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 Apr 2015 ahmo
Sophie Herzing
If I painted a picture of you
I think I’d call it Daniel and his Favorite Cigarette
and I’d delay passing the sugar
because you couldn’t wait four more seconds
for your daughter to finish her story.
I would buy all of the newspapers in town
with the crummy headline Fauster & Brown
Up in Sales for 3rd Week Straight
and burn them
all the way through to the sports section
just to watch your favorite team’s numbers
go up in flames. I would rewrite
all those Father’s Day cards, remove the empty seat
in the third row on the left from my poetry reading
that I had reserved, stop putting new batteries
in the remote when you complains. But of course

I won’t. I’ll just make a scene at Sunday brunch
after we finish saying prayers to my dead big brother
at his grave, that dash like a tattoo on my bones—
Yes, Dad, I could have worn a tie
but I like the fact that I still smell like yesterday
cause I know my brother will never know
the scent of tomorrow. I will only curse
between sips of coffee and I’ll stroke my sisters hair
so she knows at least someone has been listening
these past ten years.
 Apr 2015 ahmo
There are constellations between your teeth and you have starlight wrapped around your tongue, there is moonlight in your eyes but sunlight in your smile
Every time you breath you inhale glitter and oxygen and powdered sugar, the scent of grass and strawberries and hope
Flowers bloom between your ribs and wind through the joints in your hips, your knees, your wrists
There is a whole menagerie in your stomach, butterflies and pelicans and Bengal tigers
Your skin is crushed velvet, silk and lace, encasing a skeleton of steel and iron, silver filigree
Your hands are soft as cotton, rose petals, strong as the will of all your ancestors.
When you die you will melt back into the earth, disintegrate and fall back to where you came from
You will be absorbed back into the atmosphere and the universe will swallow you up.
It will rearrange your atoms and produce something completely you but completely different.
You are one of a kind, you are the entire universe.
You will never be again, but you will never stop being.
title adapted from Woman by Joy Williams
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Ian Canavan
The stars and moon
do shine upon
our sleepless souls
dream as one
sunshine soothes
and darkness hides
behind your eyes
lie deep desires
 Apr 2015 ahmo
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Out of minds
of today
The old haunts
Slip away
Fitting into place
No longer a dread
Nor dismay

Behind the old walls
Where the laughter
Once stalled
A light of luminous minds
Bright and brilliant decline

To rehash the deviation
Of function

And so the shadow
On time remains...
 Apr 2015 ahmo
Once a fire
Burning within
Two hearts

The consumption
Of the psyche
The ashes  
Where they part

Their's was a world
Of glee and grace
Hearts that beat
At a faster pace

Even though
No heart broke
Upon white lies
Their conscience

Words that fall
From lips that tremble
The eyes of hearts
Blinded in time
We were there
So far from here
In a better
Vanished mind
 Apr 2015 ahmo
May be
 Apr 2015 ahmo
'twas an era
long haired boys in bell-bottoms tie dyeing getting high
on peace, love , humanity. From
Greenwich Village the derivations of cool
ask Malcolm X  about a white man?
There in Isle's of Wight
a Human be-in
Avandaro, NZ
all over the world a cannabis peace
A higher Mardi Gras.
Is the origin, earlier?
Der Wandervogel, perhaps.
I will, no matter the beginning,
dream in kaleidoscopic colored visions,
Lsd hallucinations, flashbacks,
of what this world, with
less greed, less war,
more the hippies vision,
may be.
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