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Years pass by
like how weekends go,
As Sunday bids goodbye,
Monday jeerfully comes along.
People eventually,
They eventually come and go,
Some forever, while others
make it seem like forever.

And for all that is to say,
Nothing has been said,
As time, the red-handed villain
continues to run,
Run free—wreaking spruced ruins in its wake.
How do I let go,
How do I forget?
Deeds that stoop low,
Desires that need be met?

Head, you should have known,
Hand, you should forget,
One day shall it be shown,
Could I have been saved yet?

Lust is but a smoke,
Not one I that could blow,
Sinful is this bloke,
I pray this soon will go.
I want to stop so badly but maybe not badly enough, tragically.
A rotting pile of flesh,
Heavy downpour on damp soils,
A stone marked with hammer and chisel,
Families sniffling to wet handkerchiefs,
With critters down under,
awaiting to prey.
And a soul is laid to rest,
After the stormy haze that is life.

No, I don't want to die alone.
As silky as your palms feel,
And these feelings I can never shield,
All the castles in clouds that we can build,
Like we always have the time to ****.

I'd love to enjoy you in waves,
The only kind of saltiness I crave,
An arm and a leg would I have gave,
Even when they say I'm in a self-dug grave.

Drown me so in your pool of eyes,
For I know those maelstroms hold no lies,
Staring at them, as I smile and sigh,
How I wish they’d never shed a tear and cry.
I'm catching feelings for you, sigh
Sometimes when I bathe,
I wish that the cold, running
water can seep right through,
And put out the ember
that sizzles for acceptance.

And when I look at
the foggy mirror right after,
An unexplained angst
overpowers myself,
Yet, it's unfathomed as to why.

And when the warm hug of
a towel envelops me,
Half my heart hopes
that it could dry the still running tears
of yesterday, too.

And when I put on a crisp
clean shirt,
Then lie on the bed,
I close my eyes, and say,
"It'll be if He says it is to be".
For one sin, you
knelt, you wept and
promised no recurrences,
You told Him,
You've had enough.

But you wake up
the next morning, and
put on the same shirt with
stains of yesterday,
Though you scrubbed it till
your hands blister.

Promises of purity are sweet,
But the vices you dabble in,
They're decadent.
And thus you indulge,
A note of remembrance to myself, and us all.
Would you believe me,
If I told you,
That I'm in love with a ghost?
She who knocks on
pulsating, red doors,
But absent when I open them?

Yes, I'm deeply in love,
With an ethereal figure
who leaves her front door ajar,
And puts a huge "Welcome!" sign there,
But expects no guests.

Yes, she's a gentle specter,
Whose intangible fingers
****** my cheeks,
But when I reach out
to her, all my fingers grasp is thin air.
And I, left, derided with vanity.
A side note to someone I love.
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