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3.4k · Nov 2011
Lucy Jordans Daughter
Annie Nov 2011
She never made it
To Morocco
Rode ’cross the desert
With her Bedouin lover
Shopped for bargains
In the Souks of Rabat
Sipped mint tea
From a frosted glass.

She never went sailing
In a catamaran
And on a moonlit beach
Made love in the sand
Or drank espresso
In a café in Lima
Or danced the flamenco
In Puerto Rico.

She married a man
Cause no one else offered
Had three kids
And moved to the suburbs
Wrapped up her dreams
In brown butcher paper
Tied them with twine
And shelved them for later .

She never made it
To Morocco
Her life was four walls
Plastered in stucco
And she sighed as she thought
Of the things that she lost
The dreams that she wrapped
And shelved in the past.
2.5k · Jan 2010
The Desert Rose
Annie Jan 2010
In the land of the practical
There lived an ornamental
A desert rose.
A farmers wife
Planted her
To break up
The graveled nap
Of gray caliche
And from the time
She pushed her first shoot up
She knew she
Didn’t look like
The other plants.

The land could not
Be farmed
There was no oil
So the farmer and his wife
Moved On
Leaving the rose alone
Amongst the desert cabbage
And the other wild succulents.

At first she tried
To blend
Curl her velvety leaves
Into a cabbage
For the desert fauna
But the animals avoided her
Because she looked odd.
They worried that she was poisonous
So she crawled back

But still she longed
For light on her face
So she stuck another shoot up
Conserving all her energy
For her stems
She didn't want to frighten anyone
But her stems grew thick and woodsy
Like a thorny fig vine
And after a hiker
Cut his leg
She curled up
And crawled underground.

Years passed
Until she was as frozen
As the ground
Then one day
She sensed movement
Above her.
She pushed a shoot up
And standing above her
Was a young woman
- There you are
The woman cried
- Why are you hiding away
My grandmother told me
All About you.
You were the one bright spot
Of color in her garden
She could smell your perfume
From her window
And it reminded her that
Beauty could survive
Even in such
A drab place.

And the rose blossomed.
2.1k · Jan 2010
Annie Jan 2010
Truckled to the heavens
Atlas could do little
But brood
On the sisyphean futility
Of his task.
An atom
Hidden in the tail
Of a fractal
Cannot see the form
It helps shape
So in time
It becomes a thing
Turned on itself.
And with each turn
Atlas bent
Until he was as
Crooked as a sixpense
As stooped as a dowager
As prostrate as a slave.
And when he could bend
No more
He was ground
Into rock flour
The stars on his shoulders
Falling into the sea
Five fingered starfish
That scuttled across
The ocean floor
Until they found
Their land legs.

A thing turned on itself
Cannot see
The pixelated shape
It forms
Atom by atom
Cannot see
Its purpose
And even if that purpose
Seems otiose.
It counts.
1.9k · Nov 2011
Annie Nov 2011
He could not see
What was under his nose
So he plated the thorns
On the Phrygian rose
And there she sat
Barbs glittered - not gilded
Impaled on her spit
Of aureate anvils.

And the pissy-beds
In their plain yellow trappings
Fathometer blips
On a bed of green wrapping
Their ******* halos
Trudged underfoot
As he ground them to mince
In the threads of his boots.

He could only love
What he couldn’t have
What lay free at his feet
Was too common a salve.
But it’s hard to love
What is hard to hold
Thorns will draw blood
Even if covered in gold.
1.7k · Jan 2010
Annie Jan 2010
A thespian
In a play
A strong man
But not strong today
Leading girl gone away
One act
One scene
One line to say
His kōan
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

Pretty girl
Gamine thin
Her Ribs
Bent staves
Round a coopers bin
And at the clubs
She picks up men
Who leave her
When they’ve
Had their fill.
And still
It’s courtly love she seeks
A treasure trove
That is for keeps.
Her kōan
"The moon cannot be stolen."
But maybe if she seduces it…
It will be hers.

She’s middle aged
There’s not much left
Her ******* aren’t firm
She’s barrel shaped
She watches soaps
And talks with friends
And fights the fear
That if it ends...
She hasn’t amounted to
Much at all
She could have been more
If she just had the time
Her kōan
"What are you doing?"
1.6k · Feb 2012
Annie Feb 2012
Little girl
Chocolate brown
Living in a
***** town
Mama’s weak
So she lies down
And men come by
And lift her gown.
Tin roof clatter
Rain above
Drowning out
The sounds of love
And when the sounds
Die away
Her mamas doctors
Dress and pay.

Little girl
Spanish town
Turistas always
On the prowl
Her playground is
This neighborhood
Of peeling stucco
Splashed with mud
Mama hides her
In the closet
This is no place
For her small poppet
But times are hard
Closed legs don’t earn
And she must feed
Her little girl.

Little girl
Has an Abuela
She does not live
In this bordello
A sibyl -
She has mantic powers
She reads the future
In her cards.
Bee stings in her throat
At night
She prays to god
With all her might
- Ayudar a este niño
  And help her mother
  Si usted oye me dios
  *Don’t let them suffer.
1.5k · May 2014
Bed and Breakfast
Annie May 2014
She has a pretty house
With a mansard roof
Punctured with dormer windows
And guests climb
Up the steps
Like rapping woodpeckers
Weighted down
With their baggage.
She opens her door
And they file in
Sometimes weary
From their journey
Sometimes angry
From their travails.
Sometimes complaining
Sometimes malicious
Sometimes happy.

She entertains them anyway
Souls in the night
They are all searching for something
Das Ding
Some are armed with Bruntons
So they might navigate a path
In the dark
But the stars know where
You are
Better to be still
So they can shine their light on you.
1.5k · Jan 2010
The photo
Annie Jan 2010
I found your black tie
Between the warped slats
Of the dresser drawers
And a curled
Of you in Blackheath
A hopeful day
Head filled with the universe
But that was you
A dreamer they said
And all around you
Harder types
Their spades clanging
With symphonious legerity
For the few bob
They drank on Friday.

You left that place
And moved home
To the frozen sod
Of your birth
And still you smiled
Your fists knurled
Around a shovel
Splitting turf for the fire.
And all around you
Harder types
With reins and whips
They only sought to protect you
From the pain of wanting
What you could never have.

But still I loved your stories
You made me believe
That the cawl and grog
Was pheasant and port
And everyday an adventure
A bud on its axil
You made me
Into you
A dreamer
A sybarite
And all around me
Harder types
Eyes stuck to their shoes
So they can watch their step
And charge me to
Watch mine
1.4k · Jan 2010
Annie Jan 2010
Can’t wait to be seventy
With knees that hang
Like fleshy skin tags
Over my knee highs
And Custard feet
All squelched into my Clarks.

No prunes
In my grocery basket
Just lots of cheese
Chocolate and beer
Which will make me gassy
So I’ll ask for a backrub
To get my wind up.

I’ll say those things
I’ve always wanted to say
And not come off
Like a social landmine
Because people will just think
I’m batty.

They’ll smile
And nod
And make corkscrew gestures
Behind my back
But I won’t care.

I shall say
**** a lot
Because people
Will not expect that
From a portly granny
With a blue rinse.
But I shall never be unkind
Of all of the ugly words
You can use
**** is probably
The most benign.

I shall read great books
Filled with ideas
And speak to the deaf geriatrics
In the old folks home
And say things like-
So what did you think of that?
And even as they
Clutch their hearts
To prepare for their exit
From this world
I shall say-
I feel that strongly too
And in this way
Everything shall
Be part of my interlude
It shall all be about me
1.4k · May 2016
Otters and words
Annie May 2016
Your words
Would burst up through
The grikes and clints
A sweet green grout
That took root
Under the gray slab

And each word
A grass moth
Gathering sugar
From the Milkwort
For the cold days
To come.

You were always
Kind to me
In this river of life
With its currents
And hidden undertows
And the things
That scared me into

I was no Otter
I never learned
The playful art
Of splashing
Through the sunny
While the clouds
Gathered like sisters
But you always
Got me moving.
Using words
Like steps
Filling my page
With courage.
1.3k · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
Once upon a thyme
In an herbed house
Their lived a witch
Whose ripe rampion
Was so overpowering
That the neighbors
Left bottles of febreeze
On her doorstep.

The witch didn’t care
- But
In the flat-ironed town
Of Lunch time lipo
Where you were defined
By your eating disorder
She looked like
An Omish escapee
With hips that wriggled
And ******* that jiggled

So her cell phone number
Wasn’t in anyone’s top five
For one confused neighbor
Who never made it to college
And got to experiment
Like a true Gemini.

Now imagine the witch’s surprise
When this neighbor confides
That she would love to eat
Her ripe rampion.
- Naturally
The witch agreed.
It was nice to have something
That somebody else wanted
Though it was exhausting
For the neighbor
Who munched day and night.

And if one surprise
Wasn’t enough
The witch discovered that her
Neighbor was pregnant.
Now the witch had many powers
But that wasn’t one of them.
It appeared that her neighbor
Found her husbands
Carrot patch to
Quite esculent also.

And the witch
Being a picky Virgo
With a jealous Scorpion moon
Thought that her neighbor
Should not
Have spun around the vegetable
Color wheel quite so fast
And so in a fit of temper
She stole her baby
And locked her away
In an ivory tower.

Initially everything worked out
Until the oil crisis
And then the witch couldn’t
Visit Rapunzel quite as often
As she would have liked
Not with gasoline
Being so expensive
And so Rapunzel became bored
And started chatting to
Prince charming
On her face-book wall.

The witch took all the hopeful Trojans
That the prince had left
On previous visits
And tied them together
To form a rubbery step ladder
And when she heard him shout
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel…let down your hair!"
She threw this at him…angling it
With just a little thread of hate.

Prince charming grew all shivery
And put on his worst
Austin powers "Oh behave" accent
Thinking of the delights
That awaited him

However, his shivery-ness
Soon became a full body tremor
When the witch met him
On the top rung
And he knew quick enough
This wasn’t a
Ménage à trois.

The prince spent many months
In traction
Recuperating from his fall.
Rapunzel was sent off
To boarding school.
And as for the witch…
She dropped twenty pounds
And got her own reality show
*Housewives of Salem county.
1.3k · Nov 2011
Annie Nov 2011
He found her hiding
In the cities cowers
And thought to befriend her
By offering a carrot

She wouldn’t take it
But she couldn’t leave it
Her eyes
Droopy half moons
Darting between him
And his offering
     The Scylla
     And the Charybdis

Knowing that if
She didn't starve to death
This fox would eat her.

But the fox was a Magnus
He knew her pain
     A Pea - hard as tuppence ha'penny
     Under twenty mattresses

And appealed to her sensitivity.
He too had been alone
- His rhombic truths
And scared
- A slant on the straight and narrow
And when it was time to leave
He asked her to dine with him
In his burrow.

But still she hesitated
So he scuttled away
Leaving her to follow
And apologize
For having vexed him so.
     If he had wanted to **** her
     He would have done so already

And she was very hungry.

So they talked of books
     Peter Rabbit
     And the Velveteen Rabbit

As he sharpened his knives
To dice potatoes
And chop carrots.
They were going to have
A German dish

-What does that mean
She asked
Sniffing the broth.
- Rabbit stew
He whispered.
And then he bit her
And held her
Until she stopped struggling.
*He really did love rabbit.
1.3k · Feb 2012
The Little Matchstick Girl
Annie Feb 2012
In the end
Holding on to hope
Was worse
Than releasing her despair.
It was an ionized illusion
St. Elmos' blaze
Without the burn.

-    But still
     She held her hands out
     Towards this flame
And even as they froze
She kept her eye on the fire
By the etheric images
That leapt from the embers.

Had she pounded
The subfusc earth
To rail against her lot
And slapped the salty rills
From her cheeks
She might have lived.
But she stood still
Too buoyed by hope
To notice
That the flame was cold
And icing her bones.
1.2k · Jun 2015
The World Spins
Annie Jun 2015
Tell me your troubles
And I’ll tell you mine
And meanwhile the
Great world spins
We are artists
En plein air
Your impressionistic strokes
Coalesce into a formless
Gray corona
Beneath the sea.
It might be a shark
Or a porpoise
I will never know
Until it rises to the surface
Will it eat
or draw breath?

My strokes are baroque
A tenebristic composition
Of dark and light tones
A bee on a peony
Your eyes fall to its
Barbed stinger

Show me your soul
And I will show you mine
And meanwhile
It’s all an art
On how we spin things
1.1k · May 2014
The One Eared Cat
Annie May 2014
Everything suffers in its
Own way
The one eared cat
By my door each day
I leave him food
I’d like him to stay
But if I approach
He runs away.

Be gentle with others
Be kind to yourself
Each man has a cross
We could all use some help
And not all backs
Are able to take
Their loads
Poor soft souls
They can’t carry
A flake.
991 · May 2012
Mad Bird Love Song
Annie May 2012
Sing your song
Mad bird
Warble in the sky
The world
Has many troubles
There’s much
To make us cry.
Fly above the treetops
With wings
That catch the air
And marvel
At the things you see
They’re lost to us
Down here.
My land legs lug
Me down
I’m anchored
To the ground
A plant with shoots
I can’t uproot
Or else
I’d fly away.
Sing your song
Mad bird
Before I  
Wilt and die
My brambled brush
Could not retouch
The scenes you paint
So high.
947 · May 2014
Your voice
Annie May 2014
I can hear it in the
Atonal scraping of my chair
Across the scuffed linoleum
In the cessant whirring of the fridge
And the dull hum of the fan
Familiar sounds
I have heard a thousand times before
They are nothing in themselves
Not happy or sad
Only known
And yet it is the same with your voice
Creeping out from under a prenumbral
A shy beam of light
I recognize its form
Though it is nothing in itself
Not happy or sad
Only known
A familiar sound

*And yet I do not know you.
925 · Jun 2015
How Will You Know
Annie Jun 2015
How will you know
When you pass through a forest
If your eyes are
Glued to the road
How will you see all the life
That abounds
If your eyes are
Always closed

How will you hear
All the sounds in the air
How will you witness
The beauty that’s there
If you can’t spare a minute
For the red breasted Linnet
Or the little green Finch
And her operatic pitch

Or just for a moment
Stop to admire
The dappled twig arbors
And the great blue sky
Heaven has spilled out
All of her flavors
And all of this beauty
Is just yours to savor
If you stop for a second
The Larks song is pliant
Her cantor an echo
That her fledglings can follow.
867 · Mar 2010
Pablum Passions
Annie Mar 2010
Things don’t get better
They get worn
Burred edges
Buttered soft
With age.

From the first quickening
To the last sigh
We are slowly
S l o w i n g  d o w n
And our poisons
Once a gaffer’s
Peter out
Until they are as shriveled
As drowned balloons
Leaving us to
What we were
So angry at
To start with.
865 · Apr 2012
Annie Apr 2012
Addy sits by the window
Stares at her food
It’s partially covered
In aluminum foil
She picks
Without motion
Tastes not
A bite
It's curdled and bland
Like the weather outside.

The taut dewy pink
Of a once rosy blush
Is withered and wane
With a waxed fellow flush
She is crippled with pain
From her arthritic joints
So its hard
To get out
From her small
Unkempt house.

She sits by the window
And life passes by
The seasons go quickly
The holidays fly
And cards come
From schools
Penned by kids
She don't know
She don't want to be rude
But they don't help at all.

She thinks of her son
Who lives overseas
He’s too busy
To visit
But he’ll call
When he’s free
And his voice  - like a square
Off a chocolate blade
He lets her down sweet
But it cuts just the same.

There's a plum in her throat
So it’s hard to get sleep
So she rubs her
Prayer beads
And tries to
Find peace.
But Jesus can't hear her
*Or else he’d be bleeding
From all of the hurt that this life
Has her feeling.
656 · Jan 2017
Annie Jan 2017
I never cared much
For winter
The trees huddled
Like orphan dolmens
Shivering under
The cold slate sky
A capstone quoit.

It is the silence of it all.

An attic in a house
Dusty with dead memories
And whitened scars.

It is the deadness of it all.

But what would life be
Without problems?
Demasiado cómodo
And what would spring mean
If it did not follow winter
Because the whitest light
Is nothing
Without a thread
Of darkness.
And what would love
Be without pain
A marriage of comfort.

It is the mix
In the life
You live
In between
The Tao of it all.
629 · Aug 2018
Finding Your Voice
Annie Aug 2018
While the purple martin
Sings his dawn song
The bush crickets
With their scraping chirps
Form a washboard percussion
Beneath an orchestra
Of crinkling goosefoot.

It is not the sobriety of
This great Weald
And the stately occlusal
Of her tall trees
That crowds your soul.

But the ordinariness
Of the things beneath it
That make you want
To find your own voice.
544 · May 2014
Fish in the Trees
Annie May 2014
You’re looking for
Fish in the trees
And wasting your time
And your tears
You’re looking for snakes
In the snow
But best search
The warm earth below
You’re looking for
Bees without stings
And you’re looking
For birds without wings.

Best take things
As they are
And stop looking
For what is not there
*If they don’t possess it
They can’t profess it
Much less give it
Annie Jul 2017
There is a kind
Of deliverance
In each day
The way the sun
A fattened berry
Full of dripping light.

And the trees below her
To wakefulness
Under her watchful eye

While the shadows
Slip like small snakes
Down the branches
Until they disappear.

Such beauty.
Such promise.

I do not know if this life
Has purpose
Or if my prayers
Are a sigh
Carried by the wind
Into nothing.

It does not matter.

Nothing in the world
Would matter
If you were not here
To give it meaning.
467 · Jul 2017
The Web
Annie Jul 2017
Each heart
Is a spinneret
Her threads
Into an aortal retinue
    A glistening floss
    Iced white by the sun.

And each soul
A strand
And each strand
A connection
And each connection
Luridly stretching for miles.

No trowel can break
This web
And though the stands are different
Between your web and mine
They were spun by love
And because I love you
What is dear to your heart
Is dear to mine.
466 · Apr 2018
Annie Apr 2018
In the early morning
The larimar sky
Stretches out
Over the ashes of the night
While the clouds
    Retted stalks of calcite
Do their toucan crosswalk
Over her duckcloth.
And the sun
A golden mattenklopper
Sprays a burst
Of painted flames
On the trees and grass beneath
And life is
Clean and fresh
And ready
For this new day.
For so long
I have been looking away
Looking forward
While my eyes
Might have been
Filled up
With the beauty
Of all
That is
In the here and now.
457 · Oct 2019
Keep Moving
Annie Oct 2019
There is a place
In my mind
Where time
Melting - into an endless moment
Stretches out
A gently inclining road
That rolls over
The flat bands of grass
To a point
Where it meets
The overhanging sky.

There is no end.
Only this journey.

And it does not need
To bromate through the cold spells
Or wait for the perfect moment.

It does not cling
To things
The way we do
Bending our lives
Into the shapes
Of our hurts.

It only flows.
309 · Feb 2017
A Novel In the Making
Annie Feb 2017
There is a faint watermark
In your voice
A hint
Of something
Your eyes
Dart about
Keeping time
With your vagaries
Until you hit
On your truth
- And then
They are
Rat sharp
And unblinking.

A secret
Is so superior
A hushed whisper
From mouth to ear.
It gathers words
As it moves
A novel in the making.
259 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
Lots of ways
To sting the heart
Words with poison
Aimed like darts
And the buttery
Canorous tone of your voice
Like sugar on arsenic
To make it taste nice.

Many ways
To clear the air
Ocean dulse
Black as tar
And all I do
Is dredge this deep
And bring up things
Best left asleep.

Many times
We’ve gone too far
Like hackled dogs
That spoil for war
Like two pack mules
Laden down
With all our wounds.

Lots of ways
To let this go
A sunset in its
Orangey throes
But a white-flagged wave
Of armistice.
Will never stop
This revenant.
240 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
The talking phocomelus
In the deaf mute house
No way to sign or scream
Above the silence.

Ozymandias -
Pushed like a stone
From Cronus's belly
Longs for a mother
- But hates all women.

And yet the seraphs come
Drawn by the lure
Of a light in the hamlet
Or the flame
Of a Cornish wrecker.

The smart ones
Water the glyphs
On the Obelisk
But nothing grows
From stone.

Ozymandias -
Hollow as a drum
Fills me with his ***

And for one moment
As he moves above me
For one moment
I think he is my captive
And then the moment's done.
238 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
The biblical histrionic
Herod’s bewitcher
Her charms proffered
Beneath the silk
Of seven veils.
The ****** of her belly
The rise of her *******
Makes an old mans knuckles
Long to knead her flesh.
Herod will give her a n y t h i n g
But John will never
Be hers.
His love is numinous
It transcends mere flesh
And so she is enraged.
And demands his head
On a silver platter.

Nothing worse
Than being told
You are loved equally
There was never a woman
Comforted by such words.
Tell your bride
On your wedding night
That you care for her
As much as you care for
Your mother
Your sister
And your aunt
And then while you skip
Into the bathroom
To search for your
Rubber accoutrements
She will be busy on the internet
Searching for your replacement
And you won’t be able to call
Or Auntie
Or *****
for a hug.
Not while your ***** hangs limply
In its latex casing
236 · Feb 2017
The Other Road
Annie Feb 2017
You took the road
A million others have taken
But you took it alone
A troubadour
The watery strain
Of your Orphean ballads
Too much for
The other myrmidons
So they left you
To wilt the willows

Acetone will not unhinge
An epoxy this old.
You’re stuck
In another place
Another time
And though the man
Who put you there
Is no more.
You’re still quaking
In the aftermath
Of his seismic waves.

And others
Though once ensorcelled
By the sight
Of beauty in pain
Are now repulsed
By your entrenchment
In its vines.
233 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
It has come to this -
I am dead
In my busyness
Droning about
A wasp in a stoppered jar.

Once I loved words
Midges on my tongue
I spat them into shapes
Over paper
Too busy chasing jam now
To write much.

And you
I think if I had you
I wouldn't have to run
From my loneliness.
212 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
Sunday was
My favorite time.
First - Mass
The dog outside
And then the pub -
Uncle with his pint
And I with my bitter lemon
The dog now under the bar stool
Too old to beg for much.

Sunday dinner
At Nana's.
Socks on my hands
If the day was cold
No chilblains for me.

Chicken and mash
Pie and custard
In the parlor
Then my brothers came
With my mother and sister
Sour sometimes

         - Why’s SHE special
- Want some?
         - COW!!
- You can have it
         - You’re adopted
- If… you eat my snot
          - ******
- I’m telling
A wail – someone was boxed
Maybe me
          - Stop teasing
And then
Our Sunday drive
Seven of us squeezed
Into the Fiat
Secret pinches
In the back seat
Couldn't cry
The Fiat chugging along
In jumps and starts
Until she settled down
On her chassis.
Then Mam and Uncle
Sat and talked
In the lounge
While we fished for minnows
Which we kept in old jam jars.

How I longed to get away
From the slowness of it all
And now
I'd give anything
To go back.
205 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
Cursed prophetess
The Debbie Downer
of antiquity.

A beautiful anathema
Embracing life
With the gaiety
Of a dirge.

And all her visions
Dire imprecations
That rouse most to anger
And others to label her
A liar and
A madwoman.

Poor pretty
She’s not miserable
She’s a mathematician
A causal cleric
But people don’t need answers
They need hallucinogenics.

It’s much nicer living in a haze
Where nothing is clear
And you don’t know where
Your mess ends
And some one else's mess begins.

No one's responsible
And everyone gets to live
In a big pile of ****
As one positive family
Attracting abundance.

Until the Trojans arrive
And pull the blind folds off
And then she gets to say
- I told you so
But nobody likes
Poor *****
She’s the **** Jagger
Of the Agora
She can’t get no
200 · Feb 2017
The Maze
Annie Feb 2017
The carvings
In the tympanum
Above the
The Star of David
Upon the
The Tarot's
That feeds the
Querant's dread.
And birds
That hit my window
Fall down
The totem
That speak to me
At night
And black
Arch their backs
When I’m in sight
The feeling in  
My gut
That all’s
Not well
And Rorschach
That shape
An inky hell.

My minds a maze
Where thoughts run
Round and round
They pick up speed
Like jets that
Leave the ground
A sonic boom
Of waves that pass
Through sound  
*But the noise
Of what I dread
Is only loud.
197 · Feb 2017
The 66er
Annie Feb 2017
The 66er
Born to parents
Who swore
They would change everything
But couldn’t even
Change a light bulb
Hid away
In his cube
A product of the
Uranus-Pluto Conjunction.

And here
He remained
Abandoned to his
Morbid nihilism
Because he knew
He was more likely
To be nurtured By aliens
Than he was
By his Terra Mather.

He thought about
Writing his masterpiece
"It’ll take an Omish Village"
The synergic *******
Of Hillary’s Village
With M Night Shyamalan’s Village
Because to raise children
In a global village
While A river runs through it
Due to sea level rise
Might require less cars on petrol
And more carts on ponies.
But he doubted
The world was ready.

At five he drove home
Like the other blind insects
Turned on the AC
In his apartment
Even though it was December
And he lived in Maine
Lit his ****
Took a drag
And watched his neighbors
Drain the power grid
With their Christmas light display.

Poor *******
Being born
Progerically old
Knowing that nothing good
Lay ahead
Because nothing good
Came from behind
No escaping the pain
Of this ontological linearity
But **** took the edge off.
And hedonism
His only escape
Out of the awfulness
Of nothing.
196 · Feb 2017
The Dragon
Annie Feb 2017
You told me dragons
Were not real
And then you led me
To you lair
A catacomb
So dark and deep
That sunlight couldn’t
Reach me there.

Like upturned tapers
Hung above my head
Like fangs
Your breath fanned out
In fiery vapors
As the gargoyles slavered
In their overhangs.

How well you hid
Your taste for blood
Your voice so soft
I felt no fear
And yet my brother
Warned me off
Beware the tune
The piper peals.

My mother wept
She knew that road
The brambles snarled
The flowers with thorns
She begged of me
To turn and run
But I was captive
I was young.
194 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
We shot through the ground
At the same time
And while you pushed your way
Towards the sun
Drinking up the light
I cleared the gravel
So the others
Could find their way too.

Have to be quick
Lest they end their days
Under the hiss of a spray bottle
Or the blunt end of a shovel
So I learned to hide
Between the sunflower minstrels
And the corned eared zinnias
While you stretched your
Peppered veins
To lap up the rain
And poison what fell to the ground

You were a giant child
And yet I loved you
So deeply
Only the mole crickets knew
And I hated you too
Because I was nothing
But a ****
Beneath your feet.
194 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
She learned scrying
At an early age
By watching the grown-ups
And discerning
What was meant
In contrast
To what was said.
She could feel
Their friability
What they felt
Live inside them
Her throat a
Lead grommet
So that she could swallow
All of their heavy miseries.
And knowing
What she knew
Pretense became
Not stomaching
Others prevarication’s
She couldn’t stomach her own
And while so many
Hid their roots
Hers were fleshy rhizomes
They grew above the ground
Where all could see
Soot and sundry.

And in love
She was a lateral gene receiver
Having an understanding
Without prior parentage
So sometimes
She ideated scenarios
Based on what
She thought
She felt
From others

But often she was wrong
And doomed
To heartbreak.
190 · Feb 2017
Annie Feb 2017
Komarovsky knows better
Than Pasha
What Lara wants.
There is no need
To hide the truth
It doesn’t tremble
- An ashy ******
    In the dark.

But Pasha only loves
The untouched lie
Like Narcissus
He is drowning  
In the the illusion
That the rippled
Waters provide.

And you Persephone
You’ve read this book
Know this script
But still you look
For the daffodil
In Hell.

You’re a prospector - my love
You’ll spend your life
Chasing hope
Corianding for nuggets
Amongst the dross
   -And it will seem
    When something gleams
    That you have won
But it is only pyrite
That the rippled waters provide.
187 · Feb 2017
The Mermaid
Annie Feb 2017
A Merrow
In a woman’s body
Her world
Within the puerile
Of her consciousness.

And rising above her
Solid as Newcastle coal
His face
A web of ratlines
Carved by the wind
And in his eyes
The sea.

She swims in this
His voice a nurses balm
Crisp as lager
Pulling her
Until she breaches
The bow wave
Back arched
Breath stilled

And then sinks
Beneath him
Nothing will hurt her
While he covers her
From the cold.
180 · Feb 2017
Let it Go
Annie Feb 2017
Let it go
This thing that
Cracks your heart
Let it go
You will not
Break apart
       You’re the mountain
       Not the snow
       And this avalanche
       Will flow

Let it go
This colluvium
Of hurts
Let it go*
A shucked up bulb
Can’t burst
       Though a sheet of ice
       You need warmth
       To grow life
So let it go.

— The End —