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One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.

He reached out to me,
and said hello,
as I reached for a cantaloupe.

His mother talked to me,
said he was an angel,
was always nice to every stranger.

That boy,
he made me smile,
as he ran down the aisle.

A few year pass,
and I'm at a cafe,
wasting my life away.

You hear about hate,
and how strong it can be.
It's something I don't believe in.

But hate found that boy,
and tore him right down.
Saw his face in the Sunday paper.

They heckled him to death,
till he could no longer take it,
thought his life would be better if it was taken.

Cause when life is a weight on your shoulders and you're ready to break,
you think about giving in.
And when life is a burden and you feel like a mistake,
it's easier to quit rather than living it.

One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio

Greetings Hello Poetry! I have recently self published a book. It is currently on Here's the link! Check it out and if you're interested, buy it! Peace!;=1376273963&sr;=8-1&keywords;=barry+andrew+pietrantonio
Tight lips smoking a thin cigarette
Back turned on me
Face invisible,
I can only see her from behind
And imagine her head turned over
With her eyes watching me,
Begging for my touch.
Silent minded
Mouth shut,
I just want to wrap my arms
Around her weak shoulders
Lean her head back
And kiss her bare neck.
So close
Yet so far away

His kisses make you melt
His breath on the back of you neck
Sends shivers down your spine and puts butterflies in your stomach

He treats you like your his princess
He is your noble and handsome knight
Hand in hand
Under the stars and the light of the full moon

Forever he will be my tiger
As we walk down onto the beach
The sea breeze chilly
He offers you his hoodie

We sit on the rocks
Listening to the waves crash against the shoreline
He leans in and kisses you long and passionately
Your stomach turning
Your heart racing
Finally knowing that one of your dreams came true

You find someone that describes you dream guy
Someone you've already known
But the thing is...
He's one of your best friends and you don't want to ***** anything up

You already have someone that makes you happy
And he does as well
But you both can't help having a crush on each other
He's so sweet, funny, smart, open-minded

You know you can go on forever describing him
You feel yourself around him
Not hiding secrets or anything
He's just hiding his face cause he's shy, you think its completely adorable
 May 2013 Aikin The Deadman
Zac C
Life is like
a can opener;
only if you use it
to it's full extent
can you truly enjoy it.

If it's left on the shelf,
it's experience is minute.
However, in a world of
Campbell oceans and corn mountains,
the world needs explorers.

There is diversity in the world
of canned creatures.
But without a can opener,
the baby can breathe no air,
feel no warmth.

Without a can opener,
we have no life,
no blowin' leaves in the wind,
no gazing into a lover's eyes,
no moonlight to dance in your mind
I'm really sorry for this one...
Breaking barriers,
beyond the brain.
A mindless mind,
is a foolish game.

Beyond the brains waves,
a smile saved.
Mother Nature grins,
we have sinned.

The chainsaws growl,
a horrific song.
Teeth tear into wood,
this feels so wrong.

Looking at a forest,
and seeing a profit.
As Frost once told,
"Nature's first green is gold."

The minds behind the mindless,
that chop, cut, and ****.
Corrupt money makers,
bending the workers will.

Will we ever yield,
turning forest into stumpy field?
Or does money dictate the mind?
Only time can tell.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
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