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Akina Sep 2012
I feel my heart in pieces
       Although I see its whole

I feel aged beyond my years
       Though the mirror says it’s not so

I’m lonely all the time now
       Though the crowds would disagree

And from memories inside my head
       There’s no hope of breaking free

I hate that a relationship
        To start, always takes two

And when it’s time to end it
        All it took was you

Now everywhere I look
        And in everyone I see

A little bit of you
        Is staring back at me

I’m trying to move on
        I’m trying to forget

But all the little things build up
         And so I stay upset

Tears will come, and tears will go
         I’ve never cried so much you know?

And even when I should be hating you
          All I care is you’re not hurting too

I feel like I was cut short this time
           I still have things to say

You handled this all wrong, my friend
          There were a hundred better ways

I may not know you all that well
           In return, you don’t know me

I’m sorry I couldn’t be that girl
          The one you wish I’d be

I was nervous, I was new
         And I was horribly afraid

I knew we wouldn’t last forever
         But I said ‘yes’ anyway

I wanted, so bad, to be there for you
        To fulfill your every need

But mistakes were made, I’m sad to say
        And from me you did recede

I didn’t know what I was doing
        This was foreign, you were strange

And to this day, when I look back
          I can’t see what made you change

There was a time you wanted me
         And indeed you were my first

‘He got what he wanted, after all’
         If that’s true, then this is all far worse

If you used me
         Good for you

I hope you’re proud
         Of what you do

If you settled
       Or were expecting more

I’m sorry,
         I’d never done this before

Was I just filling another’s place?
          Did you plan this from the start?

I’m not sure where I stood sometimes
           But what had I, if not your heart?

I’m not one for protocol
           Nor wrapped up in tradition

While you were pining for a prior love
           With you I did fall smitten

Then things got quite out of hand
           And I couldn’t reach you anymore

All the romance seemed to die
          And you left me feeling like a *****

As much as I want to see you smile
          And though I tried to keep you

It felt like you wanted no part of this
          I only want it, if you want it too

I cannot fathom what went wrong
           I asked and got nothing back

We grew apart, you and I
          Until in silence I was trapped

I wish I could undo what happened
         There are things I wish I’d said

Instead my words remain unspoken
         And inside my heart feels dead

I know I will love others
          That’s something I can’t withhold

Just know that you don’t surprise me
         You acted exactly as I foretold

I know you really meant well
         At least that’s what I hope

Although many here have warned me
          “It was nothing but mirrors and smoke”

Before, we were together
          And now we are apart

It’s sad how I can clearly see
          The finish from the start

I guessed that you would end us
          The same way we came to be

You waited far too long to say it
         So the asking came down to me

Back then you said so lightly
         That I was all you needed

And then you turned so easily
          And said it better if we end it

You hurt me more than ever
          For days I could not cease crying

And the first question in my mind was
          So which time were you lying?
1.4k · Sep 2012
Dreamed To Life: Micheal
Akina Sep 2012
You're called by the name I gave you
And look exactly as I said
I know all your smallest details
And the sort of life you've led

I know that you have ice blue eyes
And hair as dark as night
I know you're over six foot tall
And have a smile that invites

I know that you are popular
And can easily draw a crowd
I know you're not good at holding back
And often voice your thoughts aloud

I know you are romantic
And speak of love that lasts forever
I know you have eyes for only me
But still we are not together

I know that you are musical
You'd always sing and play for me
Piano, bass, sax, guitar
It is where you feel most free

I know that you are quite carefree
And make everything a game
You're bad at being serious
But I know you're not ashamed

I know that you're athletic
Different things keep you active
basketball, track and ballet
They make you quite attractive

I know you spent three years with me
I know you cheated twice
I know that you regret it now
But you still must pay the price

I know you have a sister
And loving parents too
You have a great group of friends
Always willing to support you

I know that you're in a band
You love being up on stage
I know that you're as old as me
But neither of us act our age

I know that you're a loyal friend
That can always make me laugh
You tell me I'm the only one you love
Your perfect other half

I know everything there is to know
All your successes and your strife
I know everything you've ever known
Because I dreamed you into life
Micheal Thaddeus Harper
1.0k · Oct 2012
Call Me Yours
Akina Oct 2012
I saw you once, a passing glance
Be it fate or luck or simple chance
Our meeting was but happenstance

So long ago, and now there's this
It started with a simple kiss
From broken heart to lovely bliss

You're so far out of my league
I never thought of you and me
So here I am, surprised to see

You came to me out of thin air
Of your affections I was unaware
But I'm happy that they were there

But you and I? Let's take it slow
I want to see where this could go
We should do things right you know?

I have messed up once before
And then I gave him one encore
He's left me twice, so no more

I know you're similar to him in part
But I've seen you have a gentle heart
I'd always liked you from the start

What to call this? I'm not sure
And what you're after is quite obscure
But mystery has it's own allure
For now at least, I'll call me 'yours'
Love rekindled always starts with a spark
961 · Nov 2012
Lover's Slaughter
Akina Nov 2012
Her heart was made of beating wings
Of tides and winds and churning things

So much she'd take, but give nothing back
If you fall for her, you are surely trapped

She yearns for love, an unknown thirst
But to have none, this girl is cursed

A heart of gold could not hers win
For something's missing from within

She sees them all, through and through
Men and knights, boys and fools

A single glance is all it took
Seduced by her with just one look

They pine for her, heart and hand
And fleetingly, she felt something grand

But in such short time, it's all gone
Left in one-way love while she looks on

Unsatisfied, she wants that feeling too
And so one by one, he suitors she slew

And every one, she swallowed their heart
When feelings of love didn't last past dark

Trying to hold what they felt for her
Instead it became a lover's slaughter

She waits and waits for the one to come
The one to set this spell undone

She's ever patient, waiting for such a day
That true love will keep dark magic at bay

And finally she can come to know
The spark of love, and watch it grow

But time is the longest road to walk
She fears death before her hearts unlocked

Yet still she keeps that promise alive
Through it all, her hope survives

For one to appear, noble and true
To whom she can honestly say, I love you
864 · Nov 2012
Preventing Heartbreak
Akina Nov 2012
To keep at bay a heart that aches
A few simple things is all it takes
To have armor of your own make

It's all about just having fun
But be aware when it's close to done
You must always be the first to run

Pick and choose and be amused
Just don't ever get too attached to
Someone whom you're sure to lose

Pluck your heart from your sleeve
Don't let it stray beneath the sheets
Unless you want to taste defeat

Hold on to all your sweet allure
Mystery can oft ensure
That he's always left, wanting more

Sometimes you're better to be fake
To protect your heart so it won't break
Put on a mask, for your own sake

I always say; In love, be true
But bashed-in hearts are good for few
Why suffer if no love's in view?

I recommend, don't stay like this
It's just a temporary fix
For a weary heart that's long been sick

It's no hard thing to be a tease
Men give in with such great ease
Made simpler with rules like these

So here is how and what to do
Ladies, this one's just for you
Use it well and follow through
And your heart will never split in two
773 · Jan 2013
The Night and The Sea
Akina Jan 2013
If I am the Night, and you are the Sea
Some things will blur a’twixt you and me
We are deep and vast and very full of darkness
We cycle through holding our light on the surface
Perhaps we were made for just such a purpose

And eventually my night will turn into day
But some part of you sees my sky anyway
You hold the reflection of my stars so near
I smile and sigh into waters so clear
Your Moon may be gone, but I am still here

I've seen your waves, and caused your tides
And on a good night, I can see deeper inside
I've witnessed your storms and hurricanes
I've watched howling winds and driving rains
Churn up both treasures and long lost remains

And through all of that I've just held you close
Enveloping you more with the stronger it grows
And when it has passed, and stars come back out
I want you to know that you need never doubt
In my heart, on my mind, we’re what I think about

I've been forced to look on as you willingly drown
And I've wanted to cry as you sunk all the way down
But I've also marveled at our mirrored expanse
At how you craft words into the spark of romance
How great would we be if just given the chance?

I know you can see me, past all my bright lights
Watched comets and planets and things that ignite
You know there is darkness between every star
And how collisions, explosions, have left me with scars
But all that we've shared shows just what we are

I've told you how black holes have tried to consume
And how constellations have reared up out of the gloom
You've been there when clouds have covered my skies
And seen my colors change each time the sun has to rise
You see so much more than anyone with just mortal eyes

By now you should know, my solar flares are for you
I’d like to think I have sway over the tides you feel too
Things like ours are nice when they’re not hard at all
So realize my feelings for you are anything but small
I like that you’re there to catch my stars when they fall

And maybe you’re right when you said we won’t last
Perhaps we’re both just reliving mistakes of the past
But maybe I adore you so much that I want to keep this
Maybe I don’t want to see you turn into something I miss
This thing isn't one I’d end with just a goodbye kiss

I know you’re waiting for words, I’m not sure I have them
While I’m looking for the right ones, here, have a poem
This isn't a summation, it’s more like a rough start
Of the Night and the Sea, the deep and the dark
If anyone has ever, it’s you whose captured my heart
676 · Oct 2012
Akina Oct 2012
I see them there from time to time
Slipping through cracks in my mind
With faces that look just like mine
Only a slightly different kind
Somehow we're separate, yet still entwined
Yet when people ask, I say I'm fine
Perhaps I'm slowly in decline
Cause when I'm gone without a sign
Someone else is always next in line
To make sure our life does not unwind
I guess between all of us combined
It looks as if everything's aligned
But are they really so benign?
I'm sick of sitting on sidelines
There's too many for me to confine
Each wants their chance to outshine
To have control of our life's design
One little slip, and I'm reassigned
It's hard to fight them off sometimes
It can be so easy to just resign
And let them have their way this time
596 · Sep 2012
Girl Unmade
Akina Sep 2012
Mirror mirror, on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
Waiting there, proud and tall

Here I'm stopped in my tracks
Before me now, the mirrors cracked
All the different me's stare back

Smothered by the sight of these
I'm losing count of all I see
Who's the reflection, them or me?

My sanity is wearing thin
Their reaching now to pull me in
Not my fault, but still a sin

How do they all fit inside?
Brought to life with every lie
Am I crazy? I can't decide...

How am I supposed to feel?
My body's what they aim to steal
What is false and what is real?

Each of us wants control
But only one can have that role
If I lose, am I still whole?

Each of them is me in part
All of us were one to start
Somehow I've all but fell apart

So how do I put us back together?
Is there hope for one so severed?
Am I stuck this way forever?

No one can see what's gone amiss
Perhaps there is no fixing this
The real me, I will surely miss

I guess it's not so bad a trade
Someone else steps up when I'm afraid
My mind is more than a little frayed
That's what it is to be a girl unmade
511 · Sep 2012
I Was Here
Akina Sep 2012
They say it's a curse, to have loved them all
Too easy I fall, too easy I fall

It hurts more to give more, and then have it unfurl
More love in the world, more love in the world

It can't possibly hurt anyone but me
Eager to please, eager to please

I'll give all I've got, til I disappear
Hope someone remembers
I was here, I was here
Love is so unfair.
412 · Sep 2012
Akina Sep 2012
I wish, I wish, with all my heart
That we never have to be apart

And even now I see your face
But someone else is in your place

There's a stranger in your skin
Why on earth did you let him in?
Freedom hurts sometimes...
276 · Oct 2014
If Only
Akina Oct 2014
If only, if only
The wind in the trees
Didn't lift voices away
To be lost in the breeze

If only, if only
I sigh into you
Don't ever leave me
These moments are few

If only, if only
I could turn away death
And all through the years
I'd never be left
224 · Sep 2017
Sea, Skies, and Unjust Lies
Akina Sep 2017
“Come away with me into the deep, my dear”
Sang the Sea, low and sweet.
Like a lullaby, like butterflies
I peered into the well

“Come away across the water, I can show you magnificent things”
Sighed the Sea, long and mournful.
Like a breeze, a gentle caress
I gazed out to the horizon

“Follow me down, my dear, come see me on the ocean floor”

Called the Sea, tempting and sensual
Like a lover’s kiss, a windswept tide
I sank deeper, and deeper still

“Let me show you death, my dear”

Whispered the Sea, faint and fading
Like a drowning girl, like a dying flame
I watched as my final breath left my lungs
189 · Sep 2017
Love Song Queen
Akina Sep 2017
You struck me with a love song
You stole the breath from my lungs
Your words are oh so sickly-sweet
Just dripping off your tongue

Your voice can weave such wonders
And I’m defeated before I know it
I’m caught it seems, have pity on me
Trapped in a world and you own it

You’re plucking at my heartstrings
You’ve showered me in lies
You know the effect you have on me
I can see it in your eyes.

So here I stand before you
You’ve captured my heart, my pride
So I’m taking a chance
A bet on romance
Throw in all my chips and just let it ride.

I am both old and young at once
So here is my question of youth
So why did you this time lie to me
When before you always gave me truth?

I’ve lost track, who is this to anymore?
I’m ready now to see what you’ve shown
I guess I just want to say ‘thank you’
For helping the parts that have grown

I’m not easy, I’m not nice
And I’ve been this way for awhile
But you were there, words or not
When all I really needed was to smile

I might be losing my mind now
So I hope you read in between
But I’ll guard your heart
Through the strange and the dark
Every King, now and then, needs his Queen

— The End —