what love you leave behind and not how much **** you accumulated to be sold in a garge sell 10 minutes after you're buried...
Akira Chinen Jul 2017
her heart was a garden
of poetry made from
the soul of lost flowers
that bloomed
in the eternal hour by hour
of the lustful sins of orchids
tangled between
the promise of lilies
kissing the gaze
of the indigo night
and roses waiting
to discover the pain
and the pleasure
of the color of blood
and the taste of the soil
and earth where heaven
had heaved and plowed
open the secret entrance
to the paradise built
by the demons
and the devils
of the delight found
when dancing in the flames
of the fire below
where the skin
of the flowers petals
only part when touched
by the rhythm found
in the vibration
and thread that flows
through every seed
and stem
and heart
and every countless star
that shines to the song
of love that hangs
like a dream over
the garden of her heart
Akira Chinen Apr 2019
a good bullet never saw a good war
a good bullet never felt the hammer strike
a good bullet never heard the thunder
  never felt the heat of the explosion
    that sent it like lightning
      flying from the chamber of a gun
       the barrel of a riffle

a good bullet never tore a hole through flesh
a good bullet never shattered bone
a good bullet never bite into a heart
  and held it in its teeth
   until it stopped beating

a good bullet was never made
  was never made

was never made to steal a child’s smile away

not your sons
not your daughters
not at any age

a good bullet was never made

  a good bullet was never made

a good bullet was never made
to turn a playground into a graveyard
where a mothers eyes drained
of all their colors but grey
fill with storm clouds
that endless pour down
tears of grief over the dug open earth

a good bullet was never made
to turn a school into a war zone
where a fathers chest is emptied
of everything but the pains of loss
for his daughters smile
that he will only see
in photographs of memories
and haunted dreams

a good bullet was never made
to turn a traffic stop into an obituary
where blind hate and fear
flows from heart to hand
to trigger and hammer and...

****** will somehow
not be considered ******
when the hand of the killer
wears a badge
and the training manual
says shoot to ****
as it is more cost effective
and the deceased
will become just another name
to be lined up behind a hashtag
and a slogan...

a good bullet was never made

   was never made

to feel the hammer strike
to leave the chamber off a gun
to steal a life away

A good bullet was never...
Akira Chinen Mar 2017
When you tell someone
When you say it
The first time
And every time after
You got to say it
With a big aching
Not just a hard ****
Your whole ******* heart
Better be hard
So ******* hard
The slightest touch just
May shatter it into a million
Tiny fragments
It has to be hard and
Ready to explode
And seep with life
And horrible painful
White hot sticky love
It can't be half limp
It can't be hardly beating
Or just beating at
A normal pace
It has to be harder
Than rock
It better be beating
Hard and quick
So quick its just a blur
Loud and pounding
All night and through
The morning
And not just on the good days
And hot sweaty nights
It has to stay hard
In ice cold waters
On days of dark despair
Through hours of tears
Through the painful silence
When lost in the middle of the storm
And thunder
Of acid rain and razor tounge lightning
Its got to stay hard
When your soul goes numb
When the heart feels dead
When all hope seems lost
It has to stay hard
When it feels its most alone
It has to survive
In the empty space
Of noise and confusion
When everything
Is rough and cuts you
With every touch
When the easiest thing
To do is to give up and
Walk away
Its gotta stay hard
And hold ground
No matter how difficult
It is to do so
Its gotta bare the teeth
Of madness bitting
Down on it
Because it is
Stark raving lunatic
And if you can't do that
All of that
If it doesn't burn
And ache in your throart
Before you say it
While you say it
After you say it
Then why say it
Because if its coming
Out of a hard pounding heart
Its going to burn
With your every thought
Your every breath
It should scare the living
Crap outta you
To say it
Because it feels so *******
Good just to think it
To have it there in your head
Sleeping in your dreams
Pounding again and again
In your heart
Your hard hard heart
When those three words
Pass through your trembling lips
The first time and every time after
You gotta say it with a *******
You gotta speak them true
In hushed screams
And long loud whispers
Echos of moans to the moon
That come burning back down
To earth ready to plummet
And crash into madness
When your ready to say it
You won't be ready
You'll have to hold the knife
To your own throat
To keep yourself from running away
Because your scared to death
You'll die if you say it out loud
And that is exactly when
You have to say it
Let the words boil in your belly
Let them churn widly in your gut
Let the crazy burn in your throat
And then with your big aching
Hard heart
Say those ******* beautiful painful
Hard words
Say it...

Akira Chinen May 2016
When you tell someone
When you say it
The first time
And every time after
You got to say it
With a big aching
Not just a hard ****
Your whole ******* heart
Better be hard
So ******* hard
The slightest touch just
May shatter it into a million
Tiny fragments
It has to be hard and
Ready to explode
And seep with life
And horrible painful
White hot sticky love
It can't be half limp
It can't be hardly beating
Or just beating at
A normal pace
It has to be harder
Than rock
It better be beating
Hard and quick
So quick its just a blur
Loud and pounding
All night and through
The morning
And not just on the good days
And hot sweaty nights
It has to stay hard
In ice cold waters
On days of dark despair
Through hours of tears
Through the painful silence
When lost in the middle of the storm
And thunder
Of acid rain and razor tounge lightning
Its got to stay hard
When your soul goes numb
When the heart feels dead
When all hope seems lost
It has to stay hard
When it feels its most alone
It has to survive
In the empty space
Of noise and confusion
When everything
Is rough and cuts you
With every touch
When the easiest thing
To do is to give up and
Walk away
Its gotta stay hard
And hold ground
No matter how difficult
It is to do so
Its gotta bare the teeth
Of madness bitting
Down on it
Because it is
Stark raving lunatic
And if you can't do that
All of that
If it doesn't burn
And ache in your throart
Before you say it
While you say it
After you say it
Then why say it
Because if its coming
Out of a hard pounding heart
Its going to burn
With your every thought
Your every breath
It should scare the living
Crap outta you
To say it
Because it feels so *******
Good just to think it
To have it there in your head
Sleeping in your dreams
Pounding again and again
In your heart
Your hard hard heart
When those three words
Pass through your trembling lips
The first time and every time after
You gotta say it with a *******
You gotta speak them true
In hushed screams
And long loud whispers
Echos of moans to the moon
That come burning back down
To earth ready to plummet
And crash into madness
When your ready to say it
You won't be ready
You'll have to hold the knife
To your own throat
To keep yourself from running away
Because your scared to death
You'll die if you say it out loud
And that is exactly when
You have to say it
Let the words boil in your belly
Let them churn widly in your gut
Let the crazy burn in your throat
And then with your big aching
Hard heart
Say those ******* beautiful painful
Hard words
Say it...

Akira Chinen Mar 2017
I want to crawl under the threads of your dreams and untie the lust of your sin and trace every scar and taste every tear and kiss all of your forbidden desires and I know its all an illusion and you are only smoke in high heels and thigh high whiskey dressed in pretty blue bullet lingerie yet my bones ache as I paint my hunger for what hides under the stars of your skirt and I want to feel the warmth of the soft spot lying under the small piece of cloth hiding the bud that I want to watch bloom and part with the gentle push and stroke of brush and fingers and tounge and kiss what honey will flow as all of our clothes disappear into the dark heat of temptation and and your legs cover my head and muzzle my breath and your heavenly scent has become my air and your devilish taste has poisoned my blood and my self control is starting to split at the seams and little pieces of me are seeping out into you and I'm tangled and tied to the vice falling from the whip of your hair unleashed  and I've become so weaved into your web that I can no longer tell whose limbs are whose and I can't remember which one of us is real am I the illusion of a dream or am I climbing after a mad vision of you and something smells of dust and flight and I took a wrong turn at the curve of the moon that I mistaked for your hips and I'm lost out here in the nowhere and never desperate to find a home in your kiss
Akira Chinen Dec 2016
Maybe I just don't know or maybe I just don't got nothing new to say and I know its not my place to worry about people I don't really know and maybe I'll take a train to Tennessee and take a shot of whiskey and mend something thats been broken just so I can watch it fly away and maybe I'll go somewhere north and lay down in the snow and talk to the devil about cold weather and dead souls and maybe he'll send me to Nebraska to fetch a golden truth for a pound of lies and a bridge to London that won't fall down if I walk across it and maybe I'll get tired halfway across and find a talking shark that promises not to bite if I jump into the ocean and have a little swim and maybe I'll dream of drowning as my bones get stuck between its teeth and somewhere in that dream I'll find you waiting and sitting on the branch of a tree at the bottom of the sea and it might not look like much but I'll believe you when you say I finally found a house to call a home if all I do is stay...
Akira Chinen Feb 2017
Its hard to imagine a rich dumb spoiled kid with a tweeter account is the elected leader of the so called free world and at the same time its really no surprise at all as we've dumbed ourselves down to be less intelligent than 5th graders and are the self proclaimed biggest losers on the planet and we prefer our reality scripted and televised and trust our childrens intellect and education to a school system we know to be broken and in desperate need of repair because at the end of the day its easier to ***** and point fingers about how ****** up it all is than to make an effort or to even ask for help as long as we can claim its not our fault we can pretend we have no reason not to be able to sleep at night and we sleep and sleep all through the night and all through the day as we grind and break our bones on the ground that will one day be our graves which will one day just be the parking lot of another shopping mall full of our cookie cut children who were never taught the were worth more than minimum wage and that this is the way of life and theres happiness in the **** of it all and just shut up and don't complain and watch a little tv and drink some beer and relax and do it all again and again and work those knuckles and break your backs so your kids can grow up and work in the mall of the parking lot where their grandparents are buried  and thats the happiness thats worth nothing more than there minimal lifes and its not so bad to belive the lie that has made a joke of us all as we strive to be great again
Akira Chinen May 2021
wrinkled velvet
  scratchy silk
a stain on the laundry list
   lazy verbs
     and mispronounced pronouns
language is a funny thing
  a vocabulary test
    on a lifelong joke
     with no punchline
strange how we can laugh
  at our own misery
or weep uncontrollably
  when we find our hearts
    overfilled with joy
it’s enough to make someone
  believe that maybe
   we don’t really know anything
     about all the things
       we pretend to know
personally I don’t pray
  to a this god
    or a that god
I have my faith invested
  in the wisdom
   of fairy tales
    instead of the studies
      of theology
but i do appreciate any conviction
  that leads someone
    to a life where they
      help compassionately
        give with generosity
          and love more kindly
what else do we have
  but this one brief moment
    this one long
     often agonizing
      brief pause of eternity
       to live this life in
why is so much worry
  about what comes next
    weighing down today
when none of us
  is guaranteed
   to see tomorrow
and what good is a future
  that ignores the rubble
    of the past
the absolute wreckage
  we have left behind
    in our human history
the truth of our mistakes
  has been whitewashed
   again and again
in every new volume
  of every new text book
rewriting villains as hero’s
  neglecting to write down
   their origins and crimes
there is a deliberate madness
  in this process
   an intentional poisoned thread
    placed in the binding
     of the pages
      the spine
       of the book
the truth is still there though
  bleeding through
   the page in braille
only being read by those
  who want to read it
those how refuse
  to let the truth
    of the past
      be replaced
       by a modern lie
but the masses consume
  faster than they learn
and we pride ourselves
   as intelligent
    crown ourselves
     as noble
arrogantly pointing out our ability
  of pattern recognition
while constantly failing
  at not repeating
   the pattern throughout
    our history
      that causes so much
        human misery
and I wish I could laugh
  but my heart doesn’t
   have the vocabulary
    to write a punchline
     in a language it just
      can’t find funny anymore
Akira Chinen Jun 2017
I am tired and miss the comfort of sleep
The hours of endless dreams
The dull nights of perfect solitude
The quite yearning of nothing more
Of my life of something less
Peaceful lonely tides
Of sad moon lullabies
Washing over the cracks
And broken pieces
Of a heart still faintly beating
Happy enough to remember
Love kisses of long ago
Limbs of dead lovers
Holding me under my breath
Burning ghosts of memories
Of torrent blissful bodies
With eager hands
And lustful mouths
Dancing lunatics under
And over and twisted
And tangled within sheets
Made of dreams and fire
What a crazy ride
What a life of love
It has been
Hearts still burning in stars
Of my now lonely sky
Names I still hear in songs
Of melancholy beauty
And tender kindness
I miss them all
I loved them all
I love them still


And now
There is you
A soft pulse of hopelessness
A gently crushing weight
A dream
That has made me painfully aware
That my life is not done
That love is
Not done
And it doesn't need
To be felt in kisses
Or to know your touch
Your body never need
Be naked before my mine
Our limbs never need
To dance with madness
And lust
It is there
In the space
And time between us
By the lighting
Of your heart
And sung
In the thunder
Of my pulse
Two specs passing briefly
One on the way up
The other falling down
My heart filled
With just the sound
of your name
And needs nothing more
To know
Your love is beautiful
Akira Chinen Jan 2017
Ever since the first night I met you... I knew there was something about you, something that made me want to know a little more...
And I wanted to ask but didn't and my heart sank and disappointed replaced hope and I thought that was that and I wouldn't see you again or have another chance to ask... but then I did and a few times after still but each time  I failed again and doubt filled my head and my heart left without its chance to speak and time and fate did not wait and I thought again you were gone for good and would never know of my hearts ambition to beat for you and only you and I thought that was probably best... and then somehow by chance or fate you introduced your self and voice into my life and still I stayed shy and a little hidden and days moved on and you shared your time and voice and slowly I learned a little more about the something that made me want to know a little more and my shy heart beat a little faster and I found myself falling asleep and waking up with a smile upon my lips as my hearts ambition began to grow for you again...and now that I know a little more about the little more I wanted to ask the first night we met I want you to know about the little more that I think of you every day and the places I imagine you as I dream a little more about the little more... I imagine you sitting on the couch curled close and head laying softly in my lap as we both fall asleep in front of the soft blue glow of a favorite show and I imagine you in the passenger seat of a car late at night to pick up cheese and sourdough and the missing butter we need to bake soft mint green cookies at home and I imagine its not your house or my house but our home and our hands embraced throughout every hour of every day and every minute of every night and I imagine I dream too much and that maybe its too much to ask but its all that I have and you're all that I dream...
Akira Chinen Apr 2016
I don't want to stop sleeping
I want to spend all day
Laying next to this dreaming
Of you
It feels warm
It feels right
It feels like Im falling
For you
No escaping this longing
No use denying
Every moment my heart is singing
Of you
Come fall asleep
Take my hand in this dreaming
Come dance under these sheets
Take my heart to forever keep
I'll be here waiting
For you
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
Another day has come
Another never never
For the sun
Always always
Burning burning
Its smile
And flame
Dancing endlessly
For the infintie stars
Of your Vincent blues
And I burn in synchronicity
With the blaze and fervor
Of the never never
Ending dancing fires
Of the sun
And I sing all day long
*I Love You
Akira Chinen Mar 2017
All his words were hers
Her smile were the curves found in each letter
Her eyes were all the colors of his dreams
Her name was the music of his prayers
She filled his heart with fairy tales and poetry
And in the end he was a book only she could read
Akira Chinen Aug 2019
Life is a beautiful vicious cycle
of love and pain
and I want to feel it all
let me fall when I fal
let it be terrifying as hell
let it make me tremble
from the first time
my fingers brush hers
to our first kiss
to our last kiss

and when it ends
let the pain break me
let me grieve my dead heart
and all its broken pieces
let me cry hard
and long into the night
let me be sleepless
and dreamless
fill me with despair
let me wish to forget my name
but never her smile

and when I am whole again
when I stitch myself back together
when I can breath again
let my breath be stolen
one more time
let me find love again
bigger than the sunrise
fuller than the moon
holier than the first god
and more alive than the last one

let it shake me until my bones are dust
and I am nothing but a shy
and quivering heart in a new palm

and if it ends again
let me break as never before
let me grieve as I did
the first time I was broken

pathetically and dramatically

let me feel it all
all of the beautiful pain
the vicious cycle of love and loss

why else are we here
if not to weep
if not to crumble in rapture
if not to feel it all
all of it
Akira Chinen Apr 2016
I  can't sleep for dreaming
Keeps my heart awake
I can't stop my mind thinking
Or my heart longing
To have you in my arms
Holding you while crying
Being there in your darkerst
Waiting out the storm
Pushing back the pressure
On your lungs
Give you time and space
A moment of pure
Unpainful breath
Dance with the monsters
Under your bed
Crawl with the demons
Under your skin
Hold my burning heart high
Use its flames
So you can see that your
Lost in the dark
Flows with only the purest
Colors of love
Nothing else
As beautiful as you
Every tear
Every pain
Every good
Every bad
Every piece
Of you
Has me
To my
I'll never find
A better place
To be
Than with your
In good storms
And bad weather
Hurt with you
Share your tears
Drown with you
Till it clears
Hold your hand
With my heart
It beats
To be
With you
All of you
They way
You are
Akira Chinen Jul 2017
"a" is for love
"b" is for hate
"c" is for the illusion and deceit we believe
"d" is for who the innocent and children follow into graves
"e" is for the things we choose not to see
"f"  is for the things that we don't know or understand
"g" is for the faceless we give new names and old prayers
"h" is for the place that we tell bad little children they'll go
"i"  is for the blind leading the blind off the edge of the world
"j"  is for the humor we find in ****** and ****
"k" is for for the one eyed man wearing a crown
"l" is for what we believe in place of the truth
"m" is for what we justify in the name of country and god
"n" is for letting the hungry starve on the cold streets
"o" is for the thing we fear more than death
"p" is for those who turn cash into laws to protect rich criminals
"q" is for the lady dressed in jewels and dead hope
"r" is for what we have done with our dreams and our blood
"s" is for the last word we will say when we realize it's a little too late
"t" is for the boogeyman carrying our bullets and bombs
"u" is for what stares back from the mirror we pretend not to see
"v" is for the birds waiting to pick what little humanity still covers our bones
"w" is for the games of profit for death
"x" is a sign and a spot and a sign we ignore
"y" is for questions we better not ask
"z" is for all that is wasted in a life lived in a world
  that doesn't start and end with love
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