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 Jan 2014 Ainsley
K Balachandran
This wispy somnambulist
an ethereal spirit no doubt
I bumped in to by chance
on a strange hour at night
during my wanderings
for that unknown essence,
conveyed this, sans words:
"From nowhere I did start,
the journey was what did count
this winding search was my find
have no destination in mind"
I recognized the truth
behind all this;
           quite an arduous trek
I was looking for him
in my perambulations-
all through my life.
We are 'one river' slowing down
as we reach near
the deep blue ocean.
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
I let you too
far in and like
a brisk wind you
threw                  my                     doors
open and whistled
through the kitchen
self and skittered beneath
the dishwasher, in the corners
under doors, but I'm sweeping
you out because I want none of
you beneath my fingernails
none of you locked in the
cuticles of my hair, I will
whitewash the walls of
my heart if I have
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
how easily i remember
why I loved you after
all this time, it's strange
to see you talk and watch
your eyes move and hands
tremble gently pouring
coffee grounds, you'd
never say you're
nervous but
right as I
thought that
you strummed the
guitar and said so.
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
Gaudy necklace still
beneath my pajama shirt,
they talked about things
till three am but i still
woke up at nine and
ate trail mix on the couch,
thinking about how nothing ever
goes the way i want it
too and how badly i just wanted to
kiss someone when the space needle
erupted into a silver sparkle and
brought the new year.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
Chez Wolff.
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
i feel like i never
left or maybe just
spaced out for six
months but this
place still feels like
home, the cold still
chills me to the bone
but i wear nylons and
stretch numb fingers
smile at the people i
will always care for.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jan 2014 Ainsley
Daniel Magner
I am the
tippy tops of mountains
and the lowest folds
of valleys
sometimes my emotions
practically scrape the sky
other times they fall
so deep
I could die
I just want to be a plateau
I just want to be a plateau
I just want to be a....

Daniel Magner 2014
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