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Aiden Williams Feb 2013
Take a moment,
Before below the sea of life you sink.

Below the esteem of self,
Below the appropriate welfare,
The appropriate worth of yourself.
Don't let your decisions
Determine your wealth,
For next to any trough,
Is the chance to be peak.

Not peak,
but peak,
The utmost height of you.
Then your life may be sweet,
Like the beauty of morning dew.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
Deep inside.
A fire erupts.
On the surface,
a fluid slips through the pores.
Protection & relief.

Black hole,
A pull of love
& a pull of lust,
a soft abyss,
isn’t it just.
A sweet candy,
A diamond in the rough,
Akin to the one,
In the hand of Solomon Vandy.

1,000 stars,
Cannot match,
The heat emitted,
Without the restrictions,
Of a watch.
Aiden Williams Jan 2014
Be my accomplice,
In such a simple wish as this,
To kiss,
Upon four lips that once were apart
But are now in close proximity,
Recalling what you did to me
With those soft sultry
Poisonous lips
Those curvaceous hips,
You dip, we dip
Deep into this pool
I willingly play the fool.
I'm your accomplice
Your savoury, sweet dish
Take a piece, or two
Eat me whole or take a few,
Take me till i fill you
Until your soul I renew
I beckon draw nigh
Reach this new high,
Until we reach a new height,
Until we take flight
Never to come down
Jewels in our crown
You sitting two rows down
Until we drown
Within these clouds of ecstasy
With you lying next to me
No reason to hide, no reason to flee
Beyond inhibition
This is our mission
Mission complete,
A synchronized heartbeat.
Aiden Williams Jan 2014
Look at her --
Her walk so eloquent
The way it speaks volumes
The stretch of her legs
By the shine and bounce
Of her hair.
Body conversations
She's a great debater.
Masterpiece of clay.
Eyes so pure
When I look into them
We make love,
Love of the soul.
My soul sister,
My queen Cleopatra,
My Aphrodite,
Your beauty can't match
Her beauty.
For hers is not of
This world.
Only angels possess it
And I,
I shall possess it
With a ring,
Wife befitting of a king.
Aiden Williams Sep 2013
Cute little thing,
Two rows down.
With her dark locks
Encompassing her caramelised skin.
Those pretty eyes above her pretty lips,
May sell pretty dreams and witty lies.
But beauty,
A man’s Achilles heel,
Has my heart racing like a McLaren wheel.
If only the erratic beats within my chest she could feel.

Her skin without blemish,
At least unto mine eyes.
Her legs without ending,
Forever locked in a dance
That only I can see,
The way she walks she speaks my language,
The way she writes she speaks my language,
When she smiles she speaks my language,
When she sighs she speaks my language.

When her guards fall,
She falls,
Into my love filled arms
A whittled down version of my masculinity puts up arms
And emasculation rears its head.
We lie within this room of red.
Satin silk sheets,
Icing on the bed.

Ultimate fantasy --
Visions of falsified ecstasy
Holding her lying next to me,
Sitting two rows down.
Aiden Williams Nov 2012
Omnipotence and grace,
Forgiving and omnipresent.
A forever chance to be a moon,
Reflective of the sun.
Forgive and forget
That is His motto,
Thousands of miles away,
Always within of a stone's throw.
Water and earth bend to His will,
When in the storm,
Just one word it shall still.
More time to give
Than all those in your past;
Those relationships you thought
Through all weather they'd last.
Up in the clouds some would say,
But all around,
In every second of time,
Is where my Saviour chooses to stay.
Some think of fire, brimstone and judgment.
Blamed for our faults,
Man that was heaven sent.
Came to bring love,
This is the word of the day.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Imagine this:

Sitting ignorant in your infancy,
In the place you call your home
Your father sits and comforts you
Saying "I shall never leave you alone".
Then all of a sudden a sounds erupts,
Knocking at your door.

A violent thrashing, consuming the joy that had once warmed your spirit,
Your fear kicks in, so you cover your eyes as you cannot bear to hear it.

Your father gone, nowhere to be seen,
You think he's abandoned you
You begin to scream.
Your screams echo the house,
Emotion not withheld,
But while your screams and cries occur,
The sound of silence begins to stir
The sound of what once threatened your soul,
Has turned out to be no more.

Your father gone so you begin to resent him,
And you fail to realise the sacrifice given,
For without his grace, now where would you be?
Buried deep in the ground?
Deep in the sea?
One day we all shall not fail to see
How much was given for you and for me.

The war is not over, but victory's won,
By the love of the Father
The love of the Son.
Aiden Williams Oct 2013
Awake in this room,
I have no recollection of this place.
A view of one thousand spires
From this cracked stain glass window
Threaten to puncture my soul,
Looking up towards the skies
Waiting for what will come forth
While redness fills my eyes.
Aiden Williams Jan 2014
Disappointment & anger
Cloud my emotions.
They've been played with,
Toyed with like
A ball of
In a one sided war with a cat.
Feelings of contempt
Are forged in iron upon
My eyes.
No secret
Hidden from the
Furnaces of dragon breath
Burn against my forehead
Cloud my vision
Of sense.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Liquid gold,
The substance of purity filled with the testament to man's very genius.

Reliant on nothing but relied upon by all,
The very life force of Earth,
An infatuated Earth
with a love song dedicated
to the very existence of the sun,
For permeating its varied skin tone
Bringing it the moisture it desires.
What it deserves.

For what is taken for granted
is often the cause of great happiness.
Often unnoticed but never not present,
A commodity on this Earth but a long forgotten Godsend.

Believe it or not,
it’s water.
Aiden Williams Nov 2013
Rivers flow
Through paths newly erected by the grand builders
They stand tall and strong.
A master of destruction stands between its pillars
Hammer in hand,
Preparing to disprove the strength of what was built to keep the water from flowing.

With each swing of his hammer,
Heavy to lift,
But light with every swing
He proceeds to demolish the beautiful architecture before him,
Keeping it intact,
But weakening the foundations of the pillars.

Before long
This unknown man succeeds in his mission,
Water seeping from the cracks beheld by the work of the man below --
Beheld on for his eyes to see.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
To be longed for by many,
At times including I.
Motivations unknown,
Like a dove she has flown
In and out of the clouds of my life.
To come back wanting?
To leave longing?
The questions unanswered.
To her heart they long after
Hope time is not squandered
for her they long after,
but what shall I get?
Aiden Williams Jan 2014
Under the dappling moonlight, with no person in sight.
Then with all of my might, and every spark in my soul,
I ruin my soles on a run to your soul,
To catch a quick glimpse from the perspective of my lips,
To quickly meet yours in a swift moment of bliss?
Aiden Williams May 2013
Singular and alone,
Where the darkness around it permits no life.
One with no face,
One with no race
One which has no merits,
No footsteps in the sands
For this one to be traced.

Silent and still,
A broken piece within
A broken whole.
Eyeless sockets look for a slice of pi,
But there is no three to be found from two,
For this is a place of one's.

Unable to be rescued from the darkness,
No voice to be heard of encouragement.
No life to be seen but the present
Confusion and doubt control the future.
A foundation built strong beneath the whole
Crumbles from beneath the weight of the black,
Darkness encompasses this single atom amidst the light of around him.

At the whim of no one but himself
He continues to dwell in the darkness,
Dancing to the melody of his own
Self composed song.
Aiden Williams Aug 2013
Before the night is through,
I will walk to you,
I will be your moon
And you will be my sun.

Before the night is through,
I will walk to you,
Your words dance on my tongue,
Never to be undone.

A mountain pass,
When my eyes meet yours,
The deepest ocean
Is where her beauty be.

Her lips a sacred touch
Akin to myrrh.
The taste is timeless
A work of art is her.
Aiden Williams Mar 2013
Oppressed thoughts.
Not supposed to roam free,
A prison of conscience
Buried deep in the caves
Of the blackest sea.

Where secrets unknown live,
Even unto the black sea's master.
An alternate universe
Lies in the darkness,
Where an alternate you,
Longs for their awakening.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Dynamite, dynamite
Put the light out.
The pigmented ones
for their freedom devout.

Dynamite, dynamite
Douse these flames
Years they have tried,
Converted their names.
Though we are the same
but differently tamed
to put out the fire
is their only desire.

The fuse shortens,
Heat ensues
Fear protrudes.
Douse the flame
before dynamite explodes.
Aiden Williams Mar 2013
A baby born
into a world of light,
darker than them
who beheld her face.
Revered for her lack of beauty,
Destroyed for her lack of light.

Through toil & pain,
Heartache & rain,
Still no disdain
Was shown towards her oppressors.
Often her tears
Were akin to the Amazonian rivers,
Forever flowing,
But deep in the jungles of her heart.

As a caterpillar has beauty,
seen only by those who know it;
Her beauty lay within,
seen by only those who see past her skin.

So she must lay in her cocoon,
For as a flower she must bloom.

a machine
of death,
of life,
of beauty.

When she comes around
A butterfly comes forth,
The beauty within
Is revealed to the world.

Black silk;
Once seen to be ugly,
Formed from cocoons
Reveal it's true wonder,
Beautiful Africa.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Pure sweetness from natures *****,
It's true taste magnified by its beauty.
A Rose among nettles
Even a sample comes from a dreamscape of perfection.

Fresh from the combs of bee's,
A honey so thick,
An aroma so beautiful
It encompasses the mind
With the likeness of heaven itself.

Sugary sweet,
Like when two tongues meet
In a matrimonial ceremony of love.
There is no sweetness
Like the sweetness of
Brown sugar
Sugar that has been granted from up above.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
Cherish these things that can be taken away,
Gone by tomorrow not appreciated today,
Control of this is not given, not earned.
As complex as the wind passing through the hollows of a tree,
Taking the smooth route of the skies,
Affected by the contours of age.
Such is life,
Although not considerate of age or background,
Of skin colour or mannerisms.
Like a river it erodes the very pedestal it sits on.
The rest of the world unknowing of what you may feel,
The ones around empathetic but not feeling what you feel,
Not hurting how you hurt,
You sit and wonder why,
Wishing you would take this last sigh,
Wishing you could suppress these tears and that this one drop would be your last.
But as the rivers flow so do your tears.
Another’s touch you do not long for,
But the comfort you crave from whom you love makes the throat sore.
Don't cry,
Wipe your eyes.
Memories you can cherish for years on end will be your comfort,
New memories you make with a new love will grant you grace.
All I can give is expression in these words,
although they may not bring a smile to your face,
I only pray that you understand.
Love is there, here and everywhere,
All you need is to accept it.
Aiden Williams Oct 2012
Cherish these things that can be taken away,
Gone by tomorrow not appreciated today,
Control of this is not given, not earned.
As complex as the wind passing through the hollows of a tree,
Taking the smooth route of the skies,
Affected by the contours of age.
Such is life,
Although not considerate of age or background,
Of skin colour or mannerisms.
Like a river it erodes the very pedestal it sits on.
The rest of the world unknowing of what you may feel,
The ones around empathetic but not feeling what you feel,
Not hurting how you hurt,
You sit and wonder why,
Wishing you would take this last sigh,
Wishing you could suppress these tears and that this one drop would be your last.
But as the rivers flow so do your tears.
Another’s touch you do not long for,
But the comfort you crave from whom you love makes the throat sore.
Don't cry,
Wipe your eyes.
Memories you can cherish for years on end will be your comfort,
New memories you make with a new love will grant you grace.
All I can give is expression in these words,
although they may not bring a smile to your face,
I only pray that you understand.
Love is there, here and everywhere,
All you need is to accept it.
Aiden Williams Jan 2014
I’ve been relieved of my position.
I am no longer captain of this ship,
Reduced to the bard, I am
A shadow in the background.

A chime lost in the wind
of this great Japanese mountain.
Where grand bells ring across
its face, a Titan in the wind –
And echo…

Echo until my sounds have been
Rung out and there is nothing
Left until someone looks upon
My cracked and rusted
Exterior and whispers –
“Look, the chime that was forgotten”
Until time itself is rotting,
And I fall from grace,
To the vast corners of space.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
Not sure if this is finished or not...

Heaven sent for the weakness of flesh
a carpenter, teacher, came to live after death.
A knack for wood-craft at first look it would seem
but a knack for love and life creation
beneath the skin is His real craft.

Beneath the skin is your real craft.
On the surface what most would see as a means to an end.
Beneath the skin for someone their heart it could mend.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
Beauty in its highest form,
It’s recognition by none but a few it seems,
A chosen few who are blessed with its presence
So perfect in its imperfections,
Comfort is given to those without.

Among the sands it resides,
It stays out of place,
The light shimmering across the stars,
Just to touch down on her face.

A flower that grows not tall but grand,
Masked by the waves that are made in the sand.
Unknowing and dormant lies potential for more,
To grow far out of the confinement of the floor.

The petals of silk to caress must be sin,
For something so pure, profound and worthy,
Of love and care but there is nothing around to give it.

Her beauty seen by only those who know beauty,
A glow that is given to the sands around, gives what was once dead a life.
Not free from struggle as heat from the desert, no water causes strife.

The beauty of the sun a reflection of her eyes,
Alone but far from alone she is,
A delicate desert flower.
Aiden Williams Mar 2013
A man filled with purity
From a God filled with Love.
Came with cleans hands,
From the discomfort of living up above.
A man with no iniquity,
Who only sees equality,
Obedient to what His Father asked of he,
Simply to save you and me.

Though His hands were clean and free of sin,
He had a passion to serve from deep within.
We ***** people,
muddy with hate,
Muddy with pride,
Daily we procrastinate.
He tainted His clean hands,
For the sake of our lives.

Willing to get His hands *****,
Something we do not do,
Though we are covered with dirt,
This we refuse to see.

***** hands,
Of Him who saved us,
***** hands of us who live without love.
***** hands of us who believe in God,
***** hands,
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Shooting stars or flashing lights.
Steps to Heaven or fancy flights.

Craft of man replaced with the craft of machine.
Metallic forests
Gleaming in sunlight,
Emitting the fumes that are choking humanity,
Ignored by the ones that have caused this calamity.

Suffered by those who are slave to the rich,
Trained to aim for the skies ending up stuck in a ditch.

Those unworthy like a pigmentation of the skin.
The freckles of society,
Those with a hidden worth,
Rejected by the top
A generational curse,
Never destined to stop.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
To touch the skin of one,
To match the touch of two.
A reciprocated heat,
a touch of two flesh,
With the creation of one body.
Fluids of love,
Digging deep,
Whatever treasures lie beneath the waters.

A rhythmic click,
with each deep dive,
Perfect synchronisation
Creating the sweetest sensation,
With no hesitation.
No rest,
Full concentration.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Sustenance perfected,
Shield crafted by holiness
Broken by glaring life,
Pleasurable heat.
At the Earths crown
Most times a luxury,
In the Earth's cradle
Sometimes a burden.
Taken for granted,
Spoiled by man.
A most desirable setting,
With sea and with sand.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
The walls of silk
Surround the pillar of flesh.
A connection where synapses form,
Bring forth a new perspective from the tomb.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
Nestled in a tree high above what you can reach
As life changing a gift as the acquisition of speech.

Roots so deep formed into knots of oak
Climbing it a task as if only God spoke it
A vision of grandeur for only kings to know it
To be blessed by the breath it gives a story of its own
To have a beat of life itself would surely have a throne.

The climb to a feast,
A labour of love.
To bring back to the village
The symbol this one fruit embodies,
Would be a sign from the Heavens above.

The top is still hidden by the leaves in the wind,
To grip is becoming a chore
Surely to release at this height would result in the blackness beneath the floor.
The shimmering sun,
Now the thieving moonlight,
A long climb of Everest
Still no treasure in sight.

As the crow flies
There would be hope in my eyes
But to reach this prize
Would need the will of Leonidas.

A sweeter taste than what you can taste freely.
To feel such a wonder be pressed on my lips
Abandon? Pursue? Is the theme of this day
Taste it I may --
But no, not today.
Aiden Williams Oct 2012
Is there no one in this world that can relate to the things I am,
Understand the things I do,
Change my life in such a way that I feel like new.
I wonder what it would be like to find the one that shares the yolk of mine,
I wonder if my love will come soon or if it will happen in due time,
The future I'm told is known by God and only by Him,
I must be patient and wait for what he knows is coming to come,
But as I wait and wait for the one,
The minutes I am living turn into the years I am waiting.
There are many I do think about,
There are many that could be that one,
I want it to be her, but if it was the other her then we could grow,
All the time I wish that I could know,
Which one to put all my trust in,
Which one to give all of my heart,
Which one that would make sure through all things to come that through it all we would win.
Sometimes I wish I didn't look the way I did,
Then maybe it would be easier to find the right one without all of them closing in,
Attempting to pick and choose the ones that are available instead of waiting and wading through what makes these women my woman.
I think that it is just better to leave all of these things behind,
Leave all the trivialities for others who yearn for a wife or husband to be forever on their mind,
Is it better to be left alone to swim in your thoughts than to be tied down with what the world so greatly glorifies, a woman or man, this was also given by God; but a relationship isn't for everybody,
Is it better to be with nobody and love somebody,
Is it better to wander the Earth and roam, and be forever alone.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
Beauty found in imperfection
Disdain sometimes found in a reflection,
Often segregated into their own section,
Behind these defects
Many are afraid to mention
The attraction they possess
Even under the skin.
Deep in the mind,
One may yet find
A heart yet to be signed,
Sealed or delivered.
One can only hope this tree of life within
Does not end up withered.
One with the eyes of a wise man
Is where the beauty lies,
One with the eyes of a bigot
May one day behold a surprise.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
In the space between spaces
An unchosen man dwells,
to make choice without choosing,
A ship without a sail.

A man with no expression,
A man with little zeal,
A man when only asked of him does he choose to feel.
Never is his allegiance limited to one,
Pleasing those that live under the sun.

Driven by uncertainty
Adaptive on command.
Like the letters in the sand
They have purpose for a while,
Forever they're rocking a fabricated smile.

The depth of a body of water on concrete.
The unchosen man does loiter,
But denies such coin featured, secretive behaviour
Like a guilty man next to his lawyers chair,
His spine begins to shiver.
Aiden Williams Sep 2013
A warm breeze hits my face
But up my spine I feel a shiver,
How long must we carry on forth
Without a smell or sight of river.

The rocks of ages swim around my toes
As I carry my One on this shifting road --
The peril in the future I cannot dispose
For I know not what the Father knows.

Pastel drawn skies leave no indication or sign
Of who has dared travel,
In this massively miniature
Garden of gravel.

Footprints in the sand
Leave no trace of life,
Lies laid beneath our feet
To a soft electric beat.

No sustenance no rain,
Our bodies permeated by grains
No water to sustain
This traversal through pain.

Hand in hand
Through desert sand
My spine begins to shiver.
Just one more day I say to myself,
Just one more night of chill
Just one more step on this coarse white road,
As her legs begin to quiver.
Aiden Williams Mar 2013
Bodies caressing each other,
Complimenting the skin tones,
As they touch one another.

Perfectly synchronised,
The same but different.
A song so perfect,
It stays on repeat.
A melody so divine,
The dance is locked in your feet.
Their voice adds a sultry bass to your ear,
The rhythm of your heart,
Skips a beat.

The highs meet the lows,
And the ears begin to ***** up,
A love making duet you suppose.
To taste the sound of sweetness
to hear the emotion of love,
To see the chords of heat
To feel the harmonies of passion.

Mixes and blends
of the tongue-twisted music.
The emotions profound,
felt from tap and synth.
An audience of two
Hear the touch of rhythmic blues,
As the piano keys play,
And a guitar riff ensues.
Aiden Williams Feb 2014
Hot skin and cold tears.
Hot love and cold fears.
Hot sun and cold moon.
Hot life and a cold tomb.
Hot feet on cold streets.
Hot bars on cold beats.
Hot thoughts and cold actions.
Hot *** and cold satisfaction.
Hot cars in cold weather.
Hot women with cold style.
Hot ice and cold fire.
Hot mornings and cold afternoons.
Hot fantasy and cold reality.
Hot payments and cold luxury.
Hot pain and cold rain.
Hot anger, cold peace.
Aiden Williams Feb 2014
Hot/Cold, Part 2

Hot endings, cold starts.
Hot feelings, cold marks.
Hot temper with a cold reaction.
Hot double barrel with cold pump action.
Hot church with a cold congregation.
Hot merch with cold affiliations.
Hot meat, cold wine.
Hot dollar, cold dime.
Hot queens with their cold mink.
Hot kings with their cold links.
Hot art with cold reception.
Hot mirror and a cold reflection.
Hot woman with a cold reputation.
Hot main chick with a cold side on placement.
Hot funk and cold R&B.;
Hot world but the colds all I see.
Hot information, cold intelligence.
Hot faults, then cold recompense.
Hot forgiveness, cold mistakes.
Regardless of what the world intakes.
Hot ignorance and cold oblivion,
are bliss to those who favour dominion.
Hot pathogens and cold diseases.
Hot gold with the cold diamond pieces.
Hot gat within a cold Gucci belt.
Hot knife inside the skin it starts to melt.
Hot love for God and the cold religion.
Hot pain after a cold circumcision.
Hot skin, cold whip.
Hot hands, cold grip.
Hot city, cold ghetto.
Hot calls, but no memo.
Hot rapper with no demo.
Hot baller with no c-notes.
Hot thoughts, cold emotions.
Hot theories and cold notions.
Hot models with their cold body motions.
Hot love before the warm heart ceases.
Hot hatred 'fore the cold heart seizes.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Dreamscapes of a falsified intimate paradise
Magnified by the wishes of
A lost individual,
A time or a place which would seem remedial,
A sleep or a time of great waiting and fading,
Where the mind does decay but the soul still there lay.
A time of great celebratory love which comes from the love of three,
Only a few of many shall see
What is offered to thee.
Though opportunity given to all,
Where some shall climb and win this wall
Others shall try and shall indefinitely fall,
Where others shall lay idle and not try at all.
Elysium waits at thy gate oh youth,
Though not during thy rest,
But till after at best.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Sweeter still.
Tickling the tongue,
Numbing the body,
Surrounding the pillar,
Like a fruit dipped in sugar.

Sweetness and glory,
Morning or noon,
Noon to the dusk time,
From the moon to the Sun.

As an Aquarius climbs her Walls,
Walkers begin to shiver,
Teeth begin to clench.
Eyes roll back into the mind,
Oh but yet dig deeper
For any treasure we should find.

Humidity, with no rays.
A high, but no purple haze.
Precipitation with no sign of clouds,
A body of water in a body of water,
To be released onto this silk.
Like a lamp to be rubbed
There is only one wish,
If time could simply rewind.
Sweeter still.
Aiden Williams Apr 2013
Music must be a lady,
She's so sultry in the way
That she moves her harmonies
Upon my ear drums.

How she caresses my body,
As it moves to her beat.
Such elegant beauty,
She puts a bounce in my step,
Whenever I am in her presence.

Young miss,
Never seems to age,
For her face ever changes,
Some more beautiful than the next.
Some have less to be desired.

Though she always wins me back,
With the passion I lack.
I think I L.O.V.E. you,
This connection between us both
Will stand the test of time.
Any doubts I had
Let me make it up with love
As we lay in this bed,
Your infectious rhythm
Pollutes my mind,
And when we kiss,
The lights go out--
When we touch
Your sweet chords
Give a deep ****** energy.

So many times I've been proven wrong,
Your body always on the tip of my tongue.
Layered with such intricacies
I cannot help but revel in the beauty
That my mind’s eye sees.
Aiden Williams Apr 2013
Music must be a lady,
She's so sultry in the way
That she moves her harmonies
Upon my ear drums.

How she caresses my body,
As it moves to her beat.
Such elegant beauty,
She puts a bounce in my step,
Whenever I am in her presence.

Young miss,
Never seems to age,
For her face ever changes,
Some more beautiful than the next.
Some have less to be desired.

Though she always wins me back,
With the passion I lack.
I think I L.O.V.E. you,
This connection between us both
Will stand the test of time.
Any doubts I had
Let me make it up with love
As we lay in this bed,
Your infectious rhythm
Pollutes my mind,
And when we kiss,
The lights go out--
When we touch
Your sweet chords
Give a deep ****** energy.

So many times I've been proven wrong,
Your body always on the tip of my tongue.
Layered with such intricacies
I cannot help but revel in the beauty
That my mind’s eye sees.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
higher still
touching the sky,
on towers of finite currency.
How long does it last,
what is it worth
to be a member
of the bourgeoisie.

Head above water,
just getting by
ascribed or achieved wealth,
still living a lie.

Wealth above others
a sacrificial chamber
not what it's portrayed to be
but filled with lust,
loss and danger.

Faces of dignitary,
Laugh as they're spent.
While you invest in the world
and compare what you rent.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
Down in the dark,
What some call an art,
Really just a start
To keep her from falling apart.
Brought up to make her decisions smart.
Doing what she does puts pressure on the heart,
Though it goes unnoticed like a sly, snide remark.
For most men's eyes her body hits the mark,
These men in her eyes would not be disinclined to bark.
Still the dance continues until one day she has a spot to park.
A simple means to an end
Don't get caught in the wind,
Not on the dark and the poles for her freedom depend
Anyone please but her Daddy to send
The suit she wore out of the womb is likely to offend.
The curves of her body don't seem to cease,
From the red eyes of the men that seek a release,
Pains from the past that don't ever cease,
Even dreams provide not one moments peace.
Only her fulfilled dream can make the dance halt and cease.
Aiden Williams Nov 2012
Down in the dark,
What some call an art,
Really just a start
To keep her from falling apart.
Brought up to make her decisions smart.
Doing what she does puts pressure on the heart,
Though it goes unnoticed like a sly, snide remark.
For most men's eyes her body hits the mark,
These men in her eyes would not be disinclined to bark.
Still the dance continues until one day she has a spot to park.
A simple means to an end
Don't get caught in the wind,
Not on the dark and the poles for her freedom depend
Anyone please but her Daddy to send
The suit she wore out of the womb is likely to offend.
The curves of her body don't seem to cease,
From the red eyes of the men that seek a release,
Pains from the past that don't ever cease,
Even dreams provide not one moments peace.
Only her fulfilled dream can make the dance halt and cease.
Aiden Williams May 2013
Love like wine --
Love like wine.
A love so sweet
Like grape from the vine,
From the vineyards of passion,
Where the fruits are plump;
Plump and fat,
Growing as the sun glistens on their skin.
No evil can breed in these roots,
For when the lights are dim,
The moonlight is a protector --
And love is never mute.

Love like wine --
Love like mine.
Organic, not fabricated
Though it may not stand the test of time,
For when my body decays,
And goes into another phase
Love cannot be sent --
There is no one to give it.
But may you ever read it,
And forever feel it.

A Sun upon your skin,
To the waves of your soul.
Caressing your heart,
Perfecting its art --
A wine tasting class
To taste a love of the future,
Making love in the future,
To share love of the past.
Aiden Williams May 2013
Love like wine --
Love like wine.
A love so sweet
Like grape from the vine,
From the vineyards of passion,
Where the fruits are plump;
Plump and fat,
Growing as the sun glistens on their skin.
No evil can breed in these roots,
For when the lights are dim,
The moonlight is a protector --
And love is never mute.

Love like wine --
Love like mine.
Organic, not fabricated
Though it may not stand the test of time,
For when my body decays,
And goes into another phase
Love cannot be sent --
There is no one to give it.
But may you ever read it,
And forever feel it.

A Sun upon your skin,
To the waves of your soul.
Caressing your heart,
Perfecting its art --
A wine tasting class
To taste a love of the future,
Making love in the future,
To share love of the past.
Aiden Williams Sep 2013
How do you make love?
It cannot be fabricated,
or violated,
But is to be vindicated.
Maybe perhaps,
We should have waited.

So how do you make love --
From the back
a view of what is now behind you,
Love made,
But with cheap materials
Nothing that can last,
Regret from the past.

On the top of what seems to be
A sweet serenade
On a Greek palisade,
The sunlight feeding the love you had made,
To only be shrouded by the moons grey shade.

Making love,
An experience
To be experienced
Through the love of another.
To create the blessing of physical love,
Found new in the rhythms created by the beat of baby,
Unmatchable love made by unconditional lovers.
Aiden Williams Oct 2012
I'm just telling you man to man,
I don't know what was in your plan,
But I know she told me,
That you ain't nothing on me,
So listen here my homie,
You might as well leave.
No she doesn't want you,
Nothing you can do is brand new,
From a cliff your love it's over,
She's just glad she ain't conceive.
Glad she ain't conceive,
Glad she ain't conceive,
How or when she has a baby,
She's just glad it ain't your seed.
Aiden Williams Oct 2012
And then there was one,
From once when there was two.
A character in darkness,
Much in the same way as your likeness.
Foot passed before the other,
But then foot stepped under,
From up above eyes spotted thee,
Above the others who also walked under sea.
Ropes angled at stars.
But where do they lead?
You, your mother's seed,
Exist for a need.
The way past.
It is not wide but narrow,
The skies more than the seas are not deep but shallow.
Food sold and not eaten,
Just to make cake.
Horsepower, 28"s and heating
That's what is at stake.
Minds corrupted by "need"
Wise words they choose not to heed.
Encouragement given to seed,
To follow but never to lead.
Age given before their time,
Influenced by lyric and rhyme.
Many climb the ropes,
Many of them fall,
Many reach the skies of gold,
But then fail to love at all.
Aiden Williams Dec 2012
And then there was one,
From once when there was two.
A character in darkness,
Much in the same way as your likeness.
Foot passed before the other,
But then foot stepped under,
From up above eyes spotted thee,
Above the others who also walked under sea.
Ropes angled at stars.
But where do they lead?
You, your mother's seed,
Exist for a need.
The way past.
It is not wide but narrow,
The skies more than the seas are not deep but shallow.
Food sold and not eaten,
Just to make cake.
Horsepower, 28"s and heating
That's what is at stake.
Minds corrupted by "need"
Wise words they choose not to heed.
Encouragement given to seed,
To follow but never to lead.
Age given before their time,
Influenced by lyric and rhyme.
Many climb the ropes,
Many of them fall,
Many reach the skies of gold,
But then fail to love at all.
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