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AJ Chilson Jul 2019
When I walked down that drive way,
To help as you locked the gate,
It did not occur that day
That months later you vacate,
Victim of stomach cancer,
And I would go to my job,
With my world a total blur,
Needing a shoulder to sob.
Jun 2019 · 139
A Small Child
AJ Chilson Jun 2019
When I hear a small child,
Crying and going wild,
My mind starts to go crazy,
And the work becomes lazy.

It is hard to concentrate,
Yet harder for me to hate,
For I have been in their heels --
I know how the child feels.
May 2019 · 115
My Sweet Billy Bug
AJ Chilson May 2019
Last night, while walking barefoot,
I stumped awkwardly on my toe.
The pain was so horribly real,
I screamed in agony "Oh no!"

Thankfully, Little Bill was there --
I call him My Sweet Billy Bug --
And with arms spread like an angel,
He tightly gave a big, bear hug.
May 2019 · 289
Next Week's Poetry Reading
AJ Chilson May 2019
Because I'm working at my job,
And it is cash that I'm needing,
I regret I'll be a no-show
For next week's poetry reading.

But please don't feel too bad for me,
As I plan to make the next one,
With newly-penned material
That will leave the audience spun.
Feb 2019 · 261
Words Of Advice
AJ Chilson Feb 2019
Whatever you do, don't stress;
Otherwise, you'll be a mess.
AJ Chilson Aug 2017
You are breathtaking.
You fill me with emotion.
You inspire me.
Nov 2015 · 484
Beautiful Is She
AJ Chilson Nov 2015
Beautiful is she,
My one and only,
Who smells my flowers
For all the hours.
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
Some Things (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2015
Some things
don't require
your special attention,
like, for example, my *****
Nov 2014 · 753
Epitaph of a Gossip
AJ Chilson Nov 2014
Here lies a gossip,
Forever shut up.
Jul 2014 · 936
The Queen (Haiku)
AJ Chilson Jul 2014
As she takes a bow,
the final curtain closes.
We salute The Queen.
AJ Chilson Jul 2014
Meeting an old friend:
a time for reminiscing
moments of our youth.
Mar 2014 · 515
Joaquin (Haiku Poem)
AJ Chilson Mar 2014
-- In honor of award-winning slam poet Joaquin Zihuatanejo

There are slam poets,
there are slam-winning poets,
then there is Joaquin.
Jan 2014 · 673
I Love You, Mama (Haiku)
AJ Chilson Jan 2014
I love you, Mama.
I love you with all my heart,
because you love me.
Dec 2013 · 324
AJ Chilson Dec 2013
I don't have to be
what I want to be
to be who I am,
which of course, is me.
Dec 2013 · 364
AJ Chilson Dec 2013
If I had to tell you something
that I know would make your day now,
and would make your day forever,
I'd say that you are beautiful,
and that you'll always be that way
no matter what tomorrow brings.
Nov 2013 · 488
AJ Chilson Nov 2013
I lived for my own sake.
It was a big mistake.
I now live for Jesus,
and I am full of bliss.
Aug 2013 · 2.1k
AJ Chilson Aug 2013
His name is Tony.
To the world, he's "Smoke."
And very seldom
does "Smoke" ever choke.
Jul 2013 · 383
My Heart (Haiku)
AJ Chilson Jul 2013
My heart is melting,
melting like never before,
melting over you.
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Slam Poem
AJ Chilson Jun 2013
Do you want to know the truth?
The truth that hurts?
The truth you don't want to hear?
Here it is!
I am not a Dallas Cowboys fan.
There, I said it.
If you want my opinion on the Dallas Cowboys,
I'll be more than happy to give it to you.
They will not win another Super Bowl,
at least they won't in my lifetime.
In my prediction, they won't win for a hundred years,
long after I am gone, and long after you will be gone.
The days of Aikman, Irvin, and Smith are as long gone
as Tom Landry, and the use of that stupid hat.
Yes, I do know the wild, wicked history of what people call "America's Team",
the very same way an Atheist with a degree in theology knows the Bible.
Ask me which player snorted ******* during the Super Bowl
under the watchful eyes of millions of television viewers,
and I'll tell you that same guy ended up winning the Texas Lottery.
Ask me the name of the kicker that fooled around with a little girl,
ask me what Michael Irvin was doing on his 30th birthday,
ask me this, ask me that, and I will tell you,
and you will know that I will never love the Dallas Cowboys.
No sir, not when they currently have a wide receiver
with a tendency to lay hands on his mother.
Yeah, I know. That was a year ago. But still, he hit on his mother,
and I will never wear that scumbag's jersey
or shake hands with him if I saw him in person.
You may think I have a problem, and yes I do have a problem.
It's the Dallas Cowboys that I have a problem with.
They should never be on a football field
and call themselves America's Team
when they don't even have the best quarterback in football.
That's right. Tony Romo is a no-good prima donna
who will never live up to people's expectations.
Hell, he ain't half as good as Don Meredith,
and did Don Meredith win a Super Bowl?
Did Danny White win a Super Bowl?
Neither will Tony Romo.
Like I said, the Cowboys will never win another Super Bowl.
That's the truth, and if you can't handle the truth, then that's too bad!
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
Lost (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Jun 2013
To say
that I'm worried
is an understatement.
The thought of losing you makes me
feel lost.
Jun 2013 · 421
Why (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Jun 2013
I know
that I've done good,
that I've made a difference.
Why is it that I feel so low,
so sick?
Apr 2013 · 732
Wondering (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
Wondering what to do
without all the people cheering
me on.
Apr 2013 · 786
Why (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
Why now?
Why is it you?
Why do you have to go
while I have to stay here by
Apr 2013 · 641
Twelve Noon (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
Twelve noon
(medicine time):
Praying that with this dose
every burden I have inside
will go.
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Time (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
turn to minutes,
minutes turn to hours,
and I wonder what I'm really
Apr 2013 · 2.4k
The Monster (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
It came.
Again, it came.
The monster from within
making its presence felt without
a word.
Apr 2013 · 405
Nothing (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
really makes me
feel the way I used to.
And now, all I want is to be
Apr 2013 · 684
New Day (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
New day,
same old problems,
not knowing what to do.
Just wishing everything would go
Apr 2013 · 411
I Wonder (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I wonder why
I don't get so much as
a single "Hello" when I'm on
the phone.
Apr 2013 · 485
I Wait (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I wait
for tomorrow,
and as I do, I hope
and pray that everything turns out
all right.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
I Sing (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I sing
for everyone to see,
even if it's an audience
of one.
Apr 2013 · 547
I Live (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I live
for the people,
a microphone in hand,
singing that one song people come
to hear.
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I wish
I could tell you
what I need to tell you,
but I don't know how you would think
of me.
Apr 2013 · 485
Hurt (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
I'm hurt.
Admitting that
is hard, especially
when I wish to be on top of
the world.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Alone (Cinquain Poem)
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
feeling suffocated,
wanting to die, yet still, wanting
to live.
Apr 2013 · 623
God Is Great
AJ Chilson Apr 2013
Now you may say God is good,
yet I just can't help but to differ,
for that God is not good,
but He is greater than good.
Greater than great, I may add,
because there no words
that can accurately describe
how great our God really is.
Now you can thumb through the pages
of all the dictionaries out there,
and you can thumb through the pages
of all the versions of the Bible,
and you can still not locate
that perfect word out there,
the one which describes God
in the truest possible meaning.
You can't do it. I can't do it.
All we can say is that God is great,
and He does great things for us
all the time, every time.
Mar 2013 · 410
I Love You
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
I love You every day,
I love You every way,
no matter what they say,
because You died for me.
Mar 2013 · 519
I Wish I Could Own A Suit
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
I wish I could own a suit,
but I'm not talking about any suit.
I wish I could own a suit
that bore the colors of the tree
I so deeply admire, with flowers
on top making my mind swirl
with imagination, creating
all kinds of dreams I never had before.

I wish I could own a suit,
so I could show off my true colors
every place I'd go, whenever I'd want.
And if I could, I'd like to wear it
with me one day when I go to sleep
and wake up over my favorite tree.
Mar 2013 · 556
If I Could Sing A Song
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
If I could sing a song,
a song so beautiful
that it would mean something,
something for the whole world
to relate to, and for the world
to be filled with passion,
and with joy, and with deep comfort,
I would sing a lovely ballad,
one that would last a lifetime
a million times over.

And I would sing that song
just for you.
Mar 2013 · 402
My Three Influences
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
I was once asked
to give the names of three people
who have helped me
become the true poet that I am.

"Tough question," I thought.
But I pondered for a minute,
and then another minute,
and still, another minute.

Finally, I came to the conclusion
that nobody had helped me
become the true poet that I am.

So I looked at the young person that asked,
and I gave him my answer.
I said "Me, Myself, and I."
Mar 2013 · 451
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
As my eyes intently gaze upon You,
I can see a light shine from up above,
which has to tell me what I know is true --
All the hurt, pain, and suffering thereof
has now gone with the wind, gone to the sea,
made forgotten, made to be history.
Mar 2013 · 406
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
There is nothing greater
while listening to the radio
than a soothing love song
that will take your heart
to a direction in your life
you had never expected
to see yourself in before.

You become a different person,
different than that of the
person you had once been.
Reality turns into a dream,
a dream that stays with you
longer than the three minutes
the music is bound to run.

And when it is all over
you begin to think to yourself,
"What have I just become?"
Mar 2013 · 471
To Dorothy
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
Was it the eyes
blushing in its delight?

Was it the lips
hungry for a big kiss?

Was it the smile
igniting passion from within?

Or was it the photograph
that made me love you?
Mar 2013 · 564
I Am A Dream
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
I am a dream wrapped around
your vivid imagination,
like a Christmas present
waiting to be opened
for everybody to see.

You write about me obsessively
and you keep me in a journal,
where I am read and reread
like a best-selling novel,
and preserved for that one day
when we meet face-to-face.
Mar 2013 · 354
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
Life is like a poem.
It begins and it ends.
But in between the two,
it's a work in progress!
Mar 2013 · 334
Haiku To Abbey
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
She reaches over,
asking for something to eat.
But I have nothing!
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
A Resting Soul (Haiku Poem)
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
Lying on the couch:
A Judy Garland CD
soothes a resting soul.
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
Unable to sleep,
I turn on the radio
and dream deep in thought.
Mar 2013 · 478
Good-Bye (Haiku Poem)
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
As our hands let go,
it was hard to say good-bye.
The love was still there.
AJ Chilson Mar 2013
The worst thing there is
about having a birthday
is when it's over!
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